Hi my name is nawras najor, I love video games and I hope you'll like my site! I have every system your lookin' for. All of you people have heard of the new system called play station 2. Im very exited because I heard this system also comes with DVD. Well I heard that the DVD comes different, but who cares. PS2 is going to have 128-bits of graphics and 20 million polygons per seconds. Will the next incoming system "Project Dolphin" beat ps2 in popularity. Well find out in a couple of years. More information at Nawras's Favorite Site


When is ps2 coming? Is it gonna be better than dreamcast? will it be unstopable in the race for popularity? I say: who the hell cares. The information that i have is that ps2 will defenetly have more defisiones and more hotter graphics than any system yet. At March 4, almost ever person in tokyo japan was lining up to get this system. These human beings have been waiting for many hours to get this new system, I THINK THAT IS CRAZY. I would never do that. I heard this new system was 128-bits with over 20,000,000 polygons per second!Thats pretty good.


By Nawras Najor Age 13


This is my favorite game. It is called Final Fantasy VIII. This game is about squall and the hardships he encounters and the love he needs to experience. Squall is a lonley guy that lives in the Balamb Garden, he starts his first test at Dolet. He passes the test and becomes an official seed member. Later in his days he has many new missions and he meets many people and he learns to cooperate. He might even fall in love!

Squall meets this beautiful girl named Rinoa. This girl is incredibly hot! She asks Squall to dance but he refuses. She forces him and Squall Thinks hes in love! This is a picture of her.

From left to right, that was Rinoa, Zell, Seifer, and Squall. You can get more information at Nawras's Favorite Final Fantasy Site!!;

By Nawras Najor Age 13

Nintendo 64?

Man, i got to tell you, this is a pretty good system. This was the system that i got in the Chrismas of 1996. It was crazy! Every one was waiting in line for this next generation of game play graphics. This system has 64-bits and under a million polygons per second. When it came out in U.S it was 200 dollors. Personaly I loved this system, I wouldn't stop playing mario cart on this system. But now things change. everything dies away and ill guarentee you that in bout 2 years this system will die. The games on this system are sweet but everybody knows that every 4 years a new system gets released by Nintendo Inc. The new system title is Dolphin. Will N64 still live and rise in its fame. Find out in the later years. Go to this site to get more info Nawras's Favorite 64 Site

By Nawras Najor Age 13


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