I am a big fan of Brad Pitt, This awsome actor can portray any role. In "Kalifornia" he was Early Grace a crazed killer. In "The Legends Of The Fall" He was Tristan Ludlow a disturbed fellow from a country background. In the "Favor" he portraied an artist that was kind and gentle.

Brad Pitt

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A Quote from Brad "Gossip and Gossip Colums and Gossip Shows By Definition are Crap"
So dont belive everything you read about Brad........

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The Jim's Homepage picture was given to me by Apache Bear. Apache Bear is very talented in Graphic design. For an insight into what he can do please visit his "Legends Of The Fall" Website!

Brad Pitt! The amaizing subject of my website is not just another actor, Brad is Legend. Brad has given much to this world in his movies. Millions think Brad's looks are fantastic and see no more. Sure Brad a nice looking man but there is so very much more to him. Brad's true beauty is inside, He looks out for those he is close to and and loves anamals and nature, He respects the rights of others and does his very best to treat others as he wants to be treated. Hollywood's best like Les Paul and Anthony Hopkins like and respect Brad Pitt, Other actors envy Brad because they are not as talented. In reality most have the talent but lack one thing the heart and determination of Brad Pitt!. Because of this I dedicate this Website to the best actor of the 21st Century................Jim

Brad From "True Romance"