Once we got off the cruise boat we tried to find our way to the Empire State Building. Needless to say we got a little lost and ended up on a bad side of town, but we walked really fast. We decided to stop and eat at Burger King. While we were there, we found out we was only 3 blocks away from The Empire. We finally arrived at the Building and went to the top. We was only allowed to go to the 86th floor observatory. It was located 1,053 feet and 381 meters high. I just loved it, I didn't care for the ear popping part, but it was fun. These are pics of The Empire State Building and looking down from the top of it.

After we finished site seeing from the top of The Empire State Building, we decided to go back to the motel and get ready to go see the sold out Broadway Play The Iceman Cometh by Eugene O'Neill and starring Kevin Spacey. We only had to walk two blocks because it was so close to our motel. The play lasted 4 1/2 hrs with two intermissions. We had perfect seats. About 26 rows back and right in the center. It was wonderful!! Full of laughs and tears. After the show I went outside to get some autographs and pictures of the stars in the play. I got to get an autograph from Kevin Spacey and Tony Danza. These are pics that I took that night.

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