~ / ~\ ~The Inner Mounting Flame~/ ~ \ ~ John McLaughlin founded the ~Mahavishnu Orchestra~ when he left Tony Williams Lifetime.
Meeting of The Spirits You Know, You Know The Dance of Maya Awakening
...Sound-a-Phrase... GUITALIFE Presents John McLaughlin's MEETING OF THE SPIRITS Vamp
E|--------K0--------k"++++|E Sound_A_Phrase E|--------K0--------k"++++|E
B|----K2++++----k"++++++++|B _N_ B|----K2++++----k"++++++++|B
G|------k0++------K"++++++|G _D_ G|------k4++------K"++++++|G
D|--k4++++++--K"++++++++++|D GUITALIFE D|--k4++++++--K"++++++++++|D
A|,---,---,---,---,---,---|A Sandy Freeze A|,---,---,---,---,---,---|A
E|K2++++++++k"++++++++K2k0|E K\/r)a)m) E|K3++++++++k"++++++++K3k0|E
__VAMP F#-7b9_____________"Meeting of The Spirits"____G Major 7#_11_13______
^^^^^Mahavishnu John McLaughlin^^^^^^^^^^^^/ ________ \^^^^^^
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^/ / ______ \ \grips
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^/ / / ____ \ \ \^^^|
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^/ / / / __ \ \ \ \^^|
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^/ / / / / \ \ \ \ \^|
___F#-7b9___Meeting of The Spirits____/ / / / / /\ \ \ \ \ \|
~E_A_D_G_B_E~ ______E|Z0++|Z0++|E/ / / / / /~E_A_D_G_B_E~
{0 x - 0 - 0} / _____B|Z2++|Z2++|B_/ / / / / {0 x - - - 0}
[~\ - - ] / / ____G|Z0++|Z4++|G__/ / / / [~\ - - - ]
[T/ - 1 ] / / / ___D|Z2++|Z4++|D___/ / / [~/ - - 1 ]
[ - ] / / / / __A|----|----|A____/ / [T - - ]
[ 3 ]/ / / / / _E|Z2/0|Z3/0|E_____/ [ 3 4 ]
#\ \ \ \ \ \/ / / / / /######### [ . . . . . ]
g-\ \ \ \ \__/ / / / /-Tablature_______G Major 7#_11_13____
r;;\ \ \ \____/ / / /;;;;;;;;;;;-----------------------------
i---\ \ \______/ / /--Tablature-_Created by Sandy Freeze_____
p::::\ \________/ /:::::::::::::-----------------------------
This WEB PAGE was Created using M.I. Explorer ,
Netscape users, please excuse the mess?

Guitarist John McLaughlin (here with a Rex Bogue custom-made guitar, the Double Rainbow) has a number of fans on the Internet with a WEB based scrapbook or shrine to him. links for "OW-er" musician of most mutual interest.
Chord Grips, Guitar Tablature, Standard Tuning and time...
Grow your own Chord changes E Major to: BLANK!!!!!
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^/ ________ \^^^^^^
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^/ / ______ \ \grips
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^/ / / ____ \ \ \^^^|
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^/ / / / __ \ \ \ \^^|
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^/ / / / / \ \ \ \ \^|
____________Guitalife____....... / / / / / /\ \ \ \ \ \|
~E_A_D_G_B_E~ ______E|Z0++|Z.++|E/ / / / / /~E_A_D_G_B_E~
{0 - - - 0 0} / _____B|Z0++|Z.++|B_/ / / / / { . . . . . }
[ - - 1 ] / / ____G|Z1++|Z.++|G__/ / / / [ . . . . . ]
[ 2 3 ] / / / ___D|Z2++|Z.++|D___/ / / [ . . . . . ]
[ ] / / / / __A|Z2++|Z.++|A____/ / [ . . . . . ]
[ grips ]/ / / / / _E|Z0++|Z.++|E_____/ [ . . . . . ]
#\ \ \ \ \ \/ / / / / /######### [ . . . . . ]
g-\ \ \ \ \__/ / / / /-Tablature_____________________________
r;;\ \ \ \____/ / / /;;;;;;;;;;;-----------------------------
i---\ \ \______/ / /--Tablature-_____________________________
p::::\ \________/ /:::::::::::::-----------------------------
This is all I can do to explain my tabs. Click And scroll...K\/k_r)a)m)..Pick And Roll
BANJOVIE! The 4-string Tenor Banjo I play a little Tenor,myself . Tuning: C( G( D( A( And here's some other chords Tabulature From: the Mahavishnu John McLaughlin years
 ~ / ~\ ~The Inner Mounting Flame~/ ~ \ ~
The Dance of Maya Meeting of The Spirits You Know ,You Know Awakening
 John McLaughlin in U.K., 1979, playing "Electric Deams,Electric Sighs"? Born January 4,1942, it's 2003 ! Happy Years, John McLaughlin!
Thanks for visiting!