Missy's Richard Marx page

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A wonderful violinist: David Ragsdale. Send me e-mail.


                     "No more candlelights,
                       No more purple skies
                       No one to be near
                       As my heart slowly dies."

--From the beautiful "One More Time," on "Days in Avalon"


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What's the Story?

* Are you ready to go to Avalon?  We RM fans are!! "Days in Avalon," Richard's sixth album and first on
his label of Signal 21 Records, is due out Tuesday, October 24th.  This long awaited CD includes the following songs:
Days in Avalon / Shine / Someone Special / Almost Everything / The Edge of Forever / Power of You And Me / One More Time / Waiting on Your Love / More Than a Mystery / Boy Next Door / Too Early to Be Over / Straight From My Heart.
In addition, a bonus MP3 can be downloaded from the Emazing site.  Also, the entire album is available for you (for a limited time) to sample via Yahoo, as well as a 30 min. video concert performance.  Click here to visit.

* Richard gets 'in sync' with some younger fans: If you've heard the song, "This I Promise You" all over the radio waves and think something about it is familiar, it's probably because you're a RM fan!  Richard wrote and produced the song in his Chicago studio with *NSYNC.  RM fans hope this major collaboration, along with those in the likes of Shane Minor, Shedaisy, Kenny Rogers, and 98 Degrees (see below) will help propel Richard's career in new, exciting and successful directions.  Watch for the CD single to be released soon.

* Nick & 'Rick': Nick Lachey of 98 Degrees and Richard recently teamed up on a song called "The Only Thing That Matters." This lovely song can be found on the latest from 98 Degrees, "Revelation," only at Target.  Be sure to support
Target -- and their support of Richard and 98!

* Richard recently did a duet with Sarah Brightman. It's called "The Last Words You Said," and appears on a recently-released CD single from Taiwan, which also happens to include a song first performed by another of my favorites, Kansas. The duet may also be on the upcoming Sarah Brightman CD, "Eden," due to be released on April 20. Look for this song on the CD.

* Song Clip!!! To hear what one of Richard's latest masterpieces sounds like, jump to Maryati's page. This lovely song is called "Slipping Away". The picture above is on the CD single for this song.

I recently scanned Richard's dedication to his father from the Japanese Greatest Hits CD. Take a look if you haven't seen it.

Are you a European RM fan? Visit Claire's RM page to get in touch with other RM fans in Europe.

Richard released a Greatest Hits CD as his last album with Capitol Records. Look for it at your local music store. It's comprised of 16 songs, including most of Richard's singles from the first four albums as well as "Angel's Lullaby" from the "For Our Children, Too" CD and "Touch of Heaven" from "Flesh and Bone."  The Asian version of this CD is hot news right now, with two new songs included--"Slipping Away" and "Thanks to You."  The first song is presumably about Richard's father, while the second is about his mother. For some interesting comments about these songs and lyrics for them, go to Dolly's page.

Richard performed a duet with Donna Lewis for the animated movie "Anastasia." It's called "At the Beginning." If you haven't seen this movie, what are you waiting for? Go discover this fairy-tale story. The song was released as a single, and on the "Anastasia" soundtrack.

"Repeat Offenders" and other Marx fans received bad news about Richard's father, Dick.  He passed away on August 12th, 1997. He will be sorely missed by Richard's family, friends, and fans for his talent and the special mark he left on Richard's music.

* Lately several ROers have been showing off their artistic sides by sharing drawings/sketches they have done of Richard or RM-related stuff. Some of these can be found on Majid's page. As I have done a sketch of RM in the past which is no longer mine, I thought I'd try doing another one though it has been sometime since I've felt "inspired" to pick up a pencil to draw. Click here to see a rough drawing of the F&B cover. Let me know if you like it.

* "Flesh and Bone" -- Rush to your local music store and pick up "Flesh and Bone"!! This is Richard's most amazing piece of work yet. Don't be surprised if you end up "breathless" after just one listen. : ) Look for winners of the "Grammy in the Schools" contest inside the sleeve! Two Marx fans I know are included: Jeni Pitcock from Tennessee, and Ann Lesley Hamvas from Missouri. Congrats, ladies, on making it into the CD! To read about our chat with Richard for this cause, see the "More News" page.

If you're interested in bonus tracks, you might want to order the Japanese import, which includes three of them. Or you might be interested in the Canadian version, my personal favorite, with two appearances from popular Canadian vocalists, Roch Voisine (see below) and Lara Fabian. "Thoughtscape" is a good place to order them. Luther Vandross, Fee Waybill, and Maurice White are involved in this CD.

After listening to this album for a couple of years, I'm still not tired of it. Richard's voice sounds amazing. There is such a variety in his vocals on F&B. My favorite song is "Touch of Heaven" but with so many great songs, it was very hard to choose just one.  For Richard's comments on the CD as well as mine, go to my F&B page.  This album as I mentioned is R&B-influenced, but is not one style thoroughout.

* Richard has recorded a song with the popular French Canadian musician Roch Voisine. It's called "Chaque jour de ta vie" ("Every Day of Your Life") and it's very reminiscent musically of Richard's "Take This Heart." This song can be found on the Canadian version of "Flesh and Bone" as well as on Roch's album "Kissing Rain." To hear a clip, visit Matt's Richard Marx page (in "Links" section). Here's more info and lyrics.

For more news.... click here.

Want to head to the official page?

Get 'official' with Richard!

If you're interested in joining the Richard Marx Fan Club, contact president Gerri Karr at: gkarr@direct.ca
or check out a link at the RM page. 

Write me if you're a Richard Marx fan and/or collector! You can reach me by e-mail at: angelslullaby@geocities.com or missyr@repeatoffenders.com. I will try to get back to you as soon as I can, but my teaching keeps me busy.
Thanks to all of the Marx fans whose links are on this page, especially Mr. Gaitsch for being Richard's friend and a ROer. ; )

And last but not least, thanks to Richard for the immense pleasure of hearing you sing. 

"Haunt Me Tonight," by
Richard Marx