Lauren Kuney’s Electronic Portfolio


From Second Semester Internship:


The best moment of the week was when I was being observed.  While I was pretty nervous, I was also pretty excited. I was so excited because I could tell the lesson was going well.  They were all so engaged and asked all kinds of questions.  The few times I have been in charge for a moment, it is so much fun.  This makes me feel better when I start to be discouraged at times that I might be in the wrong field.  The more opportunities I have to teach the more I know I made the right choice. Sometimes mostly observing can being boring, and can make me feel like Iım in the wrong place.  When I get to teach, it is thrilling, and Iım so happy about that!






From the ESL Summer School Experience:


            Today I did a lesson that I was very excited about doing, because I spent all this time writing out sentence strips and drawing pictures of food.  It was an ³I like to eatŠ² lesson.  I wanted to focus in on them seeing text, and reading it together as a class, and having the vocabulary of the food pictures.  I should have spent a little more time organizing my materials, because I did it at the end of class, and I felt a bit rushed, so things were a little less organized than I would have liked.

I was sticking sentence strips and pictures on the board, and since I did not have the tape ready it was distracting and took too long when I was trying to rip it off to stick words up.  That is my big lesson for today:

never underestimate the power of being totally organized and ready.

Otherwise it could lead to disaster.  Not that today was a disaster really, it just was not as beneficial as it had the potential to be.  Iım glad it happened the way it did because now I know I will be super prepared for tomorrow.



            I was able to do something a little more fun and interactive today, so I was so excited.  We were reviewing people, places, and events because that is what they have to write about on their post-test.  I got three pieces of butcher paper, and wrote, ³Special Places,² ³Special People,² and ³Special Events² on them.  Then I had them come up and up their ideas up on the butcher paper with markers.  I had them draw a picture as well as write the word.  They had so much fun just getting out of their desks for once.  At first they were shy, but once a couple people started going up, they all wanted to go up and draw something.  They were all engaged and teaching each other.  It was really great to see, and I thought it was much more helpful than just standing up there and talking about these things.  Any time when I see a big response and interaction from my students is really exciting because I feel like the lesson is so much more worthwhile for all of us.