Happy Birthday TOCRPG

Visit our Jack and Jill site!
ESTABLISHED 10-10-98. Are you interested in writing for our E-Zine! Please say yes, because we really need you! We currently have the following slots open:
  • A scout to find the titles of all October Episodes, along with spoilers.
  • An editorialist.
    If you are interested in any of the previous mentioned job, please use the contact form to tell us. First-come-first-serve! Oh, and you must be an active member...active being the key word, here. The deadline for your articles will be Saturday. We want the October E-Zine up as soon as possible!
    Also, one of the featured articles will be about our first anniversary! Exactly one year ago, come October 10th (Sunday), this list was created. Join the E-Zine today to learn all about it!
    ~Charmedgirl and Magick Mushroom.

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