<BGSOUND SRC="/hbk4773/sexyboy-mid.mid">
        This Page Proudly Presents ~ God's Gift To The Wrestling World , Shawn Michaels , The One & Only Heartbreak Kid
      My personal         
    Shawn  Michaels   
the wrestler of the 90's
     My childhood       
     Shawn   Michaels   
       childhood years     
    My personal         
     Shawn   Michaels  
          true profile        
   Gallery of me and   
    Shawn  Michaels   
    Shawn  Michaels    
      title highlights     
  My beautiful - sweet
     Shawn   Michaels   
          the family          
       Me and my      
   degenerate friend  
    Shawn  Michaels     
  his dream came true 
   Shawn  Michaels    
   at hotels and airports 
     My buddies         
    Shawn Michaels    
   grand slam winner   
   Falken Hexen      
     Shawn   Michaels      
    hottest outfits in ring   
    Shawn   Michaels    
       life time friends      
     Shawn  Michaels      
young tag team wrestler
     Shawn   Michaels      
           in the flesh           
  View my     Guestbook  
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This Homepage is dedicated with all my heart to the most exciting most charismatic and most flamboyant superstar to ever grace a wrestling ring, Shawn Michaels the one and only Heartbreak Kid is the supreme sports-entertainer in the world. There is no one that can executes the high-risk aerial maneuvers so effectively than
the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels - Not only one of the best performer & entertainer in the wwe history,but
the Most resilient champion ever!
I am Shawn Michaels honest and loyel fan ever, i love , admire  and believe in him ever since i watched wrestling  for the very first time on tv in January of 1990. Enjoy my homepage with unbelievable and never ever else before seen pictures of Shawn Michaels's family,his wife,his childhood. . .the true profile about Shawn .
See also amazing private and personal pictures of the Heartbreak Kid when i met him on the tours, pictures i took of him and moments that i will never ever forget in my whole life
You will realize why Shawn Michaels is ~ One Of A Kind ~ with the believe and the will to be the best!!!
So while you' ll be looking at my homepage you will see & find out , why this awesome
Showstopper and  Icon is, without a shadow of a doubt ~
The greatest wrestler that ever lived, on the face of God's green earth!!!    *  GOD BLESS YOU