I am putting together a HORROR WEBSITE'S OF THE MONTH section. All sites must be horror and or heavy metal related. with NO REAL DEATH PICTURES CRAP OR TORTURE OR BONDAGE SHIT! That's craps is for sicko's. Charlie ain't into that sick crap!

The site's can be about horror movies, heavy metal music, horror gif's, jpg's, midi's, horror mpeg's. anything horror!

So send your site and banners url to johnnyk12467@aol.com in a non html signature e-mail and i will pick the best sites every month to put into this section. After the month is up. I will then move it to my permanent CREEPY LINKS section and then choose more sites for that section. So if your site is the coolest, Please send your site and banner.

Send your site and banner by sending it to JOHNNYK12467@AOL.COM Please no html in your signature.

Thanks, John

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