1987 Gene Roddenberry produced What was to become the longest running Star Trek Series ever. Star Trek The Next Generation, It was set 79 years after kirks time and a lot of changes had accurred for example The federation War Between the Klingons had ended and the Klingons were now welcome to join Star Fleet. A lot Of People Thought Myself Included That Roddenberry could not catch Lightning In A Bottle Twice but as soon as they introduced the Borg all us skeptics had to stand up and be counted.
During its seven year run Star Trek The Next Generation Generated a renewed Interest In Science Fiction Television a genra In Television which seemed doomed rose like the mythical Phoenix From The Ashes. Gene Roddenberry brought along alot of his old Production crew to the new series and the new addition of Rick Berman. The Pilot episode "Encounter At Far Point" was penned by original series Writer's D.C . Fontana and Gene Roddenberry, Fontana wrote a further five episodes for The Next Generations First season.
The series ran From 1987 to 1994 making it the longest running Star Trek series on television which has more or less insured that History will Never Forget The Name Enterprise.
The Pilot: Encouner At Farpoint
In this feature lengh episode, the newly commissioned USS Enterprise-NCC-1701-D a much bigger and better ship than any of the Enterpise ships that came before her, set out on her maiden Voyage.
The first port of call is Farpiont Statio, to pick up additional persononnel. Enroute however, the crew encounter a God like being called Q, who places the crew on trial for being a child like savage race. Picard manages to persuade Q to let their first mission decide humanity's real worth. Q agrees, convinced that they will never solve the mystery of Farpoint station.
Tasha Yar as portrayed by Denise Crosbie was writton out of the show toward the end of the first season because she wanted to pursue other work, the reason I have included her in my main cast list is because I feel that she was an essential part of the cast and deserves the recognition.
Guest Stars
Q: John de Lancie
Groppler Zorn: Michael Bell
Admiral Leonard H McCoy: De Forest Kelley
Battle Bridge Conn: Colm Meaney
Mandarin Bailiff: Cary Hiroyuki
Torres: Jimmy Ortega
Main Bridge Security: Timothy Dang
Bandi Shopkeeper: David Erskine
Young Ensign: Evelyn Guerrero
The Main Cast
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: Patrick Stewert
Commander William T Riker: Johnathon Frakes
Dr Beverly Crusher: Gates McFadden
Lt Commander Data: Brent Spiner
Lt Geordi La Forge: Levar Burton
Lt Worf: Michael Dorn
Lt Tasha Yar: Denise Crosbie
Wesley Crusher: Wil Wheaton
The Ships Computer: Majel Barrett
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