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Welcome to my Leo page which is just one of the many hundreds and may I presume thousands of web pages that are dedicated to this blond boy. These days, everyone seems to remember him as the doomed Jack Dawson on that ever so famous ship that went down called the TITANIC. But with TITANIC fever on the down, Leo can at least be glad that the movie brought him world wide fame, recognition and a poster of himself in just about every girl's room or locker. *Leo's Bio is under construction.

Go to Leo's Gallery

Check out pictures ranging from general photos to scenes from Leo's various movies. There are pictures from TITANIC, The Man In The Iron Mask, Romeo and Juliet, The Basketball Diaries and more......

Go to Leo's Credits

Learn about Leo's movie and television credits. Did you remember that Leo got his first big start on the ABC sitcom 'Growing Pains' as a homeless boy named Luke?

Go to Where's Leo At ?

Want to know what Leo has been up to? Well read up on some (emphasis on some, there's a lot of Leo news out there on the net but honestly it's mostly rumours) of the news I have found concerning this blond boy.

Go to Other Links

I wanna leave! Check this section out for Leonardo DiCaprio Websites online and don't worry because there are tons of them! If you don't want to visit another Leo page then I suggest you check out my Main Page which has links to my Nick Carter, Justin Timberlake, Devon Sawa and Joshua Jackson Pages.

This Ring Around Leonardo DiCaprio site is owned by Torie

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