Keith's Clea Duvall Page

Hi, my name is Keith. For more on me, click here. Welcome to my page. This site is dedicated to my favorite actress, Clea Duvall. Visit all the different pages on this site, and sign the guestbook(comeing soon!).

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So far in her short career, Clea DuVall has managed to carve out a niche for herself as the "outsider", but as her career blossoms we can expect much more from this gifted young actress.

As with most actresses her age (Clea was born in 1977), she started off by making guest appearances on a variety of television shows, including two episodes of ER. Next up for Clea were some very minor walk-on roles in films like Can't Hardly Wait and She's All That.

It was The Faculty, the collaborative effort of screenwriter Kevin Williamson and director Robert Rodriguez, which really marked Clea's debut. As the gothgirl named Stokely, she managed to stand out in a cast full of pretty young faces.

If her breakout performance is a sign of things to come, this Southern California resident from what she calls "the bad parts of L.A." is sure to make her mark on the Hollywood map. It’s only a matter of time. Look for her in The Astronaut's Wife with Johnny Depp and Girl, Interrupted with Winona Ryder.

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