
  Final Year Project...

Hydrogen Engine Conversion


I will be posting news and developments on this project below as and when they happen.  Please see HERE for an overview of the project.  If you have any comments, feel free to EMAIL ME.  For those of you who use web-based mail, copy and paste Projects@ollytech.co.uk into your send field.


27/03/04 - Almost finished off the code - just need to implement the PC interface feature

20/03/04 - Safety inspection took place on 15/03 - no real progress due to exams this week 

- photos of H2 bits -1- -2- -3- 

03/03/04 - Code is getting close to working reliably - should be ready to run once safety inspection has been completed!

01/03/04 - Installed Hydrogen cylinder, regulators, pipework etc in the engine cell area - Safety inspection arranged

**/02/04 - Have been working on code - nothing new, just making it work - some pictures of the populated PCB  -1-  -2-   

11/02/04 - Implemented A/D code - now have O2, MAP and throttle position displayed on LCD

10/02/04 - constructed wiring loom for O2, MAP, TPS, ignition and injector.

07/02/04 - Main PCB populated and after a thorough visual inspection is powered up, and IT WORKS!

05/02/04 - Main PCB made and ready for populating

23/01/04 - replacement chip for programmer has arrived!

21/01/04 - Have finally got hold of O2 sensor, H2 regulator, Injector and fittings - still waiting on MAP sensor

20/01/04 - Mid-Term Presentation - (need powerpoint) - covering project aims, achievements and targets

15/01/04 - Working on PC end of PC-micro interface for transfering fuel/ignition maps to micro memory.

11/01/04 - Chip Programmer has stopped working!! Have ordered replacement controller for it.

Christmas Holiday - Built PCBs for LCD and ignition system, have worked on code to make it more stable. 

05-12/12/03 - Have spent several days observing the innstallation and set up of gas conversions on a variety of engines

02/12/03 - Have recieved confirmation of prices for hydrogen injector and other accessories from HKL

02/12/03 - Speed indictaion is almost working! Heres a little video clip (.asf  format, 146Kb) still a little unstable - working on it

28/11/03 - Term 1 progress report submission

26/11/03 - Ignition system interfaced to microcontroller - works fine - will now be able to use timing light to verify timing accuracy 

23/11/03 - Started to compile Bibliography and References

19/11/03 - Started to test engine speed code/model - page will be up soon

18/11/03 - Some information on the use of Hydrogen in internal combustion engines

18/11/03 - Currently developing code to determine engine speed and angle using the below model

17/11/03 - Built a model to simulate the rotational speeds of the crankshaft/camshaft in order to generate the signals that I hope to get from the engine in order to test the control unit in the lab before bolting it on the engine

12/11/03 - Went to see Stewart Hopper from HKL Gas Power who kindly gave me some advice and will hopefully be supplying the hydrogen injector and other related parts

10/11/03 - Some photos of the engine

03/11/03 - Coming soon - theory behind running an internal combustion engine on hydrogen

03/11/03 - New page on my choice of microcontroller

29/10/03 - Went into lab and got software installed, equipment set up, components ordered etc..

28/10/03 - Finally have had a lab allocated to us - might get some work done one of these days....

28/10/03 - Had email from guy at www.minihydrogen.com directing me www.folkecenter.net for a hydrogen injector, and www.fuelcellsensor.com for hydrogen sensors - Thank you Mikael Sloth - Will be contacting them shortly.

25/10/03 – Some initial number crunching here

25/10/03 – First update!! – Project has the OK.  Safety inspection has happened, but will need another once gas bottle is installed etc. Still need a lab to work in, but that should be sorted out on Monday (27th).  Ordered some components so I can start building the control unit.  Attempting to source a hydrogen injector – no luck yet.