Here are some quotes said in the movie! Enjoy!

Christy Quotes

~Once i met this beautiful girl by a lake

~Folks say things are impossible, its just things they havent seen before

~Maybe I'm not in your heaven afterall, girl. Maybe your in mine!

~I still exist

~Not because i remind you, but because i couldnt join you. I'm sorry i left you alone. Dont give up, ok?

~Whoa, i really screwed up. Im in dog heaven

~I tried everything and nothing worked

Until you tried joining me

~Keep going that way until you smell money or you step in chocolate

~This is a "D" Day. "D" for Decision i guess. About Divorce...

That would be two "D"s wouldnt it?

~If i was going through fucking hell, I'd only want one person in this whole God damn world by my side

~Time isnt up on my watch anymore. Time, does not exist here! And where ever it went, it wont make me miss Annie any less

~Damn shrinks! You dearly know how to push people around!

~I just wanted us to be old together. Just two old farts laughing at each other as our bodies fell apart

~There's a lot of things to miss. Books... naps... kisses... fights... God we had some good ones!

~Good people end up in hell because they cant forgive themselves. But i can forgive you

For killing my children and my sweet husband?

No, for being so wonderful a guy would choose heaven over hell just to hang around with you

~A human life is just a heartbeat here in heaven, and then we'll all be together forever

Annie Quotes

~Sometimes when you win, you loose

~When your dead, you dissapear

~You taught me the one thing, the only thing...

Which is?

I forgot....Oh yea oh yea oh yea oh yea. You must never give up. Never ever give up

~Dear Diary, Im writing in your bullshit pages because my shrink is crazier than I am. He thinks your therapy. He thinks if two babies can hammer me in a psycho ward, what'll i do with this. He's so stupid.

~He's thirteen years old! He needs to hang out with his friends, thats what he needs. He needs to vege out in front of the TV! He needs for once in his life to read a fucking book he actually likes!

Your saying he's going through this so he wont let me down?

No, its actually worse than that. He's into you so deep he thinks he's letting himself down. You say he can do something and he cant and he thinks he's shit. How sick is that?

~He thinks he pulled me through the breakdown when it was Christy. Always Chris. He used art as another was to love me, to help me, to keep us always together

~A whole family lost in car crashes. Enough to make a person want to ride a bike

~That or a bunny rabbit, a very complex bunny rabbit!

Or a very rubeness breast

You always think they're breasts all different kinds of breasts

~Its just that when everyone's dancing i feel all alone, in the sea of faces

~Sometimes when you loose, you win

Ian and Marie Quotes

~Its after midnight

I havent won yet

Its your first time

No, i like that i havent won yet, it means your not cheating. When i win, i win. I just want to play until i do..Unless you want to stop

No lets play until you win.....She died 3 months later. We played every night. She meant the world to me, but she never won

~Its a slap in the face when you walk through a door and all these people are taking a test and they're just breezing through it. and for you it just kinda goes

~Whats the difference? You werent looking anyway

~Your mom puts healthy stuff in there, so dont trade it for....

Chips and cookies, I know i know

~Everyday i see, how im not as good as you, or anyone else. But that doesnt mean i give up

~When she goes to the hospital im coming too

Marie, Katie's not going there to get better. She's going to get a shot and its not going to hurt...

Your going to kill my dog

Im going to help her die, yes

Where will she go?

Where we all go, and that cant be bad, can it?

~You really gotta show me some more, buddy ok? Come'on! Your blowing it, Ian!

Im not you!

~Is this where we go when we die?

Its a dream baby. A beautiful one but dreams....

Arent real, yea

Albert Quotes

~You thought i'd still be old a decrapeit talking about "ohhh! Cant go on! Cant go on!" Who wants to be 63 throughout eternity?

~Where's God in all this?

Oh he's up there, somewhere. Shouting down that he loves us, wondering why we cant hear him...ya think?

~You still are kinda ugly

~You and Annie along courtship?

No actually. From the first time we met it was like.....

Soulmates. Its incredibly rare, but it exists. Its like two twin souls tunned into each other, Apparently even after death

~Your loosing your fear

What fear?

That you dissapeared. You didnt. You only died

~Marie, she's here, right?

Here, is big enough for everyone to have there own private universe. But that's not why you havent seen them yet, is it?

What does that mean, Buddha? I wanna see my children!

When you do, you will

~No, suicides dont go to hell because they're immoral or selfish they go for a very different reason. Each of us has an instinct that there's a natural order to our journey, and Annie's violated that. She wont face it. She wont realize and accept what she's done wrong and she'll spend eternity playing that out

Your still saying she's in hell

Everybody's hell is different. Its not all fire and pain. The real hell is your life gone wrong

Im her soulmate, i can find her

~I bet your thinking "Oh Shit!" now!

~Think about what happened when we died. Think about what you said to her to bring her back

~You dont understand....

Its not about understanding! Its about NOT giving up!

~Drink your coffee

It needs milk

Dont push your luck

Leona Quotes

~He said you've been isolated. Would you like to see others, perhaps the city?

I would but travel makes me nauseous

Close your eyes...I didnt mean forever!

~Do you still play chess?

I think i waited for my partner

Tracker Quotes

~Elevator to Hell, going up

~This the guy who doesnt give up?

~You can say everything you've long to say, including goodbye. Even if she cant understand it. And you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you didnt give up. That has to be enough

Just get me there, ill decide what's enough

~You were expecting physical danger? No, in Hell there's real danger....of loosing your mind

~But these used to be rimless, and the rest of me used to be black

WAAIITT!! That's not all! Look below to see my most favorite quote from the movie! BEWARE its long! :-)

Rose's Favorite Quote!!!

This quote Chris says to the saddened people at Ian and Marie's funeral about Ian is my most favorite. It reminds me and completely describes a friend of mine who passes away a few short months ago. He would have been the exact age Ian was when he died, 15.

Ian and Marie's funneral

~There's a man Ian never got to know. A man he was growing up to be. It's a good-looking clear-eyed young fella, about 25. I can see him. He's the type of guy men want to be around. Because he has integrity. He has character. Can't fake that. He's a guy women want to be around too. Because there's tenderness in him. Respect, loyalty, courage, and women respond to that. It makes him a terrific husband, this guy. I see him as a father. Thats where he really shines. I see him when he looks into his kid's eyes, and his kid knows that his dad really sees him. And that child knows that he's an amazing person. He's quite a guy I'll never get to meet, that I wish I had.

**Hope you enjoyed the quotes**

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