Welcome to the Library to end all Libraries! Here you can read the summary of the movie! And just for you, ive added some pics to help you understand the story a little better!! Happy Reading!


Chris Nielsen........................... ROBIN WILLIAMS
Albert.................................. CUBA GOODING JR.
Annie Nielsen........................... ANNABELLA SCIORRA
The Tracker............................. MAX VON SYDOW
Leona................................... ROSALIND CHAO
Marie Nielsen........................... JESSICA BROOKS GRANT
Ian Nielsen............................. JOSH PADDOCK

Directed by............................. VINCENT WARD


What Dreams May Come is the story of a man named Chris Nielsen, who meets a girl by the lake named Annie. They claim "Love at first sight" and despite Annie's state-of-mind, they get married and have two chirldren named Ian and Marie. But when the children are killed in a deadly car crash at the ages of 15 and 10, Chris srtuggles to help Annie overcome the tradgedy until one night, Chris is killed in a car crash also.

Annie is crushed, and feels soo lonley without Chris. But Chris still exists in the afterlife. He spends hours trying to give her signs that he still exists, but finally gives up and crosses over. When Chris arrives in his heaven he learns that there is more ... a Heaven he can create for himself from his own imagination.

Chris comes to see that this Heaven is what has painted from his mind ... with real paint; his world is a real version of Annie's paintings, which he has always loved. As he learns new things about Heaven, and begins to understand them with the help of his guide, Albert, he still longs for Annie, and awaits the time when she will join him.

But suddenly, Chris gets wonderful news! Annie had passed over, but it wasnt how Chris thought it would be. He finds out Annie is in a place he will never see her again; Hell. Albert warns Chris that there is really no known possible way to bring her back, but Chris goes anyway, risking his very soul to save her. With Albert's help, and the help of a mysterious man known simply as the Tracker, Chris leaves Heaven behind to journey through Hell and find Annie ... even though he knows that doing so means possibly giving up everything he has gained, and himself as well.

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