Full Name: Howard Dwaine Dorough
Nicknames: Howie D. and Sweet D.
Brith Date: August 22,1973
Brith Place: Orlando,Florida
Current Residence: Orlando,Florida
Hight: 5'6"
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Parents: Hoke and Paula Dorough
Brothers: John
Sisters: Anige and PollyAnna
Pets: Himalayan cat named Christopher and a Pekingese dog named Oscar
Actor and Actress: Tom Hankes And Demi Moore
Movie: Outsiders and Jerry Maguire
Book: Willy Wonka and The Choclate Factory
TV showes: Fresh Prince of Bel Air
Color: Purple
Drink: Ginger Ale.
Food: Oriental
Subject in school: Math
Magazines: Bop and BB
More About Howie:
Describe yourself in five words: Caring,Loving,sharing,Honestand Sincere
Hobbies: Acting,Dancing,Water Sports and going to the movies
Habits: Worries too much about little things and he is very indecisive.
Frist job: He acted as a Muchkin in the play "The Wizard of Oz"at the age 6