Adam's Movie Page
Where you find out about the movies
Welcome to Adam's Movie Page! This is where I tell you about what movies are soon coming to home video, and give you a small description and/or recommendation of the movies I have seen. Also you can check out my video game reviews and my list of favorite movies (also with descriptions). All of my Favorites have my seal of approval so you should go and check some of these out at your local video store.
New Releases Page - a listing of movies that have just been or will soon be released to video. Anything that I have seen will have a small description that will accompany it.
My Favorites Listing - a listing of some of my favorite movies that I could just watch over and over again. Also including a description of the movie and just why I love it.
My Video Game Review - a listing of some of my favorite video games, upcoming ones, and why I like certain games. (mostly N64 games, sorry)
The New Release page will be updated at least once a month and the other pages will be edited when I get sick of them. I strongly encourage your feedback so email me and I will get back to you if possible. Whether it's a question or comment about a review, or question about a movie not listed send me an email, it's quick and easy!
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