Past Updates

3-24-09: Fixed most of the Fun Stuff pages problems. Need to work on the postcard section, only 2 of them currently work. I also need to find the paper doll image...well I found a copy of it, but I don't think it's as good as the one I had. I did find a good paper doll website that I'm going to link to. Must find files for the sound page and fix it... I hope I still have them. I'm changing the look of certain pages slightly.

2-10-09: Wow...3 years since I last updated. This site is going on 10 years! Don't worry peeps, I'll fix that fun section problem. I didn't update in so long that geocities deleted that part... I have that section backed up on a disk that I need to find so no worries.

2-4-06: Going through website to make sure everything still works. Fixed an error in the lyrics section. Got rid of broken links in the links section. I brought back the Team Theme (wonders if any of you remember that) to play on the opening page, so check your speakers. I am soon going to go through the character info section, fun stuff, and images. I do plan on finishing the image gallery, but goodness knows it's probably going to take me years -_-;


