Sorry folks but i did not have the time i had thought i would to keep up with this section. I hope to keep it going. and i will! After the new Year this section will go through a little face lift. I want to give my visitors a way of feeding back to my reviews. The goal is to have people coming back every week for a new review. So please come back often because after the holidays i will start work. Thanks for visiting and i hope you return, John


This movie just has to be the most over rated film ever! I seem to grow more tired of hearing people saying how great and scary this movie is! I have to admit it is a bit hair raising. But not as scary as the exorcist and most of all, It is not scarier then hell!!! What i would like to know is what kind of drugs were the critics on when they seen this film and also do they still sleep with a night light and are afraid of monsters in their closet? the ending was a bore and a big disappointment to me. I feel they could have ended it in a better way. It would not have hurt so much if it was a made for T.V. movie. Which in my opinion it should have been! Now it's out on video, At least if you decide to see it. It will only cost you $2.00 to $3.00. Which is a whole lot better then paying $8.00 like i did! If you like horror? I would not recommend this movie. If you like lousy endings? then this ones for you! I give it **.

Now you be the critic and answer this weeks poll.

blair witch
Did the blair witch project suck?


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