A Will To Survive
A Titanic Fan Fiction Site


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Hello everyone! Welcome to A Will To Survive, a Titanic fan fiction site. As many of you "Titanic Fan Fic Veterans" may know, my interest in fan fiction started at the Kate & Leo Cafe. You may remember my first story, A Love So Strong, being posted there sometime later in 1998. I enjoyed the art of writing, especially writing about such a fun topic. After my story was complete, I still felt the need to continue writing. It had certainly become a part of my life. I almost felt "lost" without writing. Since my original plan had been to put A Love So Strong on its own site anyway, I went about making my own site where I could kind of 'store' all my Titanic stuff and post my fan fiction...and that's exactly what you see here today. I've written about half a dozen more stories since then and have had a wonderful time in the process.

I guess writing fan fiction and posting it turned into more of a chore rather than just something to pass the time and have fun with. At the coming of 2001, I decided to turn in the towel and give my keyboard a rest, thus I've stopped my involvment with A Will To Survive. Although this site is no longer being updated, it's still FULLY accessable to any viewers (with the exception of a few things I had to remove before I left such as the Message Board and Awards page). Still, I sincerly hope that you enjoy your visit.

So kick back and take a look around! Make sure you SIGN MY GUESTBOOK before you leave so I know you were here!! Thank you for taking the time to visit. Have fun, but most of all...enjoy! Later Gators...

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A Will To Survive

Please notice that all characters and items pertaining to the 1997 movie Titanic belong to James Cameron and 20th Century Fox. No infringement was intended. I'm just a fan- take it as a compliment. Please don't sue. Have a good one...