Personal Info.

Name :: Derringer Meryl
D.O.B. :: 12/28/84
Gender :: Female
Mood :: The current mood of Derringer_Meryl at
Nationality :: White, Heinz 57
Quote ::"I want to stay with him. I want him to live. And even if he leaves me in the end, I want him to smile as much as possible until then. Because I love him."


UnFamiliar Cologne
Lonely Nights Log
Forlorn Memories
Kellie Martin Vs. SMG
InuYasha Episode Guide
Links Out


Email Me!


Lonely Nights has been in existence since 1997. True Dat. Respect. Word.

Site ©

If by chance there happens to be a problem with my website displaying, I'd like to know, so I can fix it as soon as possible. Please, If you have any comments or suggestions, write me so I can hear them! Don't expect this website to get any better unless you do!

Layout ©

Sakoi Kai
© Kaiyosei's World.


Hello, and welcome to my rather dusty area of the internet, why am I still here after so many years of nothing? Well it's called therapy and fate, so just deal, k? This is Lonely Nights: Version Love Lost. I've re-hauled Unfamiliar Cologne, and it's on a new server, halelujah! Check Lonely Nights Log, which is my blog, out, it's often updated most often, so you can see everything I've done! Wahoo! Remember: Lonely Night's theme is lonely-- maybe forlorn, but never EVER perky.


* (02.08.2004 11.18AM GMT) Updated Lonely Nights
* (01.31.2004 5.01PM GMT) Updated Layout on Lonely Nights Log
* (10.30.2004 10.15PM GMT) Updated UnFamiliar Cologne
* (10.28.2003 11.26PM GMT) Updated Layout on Lonely Nights

Copyright + Thanks

Image copyrighted to Square Enix.
Layout is made by me and belongs to Kaiyosei's World.
Thanks to Daxero for his help in Hosting Unfamiliar Cologne! You're the best!