L I B R A A N G E L ' S
W E B P A G E !!!
This is me on Halloween '99!!! My friends and I went to a haunted house on October 30th, and I ended up scaring the people who worked there! (FYI-> I'm not a female Beetlejuice; I'm a dead Winterguard girl.)
I am a graduate of Northern Kentucky University. Visit my alma mater by clicking the banner
or-better yet!-visit the
CommonGround Site
and see what they're up to!!!
This site created by Angela S. Kroger
This site is CONSTANTLY under construction!!! So come back and visit often!!! You might miss something!!!
Here are a few sites where you can find out some more about me...
LibraAngel's Vital Stats
LibraAngel's Résumé
LibraAngel's Friends
I was recently introduced to the exciting world of live action role-playing called NERO! Check these sites out for more info, and soon I'll add pics of me and my friends!
These are some sites I created to show you some of my favorite TV shows and actresses!
"Charmed" pics
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" pics
Sarah Michelle Gellar Pics
Drew Barrymore Pics
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