This crazy thing I currently
call my  Web Page
Ok, so here's the deal:

I was in Junior High, and somehow found time to make a webpage. The first one was on and was really cool. I did the whole thing with writing HTML after some self teaching through the internet. I was listed on Yahoo! under their Breakfast at Tiffany's Catergory. (Rightly so since that is what the site was all about. ) Some how my page on that site crashed, so I lost it all... so since I moved to for a while, didn't like it there... and finaly found my nich here at

The main reason I am here still: I've gotton lazy. You see, I am now a busy college person who was not to long ago a very busy high school person, and this wonderful Yahoo! PageBuilder takes away the need to spend forever punching out the HTML.

Some of my links below may go to my old sites, it all depends upon what all I have got to since writing this little message on December 28, 2003 while on Winter Break. So If you like what I like, you may find something you like here. I predict that this site will be a good linking to other cool sites if I get some work done.... Well that's all for this text box.
Photography Site
This site was make in a class at school about photography.


I really do have a decent ecard service, plus IT'S FREE! Hard to comeby these days...

You may just like the same things I do!... or not. That's called individuality.

E-mail me!
Last updated: December 28, 2003
people have vistited this site since January 3, 2000