10) A Sakura Wars resemblance
For those of you who don't know, Kosuke Fujishima also did the character
design for Sakura Wars. After watching the OVA, I couldn't help but feel
some of the characters in Sakura Wars (Sakura Taisen) were originally designs
from Ah! My Goddess.... click here to find out. (There are a few other
resemblances, but they aren't AMG!)
11) Runes Runes and more Runes!
We all should know by now that the three Goddesses were all taken
from Norse Mythology, that Peorth was derived from a Nordic rune, and by
now there would be something else to do with Norse Mythology. Well, enter
this link to find out what I've been trying to decipher in one such case...
Well, well, well. Here it is. Another fine explanation from
Mr. Satoshi Amagai (who runs the Ah!
Megami-sama Overanalysis site.)
The policeman is Constable Ryoutsu from "Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari-Kouen-mae
Hashutsu-sho" (rough translation, "This is Katsushika-ward Kameari-park
Police station"), a hugely popular police comedy comic that seems endless.
Mask Madness!
Next to him is Q-chan from "Obake no Q-taro", another manga (by Fujiko Fujio) and TV show that was produced a few times (again b/w original, at least one color remake). (Identified by Satoshi Amagai also).
A row down, you will recognize "Kamen Rider" or "Masked Rider". A live action show with original manga by Ishimori Shotaro. Elsewhere in this episode, there is a reference to "Kani Bubbler" (Crab Bubbler), which was one of the more obscure monster that appeared in the original Kamen Rider show (episode 19, I believe). (Identified by Satoshi Amagai also).
You will recognize "Neko bus" from "Tonari no Totoro" probably, but
right below him is Beshi who is a character in Akatsuka Fujio's various
manga series, especially "Mohretsu Atarou." (Identified by Satoshi
Amagai also).
Keiichi's little box of junk
The many (other) faces of Belldandy
Captaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin Planet!
Afternoon References!
Other references :
In book 17 of the manga, Skuld re-constructed Banpei's love interest
(a stationary greeting robot) into Robo-girl. At one point, she tried to
(unsuccessfully) fire a pair of missiles from.. *ahem*... her chest. (which
were actually her power sockets) I found this bit of info by a fluke, where
an old '80s anime called Tranzor Z had a female robot called Aphrodite
A (what a name.) which (actually did) fire missiles from its chest....
Artwork Quirks
(This section was also provided by the Other Side of Ah! My Goddess)
![]() Tails are obvious. ![]() ![]() Tails are missing in image on the right. ![]() They've returned. |
In chapter 73 and 74 of volume 13. Urd is wearing this knock-out dress
that has logo and insignia of British Royal Navy. Well, but there is a
bit of problem Mr. Fujishima ran into when he drew picture. (I don't
know what exactly happened, but I think he just slipped... ^_^)
If you see very carefully on panel #1, you will see that Urd has a striped band on her left thigh, but in panel #2, the band on her thigh is gone!!! Then it reappears agan on her left thigh, in panel #3, panel #4. In addition, the propellar like accessory on her back disappears on panel #3, then comes back on panel #4. Another thing I find it quite unusual is that Urd is wearing the same dress in chapter 74 as in chapter 73 when everyone else is wearing different dress. There is a mention of time change in content, Skuld told Sentaro that he came over everyday, (not really complaining though ^_^). That means it has been at least two days or more has passed since the chapter 73. Maybe Mr. Fujishima like the dress so much he decide to use it again... well, who knows. Off the topic, Skuld also mentions in this chpater that she does not
go to school here, meaning on earth. Does that mean they have school
of Goddess/God up there where they TEACH you to become a Goddess/God?
Something to think about... ^_^
Opening song : Scenes and appearances - Keiichi slipping on a can and Belldandy calling him into her arms, Skuld on a high tech broom, Keiichi's reaction and the resulting stars around him (Belldandy kisses Keiichi instead of hugging him though in the OVA), Mara, Yamano Satoko, Banpei-kun RX, Chieko the Memory Spirit/Body, the Evil Urn, the Booster demons, Mr. Rat (named Ganchan in the mini Goddess adventures), the Earth Spirit 3rd class (Mr. Rat), the lecturers (but one of them makes an appearance in OVA 4), Diana Lacrede (sorry, my chinese text doesn't allow for very accurate translations for English names...) and David Puteni (those go-kart racing people from the Los Angeles Institute of Technology L.A.I.T).
Book 1 : (All in OVA 1) The Call, Belldandy's appearance, The Wish (Quote : "I wish a Goddess like you could stay by my side forever!), Keiichi being kicked out of the Men's Dorm and finding a place to stay, Finding the Temple, Megumi arrives, Megumi coming over everyday, The competition with Sayoko begins!
Book 2 : Belldandy's quote from OVA 3 "The Goddess of Luck doesn't smile upon those who are only intent upon winning!" with accompanying scene, OVA 3's The Super Motorcross meet, Megumi suggesting the Beach date, Part of OVA 2's The First beach date, Sayoko saying Belldandy is a bother to Keiichi, The malfunctioning of the Ultimate Force (kyose ryoku), The video tape and Urd arrive, Urd's punishment by Kami-sama, OVA 4 & 5's The gift of a ring to Belldandy.
Book 3 : OVA 1's The great homewarming party. (Instead of being for a home warming session though, this is when Keiichi's studying for an exam.), Aoshima's roses for Belldandy, Urd's dressing for the Super Motorcross (Look at carefully in the background (Page 72) at the center of the top frame during the recruitment festival before Sayoko's appearance.)
Book 4 : OVA 3's The Creation of Aoshima Formula, or the Four Wheels
Club (4WC). OVA 2's Keiichi sudden feelings for Sayoko, the screaming torment
afterwards as he tries to shake off the magic's effects.
(In the manga, it was Mara's orb of love balance that caused Keiichi
to fall for Sayoko temporarily, then tell Belldandy to "leave" before suddenly
crying out that he didn't want her to leave. In the OVA, it was Urd's magic
potion that caused Keiichi to fall for Sayoko and tell Belldandy to "leave"
before suddenly crying out, running to the beach, and finally recovered.
Actually, there's not that much of a difference between Urd and Mara, come
to think of it.... ^_^U)
Book 5 : OVA 2's Skuld's Arrival (But Keiichi replaces Urd in it.), Keiichi's quote from OVA 2 : "I feel fortunate with you Goddesses around....", OVA 4's Skuld's Bug Catcher (that rice cooker thing), OVA 1's The near-miss car accident, OVA 5's Suspension of Urd's Goddess License.
Book 6 : OVA 1's The Temple's reconstruction, Skuld's "Helping" to (re)build the bike. (But in the manga, she fails.)
Book 7 : OVA 4 and 5's Belldandy's knitting of a sweater for Keiichi, The Gateway to Heaven and the Return to Heaven (although Belldandy replaces Urd), The Ultimate Magic Circle,
That's it!
Observations : Names and References
in the series
Opening : This section was possible only because
of the Ah!
Megami-sama Overanalysis site. Permission has been granted to use his
section. Content has been edited slightly. Thanks, Satoshi-san!
Goddess Names : These will be covered in the Case Study site.
Humans' Names :
Tamiya, Ootaki, Aoshima, Hasegawa, Imai and Fujimi are all names
from plastic model manufacturing companies, like the names in Magic Knights
Rayearth and DragonBall Z (one of which is cars and the other almost anything
you can think of!).
The 3 Ninjas :
Kodama, Hikari and Nozomi are all the names of the shinkansens (Bullet
Trains) in Japan.
Other Names :
Apparently, Kosuke Fujishima likes to honour some people by putting
their names into his series under a different kanji (those characters originally
derived from the Chinese language).
Quoted from the Ah! Megami-sama Overanalysis site :
The most famous one is perhaps Honda
Chieko who appears in ch. 48 (AMS vol 8), also a cameo appearance
in opening credits and has a song in Tokuten-oh CD. Real Honda Chieko is
a voice actress, who incidentally sings the song in Tokuten-oh.
Hasegawa Sora whose name is similar to Hasegawa Mokei modelling company is also a lyricist who has done lyrics for most of the AMG songs.
Yoshida Shohei is the bookwormish boy who appears in ch. 42 (AMS vol 6, OMG volume 4 part 3). The real Yoshida Shohei is Fujishima-sensei's manager from Koudansha publishing company (he'll be in charge of collecting manuscripts and doing other liaison duties between the company and the artist). He can also be heard as one of the vocalist in "Tatakae! Banpei-kun RX!", a song in Tokuten-oh CD.
Yamagata Mitsuru, Nekomi Tech's baseball team captain (AMS vol 10, ch 58). Probably stems from Hanagata Mitsuru, a famous baseball manga/anime character in "Kyojin no Hoshi", which was an extremely popular series in late '60s.
Iwata Mitsuo is the real (?) name of Mr. Rat, revealed in the mini-story series "The Adventures of Mini-Goddesses." One may guess that the rat munching on something in OAV 2 might be him. Real Iwata Mitsuo is a voice actor who incidentally plays Mr. Rat in Tokuten-oh CD. His role list isn't extensive, but he has the lead role in "Goldenboy" OAV series.
(R.M.F's note : In the Mini-Goddess adventures, the voice actor is Iwata Mitsuo, but Mr. Rat's name has been changed to Gan-chan, however still retaining the a Kanji found in Iwata Mitsuo's name. Incidentally, the kanji used for Gan-chan's "gan" is the word used for boulder in Chinese.)
Observation : The things in the manga compared to past TV Shows in Japan.
Urd's "The Terrible Master" Robot :
The show on the big screen TV that inspired Urd to
destroy Keiichi's house with a robot (AMG manga ch 35 vol 5, Dark Horse
Terrible master Urd part 2) is Ultra Seven,
a live action show that aired around 1968. (date approximate) Similar to
Ultraman in concept, Ultra Seven was/is considered to be a lot more cerebral
and appealing to more mature audiences (well, not that mature).
So much so that it didn't do as well as Ultraman (kids found it boring)
and Tsuburaya production stayed away from the Ultraman genre for several
years. The robot shown is a slightly modified King
Joe, which is I believe the very first Gattai-robot in history,
being formed by fusing 4 spacecrafts. In the original AMG!, Ultra Seven
is uttering "Heaa!!", a meaningless but typical Ultra Seven vocalization,
but in the Dark Horse version, he is uttering "Curses!". This is not inappropriate.
King Joe was the first foe to defeat Ultra Seven, and in that scene, Ultra
Seven is in dire trouble. I wonder if people of Studio Proteus knew this?
My hats off, in that case!
Incidentally, the hero's method of transformation
to Ultra Seven was by putting on a special goggle, and in AMG manga 32,
Skuld utters the same word ("Duwa!!") when she puts on her HUD.
Urd's favorite show : Big Z
This is the TV show that Urd is watching as Skuld
is making Banpei-kun (ch 43 in vol 7 of AMG manga (Another reference about
it can be found in Dark Horse's Miss Keiichi series). It is of course,
X, a classic by the late master Osamu Tezuka (comics as well as
serialized TV airing 1964-65). The show was about a hero who would inject
a drug to make his body as tough as steel, and also to enlarge to gigantic
size, the strength and size depending on dosage (5 units being maximum).
Later on, the drug was changed to an inbibable form. Either way, it is
no wonder that drug addict/maniac Urd loves the show. It is tailor made
for her tastes.
Banpei-kun Marine Parts "Blue 6-go"
A most esoteric reference, but my favorite, "Blue
6-go" (appearing in ch 50, vol 8 of ams, also featured in dark horse AMG
part IV vol 2 cover) obviously stems from Ao no Roku-go.
This was a serialized manga that ran in Shonen Sunday in late 60s by Satoru
Ozawa (all this must be taking up valuable memory space in my head!) about
futuristic submarine combat. His earlier series, "Submarine 707" was also
a classic, but there was more longitudinal plot in Blue 6. However, due
to Mr. Ozawa's health, the series ended early, much to my everlasting disappointment.
The whole series was like a never-ending version of underwater combat scenes
from The Hunt for the Red October, and was in many ways a precursor to
the style of space combat in later manga and anime. One of the story in
Blue 6 is the story of "Yamato wonder", in which bad guys repair the old
Japanese navy battleship Yamato as an 'unsinkable' submarine. Sound familiar?
This was written years before Reiji Matsumoto brought us Space
Cruiser Yamato.
The Biblical description of Armaggedon
In AMG ch 35 vol 5 (Dark Horse AMG Terrible master
Urd vol 2), God is describing to Belldandy what would happen if the Lord
of Terror returns.
Earth shall be rent asunder and shall rock upon
its axis. After 7 days of fire all shall be destroyed.
7 days of fire must be a reference to Nausicaa
of Valley of Winds (By Studio Ghibli), but rock upon its axis (chijiku
wa nejimagari..)? Hey wait a minute, that first sentence is the opening
narration for Conan, the future boy (whose
OP by the way had the most terrific bass riff in the history of OPs), at
least in Japanese it is. I haven't seen the English version of Conan to
see if that was preserved. In other words, this little dialogue is in homage
to the great master Hayao Miyazaki dai dai-sensei.
A little monster doll in the shed
In the episode "Final exam" (AMG ch 19 vol 3), when
Urd is looking for a broom by going through what appears to be a shed,
one of the thing being cast aside is a little doll that looks a bit like
Gumby. Now my memory is on autopilot here, so I'm not 100% certain, but
this appears to be none other than alien "Banderu" from a little known
live action TV show Captain Ultra. (Though
amazingly, I did find a laser-karaoke video of its theme song in a Japanese
karaoke house once! Even more amazingly, I remembered the song! But I digress...
^_^;) It was based on manga by the same name (forgot author), and both
manga and TV show didn't last long. The show, however, had a spaceship
called 'Spiegel', which as far as I can tell, is the first spaceship that
could separate into subparts (3 parts). Now, the aforementioned ultra seven
also had a plane that could separate into 3 parts, and I don't remember
which came first. Pioneering, nevertheless. Are you getting tired of reading
about the roots of anime yet? ^_^
(PS I found out Captain Ultra preceeded Ultra seven)
The Evil Urn
The urn that was the key to awakening Urd's bloodline
as the lord of terror (Terrible master Urd vols 1-3, AMG chs 34-36, vol
5) is none other than the urn from Hakusshon Dai
Maou, a TV comedy series by Tatsunoko production in the 60s. In
that series, a genie appeared whenever someone sneezed near the urn. It
is also interesting that yawning initiated the urn's power in OMG. In the
original TV series, yawning summoned another genie in the shape of a little
girl ("Akubi-chan" or "Little yawn"). Arguably, Akubi-chan could be described
as an ultimate destruction program, since she was out of control most of
the time. I have a vague feeling that this series might have reached US.
Does anyone know?
The Booster Demons combined
The booster demon in the shape of the octopus (AMG
ch 31) eventually becomes named Sudaaru. This was the name of a giant octopus
monster from another old (b&w even!) Japanese monster series Ultra
Q airing in 1966.
Now : The other name quirks you might not have noticed (By the Goddessfan. ^_^)
The Heavens : Why call it The Heavens? Why not Heaven (singular), or Asgaard (The Norse term for Heaven)? Perhaps this is because while Ah! My Goddess focuses mostly on Norse culture, Kosuke-san was planning to make things a little more equal by using only one branch of Heaven in the manga. It might be that the Heavens are divided into several sections, each for each religion, and it just so happens he ended up using the Norse one.