Welcome to Vietnam.

Emerging in recent years from hardship and political ostracism, our country has embraced our new-found role in the world system. Vietnam offers the world one of the most resilient economies in the South East Asian region, along with people alive with both a hard work ethic and a vibrant cultural heritage. Despite the wounds of both the colonial era and the civil war, the country is ready to move beyond recrimination with Europe and America and forge new and prosperous ties with the nations of the world.

Our educational system has achieved a greater than ninety percent literacy rate, and schools have increasingly stressed the teaching of English, the recognized lingua franca of world commerce. The Doi Moi (New Changes) programs are eliminating the old problems of corruption, helping facilitate business interests by streamlining the paths through the system. Finally, our acceptance into the World Trade Organization last year and the prestige offered by our rotational seat on the Security Council of the United Nations ensures fair treatment of investors, as our image relies on your perceptions.

Once again,
chào dón ban den voi Viet nam


Population: 85,262,356 (July 2007 est.)

Median Age:: 26.4 years

Population Growth Rate: 1.004%

Birth Rate:16.63 per 1000

Death Rate:6.19 per 1000

Infant Mortality Rate: 24.37 per 1000

Life Expectancy:71 years

Literacy Rate: 90.1% over age 15