Friday, July 30
Update By: Rendiew |
My first update in what, 4 months?
Noone cares.
Um.. what to say..
Took down the flash thingies I did, because there was an image of someone that might not have wanted to be in there.. I might edit the sources eventually and put them back up, but considering 99.6% of the hits on them ever were from me, I don't think anyone will notice.
That's it. IBM rocks. Get a job here if you can.
Thursday, April 28
Update By: Rendiew |
I took the previous main bit down because most people were just getting a big ugly broken link. And noone was contributing. There's a few more new links in the right hand column - visit all of them or you love taking it from relatives.
Tuesday, March 02
Update By: Rendiew |
Lots can happen in 2 weeks.
Not to me though. I can sum up what's happened in around 3 points.
point 1 - My ISP became unbelievably crap and I'm being forced to change to someone else.
point 2 - I was without internet for 2 weeks, hence no updates. This however is a money issue, not an ISP issue.
I would work on something to upload, but I'm in a creative slump, so I'll just do the usual thing and post something bad instead.
Fun times.
Tuesday, February 17 (much later)
Update By: Rendiew |
Second flash movie evar, etc. I'll put a 'flash' section on the sidebar later when i don't have to feed the cat. Click HERE to watch. It should open in a new window so don't get too scared. Oh yeah.. it's at least 3 times dodgier than the last one.
OH YEAH... seems there's a lot more people visiting this page than I would have ever thought... i got all excited when I checked my stats. Be a chum and write something in the forums, would you? That's what they're there for.
Tuesday, February 17
Update By: Rendiew |
First day of IBM was a shambles, I won't attempt to do another storybook until I have much more time on my hands. 7 pages was enough for a giggle though. For the second day I was going to do a subtitled IBM movie starring Brad Pitt as myself and Ben Affleck as Aaron, but I can't screencap DVD's for some reason and I don't have any DVD's with Ben Affleck or Brad Pitt in them.
The first day, in case anyone missed it, was our manager talking at us for a few hours and most of us nodding a lot and going "hmmm" and asking questions when he made it obvious he wanted questions asked. I think he expected a much more outgoing group, but unfortunately for him we're the technical team, so he gets a bunch of nerds who don't speak unless they have to and spend most of their time thinking about the next lan. 4 of the people in my team of 6 people go to BKlan. The other two we'll probably end up recruiting.
I just realised I have a full folder of movies I haven't looked at yet, and at least one of them has to have suitable pictures. I'll go through that later.
I'm bored now. No more updates tonight, there could be another horrendously incomplete one, but I'm finishing the next one. This was going to be an article, but I'm just going to put it on the front page, instead.
Fo shizzle, my nizzle.
Monday, February 12, 9:27pm
Update By: Rendiew |
No day 7. I'm so sorry, but I got a job. Jobsearch section will never be updated again. Hopefully. With any luck though, there will be an IBM section up shortly!
Shit, I start in a few hours. Better go to sleep.
Monday, February 10, 8:44pm
Update By: Rendiew |
WTF, real mail spam??? This is beyond a joke.
Oh yeah, day 6 of the jobsearching saga, which I'd like to call "The fellowship of the jobsearch", will not be seen today. It's in the car and that's like all the way outside. It's mostly written, I just can't be bothered going and getting it right now and making the transference from pen and paper to text file (IE typing it out). If you like it that much you can wait.
NOTE: It is actually up. just click HERE to get to it. I couldn't be bothered making a new post, so I just edited this one.
Monday, February 9, 10:30am
Update By: Rendiew |
This is an incredibly exciting weekend, so exciting in fact that i'm almost getting up out of my chair. I have the house to myself for 2 weeks so any available women are of course free to come around and pleasure me. Maximum 3 at a time.
I'm about to go to a friend's and play the Farcry multiplayer beta. It is better than your mum. If you don't go out and download it right now you enjoy performing genital origami on your grandparents.
That's it for now. I'm going to do some stuff.
Friday, February 6, 11:20pm
Update By: Rendiew |
Most of the swearing and the names of the people who I think would rather not be named have been, and will be removed from current and future articles. rendering this page completely child-safe and also lawsuit-safe.
Friday, February 6, 3pm
Update By: Rendiew |
I can't be bothered writing anything good, I really can't. Everyone I know has gone out and is doing something, with people I don't know, so I'm probably not welcome. All I have is simpsons season 10 to watch, because my week so far has been so exciting I've gone though every episode of Scrubs and Firefly.
I know what you're here for. I've probably got the sidebar working by now, so you can read my vaguely entertaining job... thing.