Those who have taken the time to get to know me may realize that I am sincere and down to earth as can be. Yes, I do set standards for my work and I am continually setting goals. Yes, I have accomplished a few things in my life. Yes, I have had some personal growth in my life as well, I hope we all have. Yes, with my standards about school and pursuing a higher education I always try and pursued others to "Drop Knowledge" That's my job right? I am a teacher by trade. I should set standards and in the process help others reach them and pursue their goals and aspirations.

Henry K. Priest

I think that's why I have had so many opportunities to pursue so many different types of projects in a wide variety of fields. Whether it be school related, martial arts, promoting, coaching wrestling, working behind the scenes on film projects or acting in front of the camera, writing, or maybe even being the best big brother, cousin, or neighbor that I can be, people who know me understand that I am willing to help. I am sincere in my motives  and give my time and energy to help others accomplish their respective goals.

I am a very busy person, always doing something productive. Like I tell my wrestlers - "Don't just be on the team. Do something for the team!" That's the way I view life. If you have a life ... LIVE IT! Get off the couch, put down the remote and instead of watching the film, create one!

Those that have listened to my stories of life may have been inspired. That's my way of motivating people. You know, it's kind of like a book titled "Chicken Soup From the Hood."

If that's the case, then all my sincere efforts are not in vain. Thanks for your time, now get moving!

Pura Vida!

Henry K. Priest