Your Life is Not Over!!!
look timmy i'm a little boy again just like in the move!
Yes the days of waking up in your own filth, not cleaning your room, and parties with the guys is slowed down. Your life, though, is not over. You can still be a kid and have your toys (the guns, car,  playstaion, surfboard, super duper hand controlled talking robot with x-ray goggles and mind control helmet), you just need let her know that she is more important than all these things.
    The next time somebody tells a husband to be that his life is over, he should be shot, brought back in another body and shown his dead body so he can
see the irony. If he does not cooperate he will be killed again. If then he pleads for his life, give him his life back , to quote Homer Simpson, "only if he sees the irony". Grooms already have so much to worry about their "life to be" that with the new grey hairs, the higher blood pressure and the balemic wallet they've already taken one step closer to the heart attack check out. 
    Life is just beggining friends and the key here is to leave your old one with a bang (not one too big) and enter your new one seemlessly. To help that cause ,because I am one of you, I give you the mans site to weddings.
ah yes the good ol' days