John McLaughlin's ~Birds Of Fire~ Arpeggios
...Tab for Melody , violin riffs...
Suggested Picking Patterns
M.O. By Pick and Roll
Transcribed by Sandy Freeze a.k.a: Guitalife
"Guitar Chords for John McLaughlin's "Birds Of Fire"

 Here you may play the two primary vamp arpeggios for Sections [A],[B],&[C]  
attacked in either pure crosspicking or, hybrid Pick and roll style,
A] K\/k are alternate flatpick strokes
B] r)a)m) refers to the 3 free right hand fingers.
See suggested PICKING PATTERNS for more elaborate detail.
The lowest fret (number) is stopped by the 1rst Left hand finger in both cases. These are two typical rhthym chords grips, triple-stop R_7th_10th voicings, played with the open strings E & B interspersed, giving the "altered" sensibility in their respective modes. Open strings [0] at {nut} here. Note position, and distinct Root, 7th, 10th, altered 5ths and 9th (# or b)are referred to in either voicing. Arguably, the slippery 3/8ths 'tag' on the Bass 'E' string both chords, /G#_\A_/E(0!) /A#_\B_/E(0!) but, the short Root_chromatic_semitone-up& open-string-descent) may nod to the altered SUPERLOCRIAN scales for each, ~A~ & ~B~ being the respective 2nds of each scale. One might even try adding the 'tag`s' E pitched an octave up, on the ~A~'s Seventh fret*, as the piano seems to.
.........[E_A_D_G_B_E]           [E_A_D_G_B_E].........
...NUT...{0\x - - 0 0}           {0/x - - 0 0}...NUT...
..........________\#/.           .________\b/..........
.....Root[R___1 -    ] 4th Fret  [-   - -    ] 4th Fret
.........[2/  / 3    ]           [-   - -    ] 5th Fret
.........[           ]       Root[R___1 -    ] 6th Fret
.........[ *4*       ]           [2\4*  3    ] 7th Fret
.........[^Ab7___#9#5]           [  *Opt     ].........
.........[           ]           [^Bb___b9b5/].........
       The [A][B][C] VAMP meter is 18/8= 3 x (5/8)+ (3/8) for each chord. 
 Here's a chance to compare:
 CROSSPICKING= K\/k Versus Hybrid PICK AND ROLL K\/__r)a)m). 
Picking both styles, the downstroke upstroke pattern K\/k varies in this vamp, 
with each chord calling for reverse pick direction on the second repeat of the 
chord k/\K, on the 3rd upbeat, in a flowing manner,and back to the K\/k 
K\/k , k/\k , K\/k , ;--;-
and the 3/8th 'tag' shown completes the even number of 1/8ths on an upbeat CrosspicKing
[E|--------K0|E\....         [E|--------K0|E\.....
[B|----K0++++|B \...         [B|----K0++++|B \....
[G|------k5++|G 3x..         [G|------k7++|G 3x...
[D|--k4++++++|D...\.         [D|--k6++++++|D...\..
[A|,---,---;-|A_&  \         [A|,---,---;-|A_&  \.
[E|K4++++++++|E k4K5k0       [E|K6++++++++|Ek6K7k0
[~`Ab7+9b13 ..Birds Of Fire  [~`Bb7b9b5 Birds Of Fire


[E|--------r0|E\....         [E|--------r0|E\......
[B|----a0++++|B \...         [B|----a0++++|B \.....
[G|------m5++|G 3x..         [G|------m7++|G 3x....
[D|--k4++++++|D...\.         [D|--k6++++++|D...\...
[A|,---,---;-|A_&  \         [A|,---,---;-|A_&  \..
[E|K4++++++++|E k4K5k0       [E|K6++++++++|Ek6K7k0.
[~`Ab7+9b13__________       [~`Bb7b9b5____________ 

 John McLaughlin suggests, in the scores, seen at ~Pages Of Fire~
tribute book section "The Music Of JM ...and The MO", 
that soloing be done in the following modes for these two chords.
Ab(G#)Superlocrian |Bb(A#) Superlocrian | 7th mode A MinorMelodic|7th Mode Bminor Melodic|
G#=Ab #9/-13 E to E string outlay at NUT ~ # b # b # b # b # b # b # b # b # b # b # b # b # b~ ~ | | |R| | | | | | | |7| | | | | | | | | | | |\| | |~ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |9| |3| | | |6| | | | |/| | E F G A B C D E F G A B C D E F G /A440Hz
Bb alt9b5 E to E string outlay at NUT ~ # b # b # b # b # b # b # b # b # b # b # b # b # b~ ~ | | | | |R| | | | | | | |7| | | | | | | | | |\| | |~ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |9| | | |3| |5| | | | |/| | E F G A B C D E F G A B C D E F G /A440Hz
 You should refer to his Scales and Synthetic Modes as well.
Remainder of score
Birds of Fire:Page2
Birds Of Fire:Page 3
Birds of Fire: Page 4

These are my OW-n guitar simulated versions in TAB and grids
of Jan Hammer's Keyboard 'bridge' Chords .
                                     Play at own risk!!! :-)
__________         _________        \\\\\\\\\   ~E_A_D_G_B_E~
E|r0++++|E        E|r0++++|E        E|r11+++|E  [- x - - 0 -]
B|-a0+++|B        B|-a0+++|B        B|-a0+++|B  [ fifth fret]
G|--m12+|G        G|--m10+|G        G|--m11+|G  [1*  - -   -]
D|-k11++|D        D|-k9+++|D        D|-k9+++|D  [1** - -   -]
A|,---;-|A        A|,---;-|A        A|,---;-|A  [1***- -   -]
E|K11+"+|E..grip.\E|K9++"+|E......\ E|K678_+|E  [$   2 -   -]
_________in frame \________in frame\__________  [      -   -]
__________\        \________\       \_________  [      3   4]
~`Eb7b9+5.!\below~ `Db7+9 .!/below...~`BMaj/***C...Warning:Stretch!~
^^^^^^^\          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^       __________ ^|^|^|
~BIRDS~^\        /^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^      / ________ \^^^^^^
~~OF~~~^^\      /^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^     / / ______ \ \grips
~~FIRE~~^^\    /^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^    / / / ____ \ \ \^^^|
^^^^^^^^^^^\  /^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   / / / / __ \ \ \ \^^|
^^^^^^^^^___\/___^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  / / / / /  \ \ \ \ \^|
____________Guitalife____{Eb7!_Db7!}  / / / / / /\ \ \ \ \ \|
~E_A_D_G_B_E~     ______E|Z0++|Z0++|E/ / / / / /~E_A_D_G_B_E~
{- x - - 0 0}    / _____B|Z0++|Z0++|B_/ / / / / {- x - - 0 0}
[-  Eb7!    ]   / / ____G|Z12+|Z10+|G__/ / / /  [-   Db7!   ]
[  _POS_X   ]  / / / ___D|Z11+|Z9++|D___/ / /   [- POS_VIII ]
[1   2 Fr 11] / / / / __A|....|....|A____/ /    [1   2 Fret9]
[      3    ]/ / / / / _E|Z11+|Z9++|E_____/     [      3    ]
#\ \ \ \ \ \/ / / / / /#########                [ . . . . . ]
g-\ \ \ \ \__/ / / / /-Tablature_____________________________
r;;\ \ \ \____/ / / /;;;;;;;;;;;-----------------------------
i---\ \ \______/ / /--Tablature-_____________________________
p::::\ \________/ /:::::::::::::-----------------------------
 Notes on ~BIRDS OF FIRE Bridge~ chords
 As with the [A} and [B] section chords,  the Eb7 alt and Db7alt
voicings here with open strings are explored.
 The lowest fret (number) is stopped by the 1rst Left hand finger
in both cases. These are two typical rythym chords grips,
triple-stop R_7th_10th voicings, played with the
open strings  E & B interspersed, giving the "altered" sensibility 
in their respective modes. Open strings [0] at {nut} here. 
 Note position, and distinct Root, 7th, 10th,
 altered 5ths and 9th (# or b)are referred to in either voicing.
 The B Major/..C, R_5_10th/$ here? The bass chromatic ascent
...................... Bb...B..C.....
 is a wicked stretch if nothing else. :-)

~____Again____- ...Tab for Melody , violin riffs...
Suggested Picking Patterns
M.O. By Pick and Roll
Transcribed by Sandy Freeze a.k.a: Guitalife
~BIRDS OF FIRE~ BY JOHN McLAUGHLIN Tabulature by Sandy Freeze (a.k.a.:guitalife)
E to E string outlay at NUT ~ # b # b # b # b # b # b # b # b # b # b # b # b # b~ ~ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |\| | |~ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |/| | E F G A B C D E F G A B C D E F G /A440Hz

Take the ~Birds of Fire~ tour? "Miles Beyond" Celestial Terrestial Commuters Hope One Word Sanctuary Resolution All of my John McLaughlin tabs Back to Guitalife's Home Page
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