was 1964 when a Television Writer by the name of Gene roddenbery came up with His Idea for Star Trek, He called it a wagon train to the stars. The First Pilot of Star Trek stared the late Jeffrey Hunter, Unfortunately The NBC Network rejected The Pilot Titled The "Cage" saying it was to Cerebral for there audiences and wanted the show to have more action, However They Did commission a second Pilot to be Made which was Titled "Where No Man Has Gone Before" and in The Month Of September 1966 the great Voyage began.
It seems that Star Trek was destined to make television history right from the beginning, because never before in Television history had two pilots been made for the same show, and strangly enough it's never happened since.
Star Treks early years were very tough, it never really impacted much in the Nelson television ratings and there was a huge money crunch on at the time, In fact Star Trek was almost Councelled after its first season. However a letter writing campain saved the show from being axed and a second season was made.
In 1969 Star Trek hit an all time low, NBC who were showing the show at that point in time resceduled the show to 10pm on a friday evening, which is usually when people go out for the night, so after season 3 and 79 episodes the show was axed. That was not the end of the road for Star Trek though. Because somewhat of a major mirical was about too happen, due to the sales of Star Trek overseas and it being televised in syndication in the USA Star Trek slowly but surely built a fan base and in the early seventys the trekkers were born and began to hold conventions. As Star Trek got more and more Populer so did the demand for a new series.
In the mid seventys Talks began about a new series which was to be called Star Trek Phase 2. The show would consist of all the same Charecters except Spock who would not sign on for this show. Just as early production had started on this Show, The Star Wars movie came out, and Paramount decided to scrub the series and make A Star Trek Movie, the movie got mixed reactions from the fans but made a modest profit. This first film however spawned 5 futher movies and 3 new series of star trek in one form or the other.
The Two Origianal Series PilotsThe
Enterprise, now under the command of her second Captain, Chistopher Pike, intercepts an 'old Style' distress signal and sets off to investigate the cause.
Arriving at Talos IV, the source of the signal, a landing party beams down, but the 'survivers' prove to be a trap. The captain is then taken prisoner and finds himself part of a massive 'Zoo' of creatures from different parts of the Galaxy.
He is subjected to all manner of 'expereiances'- but never gives up trying to escape.
Some Notes To Look Out for In The Cage
In the Cage there were alot of things that were dropped in the second pilot show. One aspect of the Cage that NBC did not like was the shows First Officer called Number one who was Portrayed by Majel Barret under a nondiploom, NBC did not like the Idea of the show having a woman as the Second in Command of a Starship.
Also take not of how Spock Smiles while inspecting a 'Noisy Plant' during the away mission to Talos IV, Vulcans were not originally intended to be emotionless. Those aspects of the charecter Spock were transferred from 'Number One' after that charector had been dropped.
The Cast And Credits
Screenplay Writton Writton by: Gene Roddenberry
Directed By: Robert Butler
Captain Chistopher Pike: Jefferey Hunter
Vina: Susan Oliver
The Keeper: Meg Wyllie
Number One: Leigh Hudac (Majel Barrett)
Yoeman Colt: Laurel Goodwin
Dr Piper: Paul Fix
Mr Spock: Leonard Nimoy
Where No Man Has Gone BeforeAfter
the Enterprise passes through the boundery at the edge of the Galaxy, two crew members start to exihibit worrying signs of having been altered by the expereiance. This was the Second pilot, on which basis the series was sold.
Notes On Where No Man Has Gone Before
You will notice how Deforrest Kelley doe not make an appearance in this episode, Dr McCoy did not appear on the show until the second episode.
Cast and Credits
Screenplay By: Samual A Peebles
Directed By: James Goldstone
Original Series CastCaptain
James T Kirk: Williom Shatner
Mr Spock: Leonard Nimoy
Dr McCoy: DeForest Kelley
Mr Scott: James Doohan
Mr Sulu: George Tekei
Lt Uhura: Nichelle Nichols
Mr Chekov: Walter Keonig
Nurse Chapal: Majel Barrett
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