Sailor Moon
Sailor Mercury
Sailor Mars
Sailor Jupiter
Sailor Venus

Sailor Neptune
Sailor Uranus

Sailor Pluto
Sailor Saturn

Sailor Chibi Moon
Tuxedo Kamen

Usagi and Mamoru
Group Pictures

Personal Scans


01/24/04 - Hey! After an incredibly long break from updating I'm back!  I
              know most of the people who had visited my site have probably
              given up on me but oh well.  I can't guarantee any great new
              pictures coming soon, but I felt the overwhelming urge to update
              so I did.  I'm thinking about redoing a lot of the galleries, but 
              who knows if or when that will happen either.  Oh, I fixed the
              link to A Sailormoon Romance, now known as               and they are hoping that people will start visiting their site again
              since the original domain name had been stolen.  And finally, if
              you haven't checked out the new Live Action Sailor Moon do so
              by clicking

11/13/01 - Sorry!  College has been completely crazy, whatever you do,
              don't major in Architecture.  Anyway, I finally got around to
              adding a few pictures.  Check out
Mercury, Jupiter, Pluto, and
Group Pictures!

07/27/01 - *NEW PICTURES* 
Mars, Venus, and Neptune/Uranus.

07/26/01 - Nine new
Sailor Moon pictures added!  New Mercury, Venus,
              Mars, Jupiter, Neptune/Uranus, and Pluto pictures coming
              SOON.  I will also have a page for the Cats... eventually.

07/11/01 - All new page added,
Group Pictures.  Check it out!!

06/20/01 - I just got back from NYC.  I bought some SM playing cards at
              a place called Off the Wall.  I also found SM dolls at FAO
              Schwarts (spelling?), but didn't buy any.  Updated my personal
              page.  If you want to see it go

06/01/01 - An all new look to my site!  I'm trying to make it much easier
              to navigate and faster to load.  Sign my guestbook and tell me
              what you think.  Happy graduation to me on June 10th!
Sign Guestbook     View Guestbook

If you want to learn more about me click here.

Last updated on January 24, 2004.
For up to date Sailor Moon news visit the Save Our Sailors web page.