<BGSOUND SRC="/felix_tweety/BecauseYouLoveMe.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Something Unique about Us...
A true story tat i had encounter & how i got to be wif him...

Spotted a group of people @
Boat Quay, "Hotstuff" . I seem to be quite drunk but notice a guy wearing turtle neck shirt dancing on the dancefloor.
The next dae, thru coincidence i know Fred thru IRC & he intro the guy who wore turtle neck, Gabriel  to me. We seem to be close & address each other "Dear" but nva became couple though. 

Get to mit him & i MUZ say i realli enjoy his accompany..Thought was a crush so i din gif him chance wen he asked mi to b his girlfriend serveral times. But story dint end here...

My handphone was confiscated, got into serious trouble. Neither could I recall his contact nor mit him. This feeling was strange tat i feel depressed without him, i tot everything's gone,din expect to lose someone i love n adore...Therafter, i found his contact in a piece of "pathetic" paper. Immediately call him & both of us were so contended!!
We went to Boatquay, Fred confronted me "y i din't call Gab "dear"?" I turned around & ask Gab could i gif him sumthin in x-change for a "dear?" Unexpectedly, i gave him a kiss on his cheek... He blushed...

There, we got bac 2gether as gd frenz..He brought up tat particular question again & i was juz still sturrbon..Hence, I gave him an answer on
27 OCT 2001...

We do haf good & bad times..i guess its part of being a couple. Its part and parcel of life..Now, we're 2years and 7 months 2gether,realli appreciate him for accepting me, despite my past..I haf cum to realise how wonderful love is being wif him... juz him...

=The Greatest LOVE Of All=

I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they posses inside
Gif them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be...
Everybody's searching for a Hero
People need someone to look up to
I never found someone who fulfilled my needs
A lonely place to be & so i learned to depend on Me
I decided long ago
Nva to walk in anyone's shadows
If i fail, If i succeed
At least I lived as i believed
No matter wad they take away from me
They can't take away my dignity
Becoz of Greatest Love Of All is happening to Me
I've Found the Greatest Love Of All inside of Me..
The Greatest Love Of All is easy to achieve
Learning to love Urself, Is The Greatest Love Of All.

And if by chance that special place
That you've been dreaming of
Leads you to a lonely place
Find your strength In LOVE...
Only for My Baby, Gabriel... I Lurve Ya!!
Background Music: Because You Love Me (Celine Dion), Dedicated to Gabby.