Welcome to my Guestbook! Please don't forget to sign my book!!! Thank You =)

Anj - 12/28/00 23:13:02
My Email:youknowit@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: England
Who is your favorite singer / band?: Too many to mention
What is your favorite movie?: Sleepless in Seattle
Who is your favorite actor / actress?: Tom Hanks
Who is your favorite cartoon character: Bugs Bunny
What is your favorite T.V. show?: Pet Rescue

Hi sis Ill check more of your page a little later ;-) Thanks for always being there for me! Take care! Love ya! Anj

sandy - 10/31/00 10:37:20
My URL:http://www.oneandonly.de
My Email:sandy@science-software.de
Where are you from?: germany
Who is your favorite singer / band?: many
What is your favorite movie?: the sevent sign
Who is your favorite actor / actress?: hugh grand
Who is your favorite cartoon character: lisa simpson
What is your favorite T.V. show?: a german one: wer wird millionaer /

Hi u have made a very nice site ... please visit mine and sign my gb peace and love from sandy

sheldon campbell - 10/26/00 02:47:31
My Email:scamp51@excite.com
Where are you from?: canada
Who is your favorite singer / band?: mariah carey
What is your favorite movie?: how to be a player
Who is your favorite actor / actress?: nicholos cage
Who is your favorite cartoon character: bugs bunny
What is your favorite T.V. show?: the cosby show

it is nice to sign your book

Ayesha Ghafoor - 10/26/00 02:39:47
My Email:ayesha.ghaf@usa.net
Where are you from?: Pakistan
Who is your favorite singer / band?: celion dion
What is your favorite movie?: angle
Who is your favorite actor / actress?: meg reyan/tom cruise
Who is your favorite cartoon character: simpsons
What is your favorite T.V. show?: friends

send me e-mail whenever possible. i always check it. Keep in touch I like hear about what is going on with cc. Until next visit take care.... ayesha

donna gomes - 10/26/00 02:31:22
My Email:dongom@canada.com
Where are you from?: India
Who is your favorite singer / band?: faith hill
What is your favorite movie?: thorne birds
Who is your favorite actor / actress?: kevin costner
What is your favorite T.V. show?: everybody loves raymond

thank you for coming to see us, enjoyed the time we spent talking etc. keep in touch.

Adrian Mathews - 10/25/00 03:28:30
My URL:http://www.iwr.com/christian
My Email:adrian@iwr.com
Where are you from?: Oregon

What a wonderful website, you have done a tremendous job. Do stop by and visit us and Sign our guestbook. Our site offers many Christian and Family Resources, a reciprocal links connection, fun things, and many more resources! + FREE Book - Walking In New Life! God Bless.

Winifred Ifill - 10/25/00 00:43:15
My Email:
Where are you from?: Canada
What is your favorite movie?: To sir with love
Who is your favorite actor / actress?: Linda Whitfield
Who is your favorite cartoon character: Tweety
What is your favorite T.V. show?: Talk

Hi, good work you've done here. Keep it up. WEI

Bill - 10/18/00 05:50:25
My URL:http://www.wrw1.com
My Email:gtaw001@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Wisconsin


Hi, I just looked at your web site and it is just great, I enjoyed it very much. Looks like a lot of time, thought and hard work has gone into it and it really shows. It looks very nice, looks like there is something for every one..Bill.

Please visit my home page for full Christmas wavs Thank You...Bill

Dawn - 09/24/00 20:15:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/dawn68mike66/
My Email:chrisken@panetwork.com
Where are you from?: usa
Who is your favorite singer / band?: i have several :)
What is your favorite movie?: again, i have several...LOL
Who is your favorite actor / actress?: Bruce Willis.....mmmmmm
Who is your favorite cartoon character: Looney Tunes
What is your favorite T.V. show?: Friends

Nice page, u did a great job! Thanks for sharing it with me!

Melissa - 08/06/00 19:49:31
My Email:CanadianMelissa@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: canada
Who is your favorite singer / band?: Dance Music
What is your favorite movie?: 6th sense
Who is your favorite actor / actress?: harrison Ford
Who is your favorite cartoon character: Garfield
What is your favorite T.V. show?: passions

Hi Ya Granddaughter, Missed ya in the last few months.. Glad your back now... Love the website you are doing a great job! hope to se e ya around more Luv Nana

BATMAN_DAN_ - 08/06/00 19:07:42
My Email:nwo_haryz4life@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: SCOTLAND
Who is your favorite singer / band?: ACE OF BASE
What is your favorite movie?: TRAINSPOING
Who is your favorite actor / actress?: THE MAN WHO PLAYS HHH IN THE WWF
Who is your favorite cartoon character: DAFFY DUCK
What is your favorite T.V. show?: WWF

its a good website i`ll add it 2 my favets

Siren - 07/22/00 14:18:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/boogiesgirl1/
My Email:mystificationpersonified@inyourwildestdreams.com
Who is your favorite singer / band?: Alice In Chains/Metallica
What is your favorite movie?: Sleepy Hollow
Who is your favorite actor / actress?: Nicholas Cage
Who is your favorite cartoon character: Winnie The Pooh
What is your favorite T.V. show?: Don't really watch tv

Hey girl!! Nice page , I am very impressed..Keep up the good work and nice graphics I might add.. Siren

Cougar© - 07/22/00 14:12:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/cruelrebel
My Email:cougar79er@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Helsinki, Finland
Who is your favorite singer / band?: Steven Tyler, Aerosmith
What is your favorite movie?: Blade Runner, director's cut
Who is your favorite actor / actress?: Harrison Ford
Who is your favorite cartoon character: Goofy
What is your favorite T.V. show?: Friends

Niiiice site u have here, just remember that those songs are illegal :)

Psychoti DeMan - 07/22/00 14:10:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/psychoti/kane.htm
My Email:psychoti@bhlegend.com

Nice page, couldn't tell it was your first try.

Eddie - 06/06/00 03:40:46
My URL:http://none
My Email:BigVanVader@nightmail.com
Where are you from?: Canada
Who is your favorite singer / band?: Smashing Pumpkins
What is your favorite movie?: Enter the Dragon
Who is your favorite actor / actress?: Bruce Lee
Who is your favorite cartoon character: none
What is your favorite T.V. show?: Flintstones

cool site, but when will you have a FOO DEE GUY section?

Aly - 06/02/00 03:08:35
My URL:http://people.goplay.com/alyellison/
My Email:alyellison@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Texas
Who is your favorite singer / band?: BLINK-182!
What is your favorite movie?: i dunno?!
What is your favorite T.V. show?: TRL

cute page! Nice Work:)

Guin - 05/25/00 17:17:53
My Email:Guinevere_is@Comnet.ca
Where are you from?: Canada
Who is your favorite singer / band?: ???
What is your favorite movie?: The Saint
Who is your favorite actor / actress?: Val Kilmer/Drew Barymore
Who is your favorite cartoon character: Eeyore
What is your favorite T.V. show?: ????

Awesome job with the site TL!!! I should have dropped by sooner. Keep up the good work and lret me know when you're going to be parachuting in to the City. I'll come out with the net and catch you. ;o) Hugs!

Rob Paez - 05/15/00 23:22:39
My Email:robpaez@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: California, US
Who is your favorite singer / band?: Metalica
What is your favorite movie?: I don't know..I like a lot
Who is your favorite actor / actress?: Michelle Phiffer
Who is your favorite cartoon character: Stuart Little
What is your favorite T.V. show?: Friends


Scott Durrence - 05/13/00 07:00:13
My Email:wdurrence@mocc.com
Where are you from?: Saint Mary's, Georgia
Who is your favorite singer / band?: Collective Soul
What is your favorite movie?: American Flyers
Who is your favorite actor / actress?: Jennifer Love Hewitt
Who is your favorite cartoon character: Scooby Doo
What is your favorite T.V. show?: Home Improvement


sue - 05/13/00 02:43:58
My Email:zuprise@chickmail.com
Where are you from?: manila
Who is your favorite actor / actress?: sigourney weaver
Who is your favorite cartoon character: power puff girls
What is your favorite T.V. show?: national geographic

congrats christine in your website-- hope it brings you all smiles when people keep in touch here and success to your fame if ever ! hehehe-- much hugz and missing you much as always -sue-

Kevin - 05/10/00 21:54:07
My URL:http://nomore
My Email:kevin128@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: OOOOklahoma unfortunatley
Who is your favorite singer / band?: Metallica
What is your favorite movie?: Bringing out the dead
Who is your favorite actor / actress?: Sean Connery
Who is your favorite cartoon character: Eeyore
What is your favorite T.V. show?: Paramedics

Kool page you have goin' on here! Keep up the good work, maybe someday i'll attemt one

Kristina - 05/10/00 15:19:22
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ks/silvermanor
My Email:kristina151@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Ohio/Florida/Everywhere..>?
Who is your favorite singer / band?: Crystal Method
What is your favorite movie?: Ace Ventura 1/ Space Balls
Who is your favorite actor / actress?: Jim Carrey/ Julia Robts
Who is your favorite cartoon character: Dark Wing Duck
What is your favorite T.V. show?: Friends

SIS!!!!! Your website is awesome, and I love the song *eye of the tiger* WOO HOOO Not bad for your first try... hell mine didn't turn out this good *sniffles* Wanna do mine? LOL I LOVE YOU!!!

Lee - 05/10/00 03:40:14
Where are you from?: Greenville,SC
Who is your favorite singer / band?: Smashing Pumpkins
What is your favorite movie?: Austin Powers 2
Who is your favorite actor / actress?: Neve Campbell has my birthday.
Who is your favorite cartoon character: Coyote
What is your favorite T.V. show?: Beevis & Butthead


Robert A. Novak - 04/30/00 01:40:23
My Email:pacertwo@worldnet.att.net
Where are you from?: Pittsburgh, PA
Who is your favorite singer / band?: Bruce Springsteen, Joan Jett
What is your favorite movie?: The Crow, Support Your local Sheriff
Who is your favorite actor / actress?: Sarah Michelle Gellar
Who is your favorite cartoon character: Marvin the Martian
What is your favorite T.V. show?: love wrestling, MASH

not much to say, but I like the intro. I'm going to have to check it out better when I get back. Here's the thought for the day.....just when you think you have all the answers, I have all the questions. Keep people guessing, and keep smiling.

Norm - 04/27/00 23:04:47
My Email:You know it already
Where are you from?: Home
Who is your favorite singer / band?: You Know
What is your favorite movie?: You Know
Who is your favorite actor / actress?: You Know
Who is your favorite cartoon character: Taz, who else?
What is your favorite T.V. show?: You know.

Nice site for your first attempt sis. Your Bro.

angel1 - 04/27/00 21:38:06
Where are you from?: Here and there
Who is your favorite singer / band?: U2
What is your favorite movie?: City Of Angels
Who is your favorite actor / actress?: all the cute ones
Who is your favorite cartoon character: Fred Flinstone
What is your favorite T.V. show?: Law and Order

Christine, Great page :) Hope to talk to you soon

Kates - 04/26/00 23:15:54
My URL:http://geocities.com/mizgoody2shoes
My Email:kates@omaha.com
Where are you from?: Omaha, NE, USA
Who is your favorite singer / band?: Bare Naked Ladies
What is your favorite movie?: The Green Mile
Who is your favorite cartoon character: Pepe Le Pew
What is your favorite T.V. show?: Will & Grace

Chris! I love the Tiger's, they are soooo cute!! You should try to find some lilies or tigerlily pics to put on here! LOL Keep me posted when you add new stuff! *HUGS* Love ya sis, Kates

Red Elmo - 04/24/00 22:59:34
Where are you from?: Canada
Who is your favorite singer / band?: Slayer
What is your favorite movie?: Dances With Wolves
Who is your favorite actor / actress?: Adam Sandler / Michelle Yeoh
Who is your favorite cartoon character: Elmo
What is your favorite T.V. show?: Family Ties

I liked the site so much that I decided to marry the creator!!!

Cookie Monster - 04/24/00 04:03:39
Where are you from?: Toronto
Who is your favorite singer / band?: Aaliyah
What is your favorite movie?: they havn't made it yet
Who is your favorite actor / actress?: Ashley Judd
Who is your favorite cartoon character: Mickey
What is your favorite T.V. show?: X-Files

Sup....Chumps peace luv & happiness :) always, Cookie Monster

Cassie - 04/24/00 03:50:28
My Email:cassie89@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Canada
Who is your favorite singer / band?: I like lots of music
What is your favorite movie?: Don't have one
Who is your favorite actor / actress?: Mel Gibson/ Juila Roberts
Who is your favorite cartoon character: Tigger
What is your favorite T.V. show?: E.R.

Awesome job Christine *S* I am so glad to have you as my friend and to have met you cause you have to be one of the nicest people i have talked to here. Miss ya Lots SIS !!!!! *HUGS*

Brenda - 04/24/00 00:46:16
My Email:pita0861@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Florida
Who is your favorite singer / band?: Celine Dion/Boyzone
What is your favorite movie?: Braveheart
Who is your favorite actor / actress?: Mel Gibson/Julia Roberts
Who is your favorite cartoon character: Tweety
What is your favorite T.V. show?: Profiler

Well, what can I say? I totally love this site which is not surprising seeing as my good friend constructed it. In fact, I've already added it to my favorites. *s* I'm one very lucky person to have discovered TL along with some other rather special people Keep up the good work, girl. *hugs*

Christine - 04/23/00 01:26:16
Where are you from?: Canada
Who is your favorite singer / band?: U2 / Tragically Hip
What is your favorite movie?: As Good As It Gets
Who is your favorite actor / actress?: Kevin Spacey / Susan Sarandon
Who is your favorite cartoon character: Tigger
What is your favorite T.V. show?: The Iron Chef

Well, since this is my website, I think that it is only fair if I sign first *wink* I would like to Thank You all for visiting my site. I hope you will come back soon *s* Oh Ya!!! Please Don't Forget to sign my guest book *s* THANK YOU!!!

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<BGSOUND SRC="mummerdance.wav">