Hi I'm guitalife.
Welcome to guitalife's Web page.
As a guitarist, and amateur transcriber I offer some Tabs
with a direction on the Time value of the notes.
As a longtime fan of Guitarist
John McLaughlin I offer some
subjective TABS of his music
Please enjoy the files and links as added.
guitalife A.K.A. Sandy Freeze

7 Guitar Chords Grips in |Tonic| C Major:
All Roots on |A| string

Guitar tabulatures
Guitarist John McLaughlin

7 x 4-Note Chords from C Scale notes :
Root on |A| string
MY URL is www.geocities.com/guitalife/index.html


E|--r0++----r5++--|E    Sound_A_Phrase  E|--r5++----r0++++|E
B|--a2++----a5++--|B         _N_        B|--a3++----a3++++|B
G|------k1--------|G         _D_        G|------k2K1++----|G
D|----K2--K4k2----|D      GUITALIFE     D|--k0K4----------|D
A|K0k4--------K0k1|A     Sandy Freeze   A|K2----------,---|A
E|,---,---,---,---|E      K\/r)a)m)     E|,---,---,-k0K2k4|E

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TAB Be or Knot To Be...r)a)m)_K\/k

~~ 3CsC Ma 7th  D Mi 7th E Mi 7th F Ma 7th  G Dom 7th A Mi 7th BMinor7-5~~

Chord Grips, Guitar Tablature, Standard Tuning and time...
To the LEFT below, chord shapes/\to the RIGHT, strummed (Z)TABS
Numbers Fingers (Roman # III...XIV =Lowest Fret stop)/\ Numbers Frets

Open Voicing: ~__~ Root~ 5th(-5th) ~ __~Major OR Minor 10th ~ Major, Minor or Dom 7th __________________________________........_____ ~E_A_D_G_B_E~ C Major7th__E|Z7++|E [- 1 - - - -]III / _____B|Z5++|B [- R - - - -] / / ____G|----|G [ 2 3 ] / / / ___D|Z5++|D [ ] / / / / __A|Z3++|A [ 4 ] / / / / / _E|CMa7|E #\ \ \ \ \ \__/ / / / / /######### g-\ \ \ \ \____/ / / / /Tablature- r;;\ \ \ \______/ / / /;;;;;;;;;;; i---\ \ \________/ / /-Tablature-- p::::\ \__________/ /::::::::::::: s-----\____________/!!Tablature!!!
__________________________________........_____ ~E_A_D_G_B_E~ D Minor7th__E|Z8++|E [- 1 - - - -]V / _____B|Z6++|B [- R - - 2 -] / / ____G|----|G [ 3 ] / / / ___D|Z7++|D [ ] / / / / __A|Z5++|A [ 4 ] / / / / / _E|DMi7|E #\ \ \ \ \ \__/ / / / / /######### g-\ \ \ \ \____/ / / / /Tablature- r;;\ \ \ \______/ / / /;;;;;;;;;;; i---\ \ \________/ / /-Tablature-- p::::\ \__________/ /::::::::::::: s-----\____________/!!Tablature!!!
__________________________________........_____ ~E_A_D_G_B_E~ E Minor7th__E|Z10+|E [- 1 - - - -]VII / _____B|Z8++|B [- R - - 2 -] / / ____G|----|G [ 3 ] / / / ___D|Z9++|D [ ] / / / / __A|Z7++|A [ 4 ] / / / / / _E|EMi7|E #\ \ \ \ \ \__/ / / / / /######### g-\ \ \ \ \____/ / / / /Tablature- r;;\ \ \ \______/ / / /;;;;;;;;;;; i---\ \ \________/ / /-Tablature-- p::::\ \__________/ /::::::::::::: s-----\____________/!!Tablature!!!
__________________________________........_____ ~E_A_D_G_B_E~ F Major7th__E|Z12+|E [- 1 - - - -]VIII / _____B|Z10+|B [- R - - - -] / / ____G|----|G [ 2 3 ] / / / ___D|Z10+|D [ ] / / / / __A|Z8++|A [ 4 ] / / / / / _E|FMa7|E #\ \ \ \ \ \__/ / / / / /######### g-\ \ \ \ \____/ / / / /Tablature- r;;\ \ \ \______/ / / /;;;;;;;;;;; i---\ \ \________/ / /-Tablature-- p::::\ \__________/ /::::::::::::: s-----\____________/!!Tablature!!!
__________________________________........_____ ~E_A_D_G_B_E~ G Ma Dom7th_E|Z13+|E [- 1 - - - -]VIII / _____B|Z12+|B [- R - - - -] / / ____G|----|G [ 2 3 ] / / / ___D|Z12+|D [ 4] / / / / __A|Z8++|A [ ] / / / / / _E|(G7)|E #\ \ \ \ \ \__/ / / / / /######### g-\ \ \ \ \____/ / / / /Tablature- r;;\ \ \ \______/ / / /;;;;;;;;;;; i---\ \ \________/ / /-Tablature-- p::::\ \__________/ /::::::::::::: s-----\____________/!!Tablature!!!
__________________________________........_____ ~E_A_D_G_B_E~ A Minor7th__E|Z15+|E [- 1 - - - -]XII / _____B|Z13+|B [- R - - 2 -] / / ____G|----|G [ 3 ] / / / ___D|Z14+|D [ ] / / / / __A|Z12+|A [ 4 ] / / / / / _E|AMi7|E #\ \ \ \ \ \__/ / / / / /######### g-\ \ \ \ \____/ / / / /Tablature- r;;\ \ \ \______/ / / /;;;;;;;;;;; i---\ \ \________/ / /-Tablature-- p::::\ \__________/ /::::::::::::: s-----\____________/!!Tablature!!!
__________________________________........_____ ~E_A_D_G_B_E~ B Mi 7th-5__E|Z17+|E [- 1 - - - -]XII / _____B|Z15+|B [- R 2 - 3 -] / / ____G|----|G [ ] / / / ___D|Z15+|D [ 4 ] / / / / __A|Z14+|A [ ] / / / / / _E|B-7-5E #\ \ \ \ \ \__/ / / / / /######### g-\ \ \ \ \____/ / / / /Tablature- r;;\ \ \ \______/ / / /;;;;;;;;;;; i---\ \ \________/ / /-Tablature-- p::::\ \__________/ /::::::::::::: s-----\____________/!!Tablature!!! Grow your own Chord changes E Major to: BLANK!!!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^__________^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^/ ________ \^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^/ / ______ \ \grips ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^/ / / ____ \ \ \^^^| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^/ / / / __ \ \ \ \^^| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^/ / / / / \ \ \ \ \^| ____________Guitalife____....... / / / / / /\ \ \ \ \ \| ~E_A_D_G_B_E~ ______E|Z0++|Z.++|E/ / / / / /~E_A_D_G_B_E~ {0 - - - 0 0} / _____B|Z0++|Z.++|B_/ / / / / { . . . . . } [ - - 1 ] / / ____G|Z1++|Z.++|G__/ / / / [ . . . . . ] [ 2 3 ] / / / ___D|Z2++|Z.++|D___/ / / [ . . . . . ] [ ] / / / / __A|Z2++|Z.++|A____/ / [ . . . . . ] [ grips ]/ / / / / _E|Z0++|Z.++|E_____/ [ . . . . . ] #\ \ \ \ \ \/ / / / / /######### [ . . . . . ] g-\ \ \ \ \__/ / / / /-Tablature_____________________________ r;;\ \ \ \____/ / / /;;;;;;;;;;;----------------------------- i---\ \ \______/ / /--Tablature-_____________________________ p::::\ \________/ /:::::::::::::----------------------------- s-----\__________/!Tablature!!!!_____________________________
TABS and Why: Tuning the guitar.
This is all I can do to explain my tabs.
Click And scroll...K\/k_r)a)m)..Pick And Roll

BANJOVIE! The 4-string Tenor Banjo
I play a little Tenor,myself . Tuning: C( G( D( A(
And here's some other chords


Thanks For Visiting!