No particular order, and if I've forgotten anyone, I appologize
    This is one of my best friends, Brad.  Him and I grew up together basically.  If it wasn't for him I would probably not be the person I am today...thanks bud..
     This is my brother, Nick. I cannot stress enough of how much of an inspiration he has been on me throughout my life.he has really made me who I am today.  Hes been with me through thick and thin.  If it wasnt for him I'm not to sure where I would be at.  Also I credit him for some of the layouts on this page...thanks Nick...
--Be sure and check out: Face The Jury
     Throughout my life I'm not sure I met anyone as special as this girl up above. Her name is Jenn and shes from South Carolina.  I hope to one day visit her.  I have known Jenn really ever since I learned how to play on the computer.  We have are good times and bad, but no matter how bad things get, we always seem to fix them.  I owe everything to her and maybe someday be able to spend some quality time with her.  Im not to sure what I would do without Jenn... @--}--
--The 'Non Pictured Friends'
     One of these guys you have already met: Nick (far right).. The other two are his best friends but also in other words, like brothers to me, Stan (middle), and Kurtis (left).  These two have been there for me for everything, and held me up when i was down.  Sense of humor ran wild and thats what made them exciting..Im glad to have grown up with all three of them around, they kept me out of trouble (sometimes) :P and even gave me advie on many occasions.  Today, Kurt lives about 3 hours away while Stan lives in Texas.  Im very fortunit to have Nick still with me. 
   You talk about family...I talk about Rachel.  Shes my brother Nick's Ex-Ex-Girlfriend.  Though someday I hope to see them together again. With a stunning personallity shes always been a sister to me, and probably allways will be.  I enjoy her company and her efforts of lifestyles that suits her.  Shes determined for success...and thats what I admire most...Though she is gone, she still lives on and nothing, nothing can ever replace her...
    This is Mike.  He's one of the most fun, and humorous guys I know.  I rank him with the greats.  Hes currently my sisters boyfriend.  All I can really say is thanks for all the good times.  I find that the long trips out to Ft. Wayne to see you wasn't the worst idea after all.  Though some dislike you, you will always know that I think of you as a brother to me.  I hope your here for a long time, and that you keep in touch...rock on..
    Beth, I enjoy every ounce of your company.  Isnt it kinda funny how people meet sometimes.  And though its been a while since we have seen eachother, thoughts of you render my mind each day.. keep it real.
   This is Steph..shes always been a pretty cool person to be around.. and I enjoy having her around.  Little goofy at times, but hey who isnt?  Good luck with your sites and hope things work out for you in the future..
Ps: the rest of the Baer Family on the other friends section

"Osama Bin Laden just hangin out with the dirt, and a stick...ok you go this go that way..and I stay here huh?!"
    This is why I still continue to use Face The Jury.  My mane reason is to be able to see Libby...shes a real sweetheart and a fun person to be with. .. i enjoy her company just as much as others.. I would recomend anyone talking with her.. shes real special to me and i hope that sometime ill get to see her, until then you just keep it real hun ;)
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This guy is truly one of the greatest people in the world.  His name is Dan Gibbons, Hes a great friend of mine and he deserves everything he ever accomplishes. I'm not sure where I would be without you.  And I do truly mean that.  If you think back, your allways there when I need some help with anything really.  And your always there with your ideas, many of which I have taken and things have worked out.  Thats a sign of a quality person, theres not too many of those in this world.  And hey laddies, hes single!  I got his number for ya.
This is Stephanie, AKA. Cordi, Cordster.  She truly is special to me and im so glad she has been around latley...ive said it a few weeks ago and ill say it again....i really enjoy her company and she brings me much joy happy  we have become closer..
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This is Jenn, with two N's.  We really just started talking.  From what I have found out, shes pretty special person, heading in the right direction.  Straight A student and actor and dancer as well.  Hopefully she continues to do well.
     Probably one of the most good hearted person I know would be my sister, Danielle.  In many ways, shes different from most sisters.  Sure we have has our fights and such, but who doesnt.  Throughout time, there was always someone to be with, with D around; hey, she even let me hang out with her friends.  Perhaps this is how I have become me.  Many will look at some of the  mistakes and bad choices she has made throught her life, I see through all of that, knowing she has put up with me this long, and her acknowledgement throughout my life.
The guy in the pic is Jeremy Leighton.  Days with this guy in the pic with my sister are totally unforgettable.  For instance, the night at Burger King and the lady that wouldn't give us our food becuase of our loud mouths.  Thanks to him, George Carlin was intruduced into my life.  I still remember the day he came to Indiana, it was like 2 in the morning.  Though he's gone and not only does my sister miss him, but I miss him as well to be perfectly honost.  He truly was another brother to me.
Well, you already have met Jeremy.  The true miracle woman stands to the right of him, my mom.  This was taken the night Jeremy drove from New York to visit us in Indiana (probably taken around 2 am).  At any rate, I say miracle woman because really, she has been through everthing in life basically.  I truly admire her for all that she has been through, many know what I'm talking about.  Im truly proud to say shes my mother.  And I would have a picture of my father on here, couldnt find any of him.. but he's a BIG inspiration on me.
Perhaps one of the better/sweetest people I have met in my life, Shannon.  Nothin more you can ask of a girl, shes good hearted, keeps out of trouble, and as you can see a softball player, and from what I have heard, pretty good too.  I owe her alot and give her a ton of credit for putting up with me as long as she has.  I don't think I'll ever meet someone who can be like her.  Thankyou Shannon for all your support and company, I appretiate it very much.
Speaking of giving credit to people, I owe EVERYTHING to this girl, Marina.  Shes always put up with me and made me smile, thats what I like in a girl.  She can be weird sometimes and we have had our problems, but who doesn't?  Others should take notes and be proud they met a true miracle girl.  For the past is history, the only thing that matters is the future.  hehe:  H-K-S, hun ;)