December 27, 1999
Sorry I haven't updated in a long time but I've been working on my Leighanne site. I didn't update anything except the main picture.
October 21, 1999
Moved Leighanne site to Angelfire. Click the banner below to go to it. I will try to move the Tyk site over to Angelfire also. Because of college I won't be able to update as much as I can when I'm in between semesters.

October 3, 1999
Redesigned the website but things aren't working the way they should. I changed the colors to go along with the holiday (halloween). I am going to make a new banner soon and the Tyk site will be up very soon :)
September 29,1999
Updated the Leighanne site and BSB site with new backgrounds.
I know the bsb site may not look good with the hearts on it
but I'll fix it later when I have more time.
Soon to come: «Tyk site...click here to view it»