Bow to the queen, peasant.

Welcome to...(drum roll please)
Jigglypuff's Dragonmon World!

Hiya, everybody. This is Queen Jigglypuff, queen of the Blue Jigglypuffs.I know what you're thinking. It's kinda obvious. What is a Dragonmon. Well to tell you the truth(you don't want me to lie, do you) I made it up(took me awhile too). This is my second try at building a site(the last one didn't give me enough space) and I've become skilled at it. The only problem is I can't get the d*** vowels to show up. So if a word looks kinda funny don't blame me.

You are visitor#

Oh ya, I almost forgot(stupid me).Just for the heck of it, if you want to email me click on the singing Jigglypuff. Your message will be directly transported to the royal one's email address. If you have any fan art, fan fiction, or any other crap send it to me. But remember I will not answer email or put anything on my site unless you call me your highness(don't forget to bow)




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Under the Crown


This web site has been done without permission from Akira Toriyama, Bird Studios, Toei, Bandai, other people who own rights to DBZ, the creators of Pokemon, WB network, or my parents. Please don't sue me I only get $4 a week for allowance and if my parents find out they will kill me and you wont get anything if I'm dead.  I watch your shows every day so if you sue me and I'm dead you will have lost a valuable viewer. You wouldn't want that would you? Plus you don't want to make Sparks mad, even though he does kinda hate me. And you probably won't want to be Thundershocked. So don't sue me, Ok?