1. What day is Backstreet Boys Day in Orlando?
a. May 26
b. January 2
c. October 7
d. February 9
2. What is Brian's worst habit?
a. Biting his nails
b. Talking during movies
c. Chewing with his mouth open
d. Interrupting people
3. What's Nick's favorite holiday?
a. Christmas
b. New Year's Eve
c. April Fool's Day
d. Halloween
4. Which Boy still lives at home?
a. AJ
b. Howie
c. Brian
d. Nick
5. What is Brian afraid of?
a. Spiders
b. Heights
c. The dark
d. Elevators
6. Where did BSB first perform together professionally?
a. Sea World
b. Disney World
c. Universal Studios
d. Orlando's Open-Air Mall
7. What is Brian's favorite song on the first album, Backstreet Boys?
a. "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)"
b. "I'll Never Break Your Heart"
c. "As Long As You Love Me"
d. "All I Have To Give"
8. How many tattoos does AJ have?
a. 15
b. 10
c. 4
d. 8
9. Which Nickelodeon show did AJ appear on as a puppeteer?
a. "Welcome Freshman"
b. "Good Night"
c. "Neighbors"
d. "Frost the Snowman"
10. Which backstreet Boy had "Happy Birthday" sung to him by Kate Moss?
a. Brian
b. Howie
c. Nick
d. Kevin
11. What was the original title of "Millennium" going to be?
a. "The Boys Are Back"
b. "Just Us"
c. "Larger Than Life"
d. "Spanish Eyes"
12. Who spent eight years of his childhood living in a modern-day log cabin?
a. Howie
b. Kevin
c. AJ
d. Nick
13. Which movie did Nick have a small role in?
a. "Ghost"
b. "Parent Trap"
c. "The Wedding Singer"
d. "Edward Scissorhands"
14. What fast food can't AJ live without?
a. Burger King
b. McDonald's
c. Subway
d. Taco Bell
15. Who has the shortest temper, according to Howie?
a. Kevin
b. Brian
c. He does
d. Nick
16. What is Brian's older brother's name?
a. Harold
b. Scott
c. Tim
d. Alex
17. Who says he's the neat freak of the group?
a. AJ
b. Kevin
c. Howie
d. Brian
18. Who has tamed his prankster ways?
a. Nick
b. Howie
c. AJ
d. Kevin
19. What's Brian's fave food?
a. Spaghetti
b. Steak
c. Macaroni and cheese
d. Salad
20. Who was voted "Best Looking" in school?
a. Howie
b. Nick
c. Kevin
d. Brian
21. Who collects hats?
a. Brian
b. AJ
c. Kevin
d. Nick
22. What is Brian's chihuahua's name?
a. "Lil' Tyke"
b. "Spunky"
c. "Butter"
d. "Sunshine"
23. Who has the nickname "Bone?"
a. Nick
b. AJ
c. Kevin
d. Howie
24. What is Kevin's worst habit?
a. Talking in church
b. Sleeping late
c. Biting his nails
d. Chewing with his mouth open
25. Whose favorite chocolate bar is Hershey's Cookies 'n Creme?
a. Brian
b. Howie
c. Nick
d. AJ
26. Which high school play did Brian star in?
a. "Oklahoma"
b. "Show White and the Seven Dwarfs"
c. "Bye, Bye Birdie"
d. "Grease"
27. Where does the video "I Want It That Way" begin?
a. On the beach
b. In an airplane hanger
c. On a mountain top
d. On a country road
28. What's Howie's favorite color?
a. Purple
b. Green
c. White
d. Black
29. Who was the last guy to join Backstreet Boys?
a. Nick
b. Kevin
c. Brian
d. Howie
30. What musical instrument did Nick play growing up?
a. The drums
b. The clarinet
c. Bass guitar
d. He doesn't play an instrument
31. Whose house is decorated "Miami Vice" style?
a. Kevin's
b. Nick's
c. AJ's
d. Howie's
32. Which of the guys speaks Spanish fluently
a. Nick
b. AJ
c. Kevin
d. Howie
33. What was Kevin's high school band's name?
a. Old Kentucky
b. Paradise
c. Silver Knights
d. Hearts
34. What does Nick spend a lot of time and money on collecting?
a. Coins
b. Beanie Babies
c. Jeans
d. Postcards
35. Who is a licensed ballroom dance instructor?
a. Kevin
b. Howie
c. Brian
d. Nick
36. Who turned down a contract to appear in Mickey Mouse Club?
a. Kevin
b. Nick
c. Howie
d. AJ
37. Which "Millennium" song is devoted to the fans?
a. "Larger Than Life"
b. "Spanish Eyes"
c. "I Want It That Way"
d. "Perfect Fan"