Link to My Site!
Hi there! Do you have a site dedicated to Obi-Wan, Ewan McGregor, Star Wars, or any site at all and would like to link to this page? That is the greatest compliment anyone could give me, and in return I will link to your site. (Just remember to send me an e-mail with your webpage address (and a banner if you have one)so I can link back to you) If you don't have a banner-don't worry about it, I'll still link to you, no matter what.
Anyway, all you have to do is copy the following html code onto your webpage, save the banner and upload it to your site. It's that simple=) And remember, the more links you have to and from your site the more hits your site gets..pretty cool, huh?
*Step 1
Copy the following html code onto the link section (or wherever you keep your links) of your webpage:
*Step 2
Save the following banner and remember to upload it to your page.
*Step 3
Put the banner somewhere on your webpage where it can be seen by all=)
*Step 4
E-mail Me! I can't link back to you if you don't e-mail me...and as a result hits to your site (and mine)increase! Yeah!
If you have any problems at all, don't hesitate to E-mail me at
The Jedi Council Banner Exchange
Updated August 23, 1999
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