<BGSOUND SRC="/crow_man1_333/Come_Out_And_Play.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
And you Thought that Was It..
--Music: Offspring "Come Out and Play"
DAN TOMASIC- Thanks for being around for me.. you and I have seen eachother grow up, for that reason you are the greatest friend...
ADAM CRAWFORD- You make bad times into the best, if theres a way to help someone, I notice you go the extra mile for it, you and I have also grown up with eachother..we share the good and the bad times together, and thats what makes you a true friend...
MOM BAER- Haha, if it wasnt for you, weekdays would be a drag.  Thanks 'Mom' for dinners, and allowing me around the house, I know how much of a pain I am ;)  I really enjoy your company as well...keep cool
KURT(S) BEAR- Hey thanks alot for the fun times outside and things, you bring me much joy, like a little brother..stay cool and rock on!!
ANDY MECHA- Well, all I can say is the internet would be so boring without you on summer nights.  The school year comes to a close.  Im looking foward to showin you up at pool this summer... thanks for the page advice..
THE GMS FRIENDS- This goes out not only to the people that I forgot to mention at school, but to all the teachers that I have had in the past until now and until years to come.  Thanks for being there...the good times continue to grow... :0)
My Family- You've been the real inspirations, You've been the ones to help me be successfull in everything, keep cool and stay healthy :)
To all of those that I have mistakenly forgot- Well, many know how hard it is to actually remember all of your friends and be able to name every single one of them every time.  There are many more that I know I have forgotten.  Throughout my life along with yours, im sure we have known alot of people, the people that deserve to be on a web-page just as everyone else is.  If I have forgotten you, im sorry, I ask you to send me your name and pic.. if you do not have a pic, then just send me your name... I will put you up as soon as I can...
Melissa Slawson- I give you credit, you put up with my goofy sense of humor.  You give me more reasons to ride the bus to school..  Im glad your around, for you bring me much joy in your company...
There are so many teachers at the  school thatwere quality teachers,  that it would probably be impossible to list.
Paige Moore- You goof...Im not sure what I would do without you.. your my main source of company everywhere: school, net, even the phone sometimes..thanks for puttin up with me and im glad to know you...
Cherrish & Melissa- Not only are your names a pain to spell ;)  naw you two are great, I enjoy having you both around. I enjoy the walks, even though I may not show it...I give you both alot of  credit for putting up with me..I know I can be a pain sometimes.. Look out for Cherrish, Melissa..make sure she dont end up on the corner, *wink* hehe, im just playin, anyhow you two keep it real :)
Sara NuNo- What is it with these names...yahoo is weird Sara, they wouldnt let me put the faggly squiggle over the N ;) hehe, anyhow...Im happy to know you...your one of those...make you smile when your down and your real cool to be with...your greatfully within my thoughts,  keep yourself , keep it real
Thumper- Without you, Im not sure football would be as it was.  I know im not the best QB in the world, so I guess its ok to rub it in a little.  Considering my squad went- 4-1... Thanks for bein around and someone I can count and rely on for anything...you just keep it real, bud..
The Rest of the Football team- Hey guys, thanks for making me who I am, and thanks for being patient with me when I needed the support, if there is any team I would play for it would be you guys, that includes the coaches ...and I'd do my best to help the team, may not be the best, but I sure as hell not the worst... I hope to play with you all again in the future..
Steven Demory and the Wrestling Team- Hey guys thanks for putting up with me..I know I was a lone soldier throughout all 3 seasons now I was with you, and I hope I contributed in some way to you all.. Steve- I owe alot to you and the coaches, you all were behind me every step of the way, just wanna thank you all for that and helping me help the team in the sport of wrestling, you all are the real miracle workers of all of my succesions in wrestling..
Kristina S- Hey you.. you keep it real... i owe alot to you...keepin me company after wrestling meets, and even during, i enjoy your company greatfully, and i hope you never change...Just be yourself always and dont let nobody tell you different..im really looking foward to hangin out with you again... and if you need me..you know where to find me..
Cordi- Ay you, im so glad you have been around...ive said it a few weeks ago and ill say it again....i really enjoy your company and you bring me much joy....im happy  we have become closer..
Matt Tomsic- Hey bud, I know we dont really know each other and all, but your pretty cool to hang around with .. just remember, keep out of trouble, and hope you make a girl happy some day..
Brooke Tomsic- Same with you too.. dont really know you all that well and I know we talk now, but its good to have your company, and dont think just because Im older then you, doesnt mean i wont talk to you, your appretiated in every way...keep it real, hun ;)