[7.1] Momma Mia

Momma Mia                                  Written by Rob Hanning
                                           Directed by Kelsey Grammer
Production Code: 7.1.
Episode Number In Production Order: 147.
Original Airdate on NBC: 23rd September 1998
Original Airdare on Channel 4: 7th January 2000
Episode filmed on 31st August 1999 
Synopsis written on 23rd September 1999
Transcript written on 10th January 2000
Transcript Revised First on 2nd August 2000
Transcript Revised Second on 26th May 2001 

Cast List [in order of appearance]

FRASIER CRANE..........................................KELSEY GRAMMER

ROZ DOYLE.................................................PERI GILPIN

FRANCESCA..............................................GEORGIA EMELIN

MIA PRESTON/HESTER CRANE..................................RITA WILSON

JESSICA..............................................DELAINA MITCHELL

MARTIN CRANE.............................................JOHN MAHONEY

DAPHNE MOON...............................................JANE LEEVES

NILES CRANE.........................................DAVID HYDE PIERCE

YOUNG NILES.................................................SEAN CAST

YOUNG FRASIER........................................DUSTIN TRAGETHON

Transcript {nick hartley}

Skyline: Above the Seattle skyline flies a plane trailing behind 
it a banner reading "KACL."

Act One.

Scene One - Café Nervosa.
Roz and Frasier are seated by the window.  Frasier is waiting for his 
blind date.

Frasier: This is exactly why I hate fix-ups, she's not coming.
    Roz: Just give her a few more minutes.  Come on, tell me about the 
Frasier: Oh, all right.  Well, Mom and Dad used to take us up there 
         when we were kids.  Niles and I thought it might be a nice 
         birthday gift for Dad if we took him up there again. [then] 
         Oh, this is ridiculous!  I'm being stood up on a blind date - 
         I'm pathetic.
    Roz: You are so insecure.  God!  Where does that come from?  
         Jessica will be here.
Frasier: Jessica?  I thought you said her name was Jennifer.
    Roz: Jennifer?  Jennifer goes out with a weatherman.  She's way 
         out of your league.  Look, let me you have your cell phone. 
         I'll call her and see what's going on. 

Frasier, however, is entranced by a woman that has just walked in. 
However, she is with a man.  The couple sit at a table opposite 
Frasier and Roz.

    Roz: Frasier!
Frasier: Oh, I'm sorry Roz, the most striking woman just came in.
    Roz: It's probably Jessica.
Frasier: No, no, no, it's not Jessica.  She's with a man.  God, I don't 
         know what it is about her.  I can't take my eyes off of her. 
         Do you suppose they're a couple?

Roz begins to look but Frasier stops her quickly.

Frasier: Tell you what, you have to go over there for me and find out.
    Roz: What?!
Frasier: You owe me.  Come on.  All right, it's the table right by the 
         counter.  Go on.

Roz gets up, passes the woman Frasier was talking about, and goes to 
a woman with a man on another table.

Frasier: No, Roz, Roz-!

She doesn't hear him.

      Roz: Excuse me, I know this is a little weird.  But my friend 
           over there thinks you're really, really cute.  And he 
           wants to know if you two are on a date.
Francesca: A date?  Oh no, Hank and I are just friends.
      Roz: Oh, that's good news. [Hank turns round and Roz notices 
           him] That's REALLY good news.  Hi, Hank.  I'm Roz Doyle.

Roz sits with Hank.  Meanwhile, the girl Frasier really likes gets up 
and goes to the counter.  Frasier decides to go and talk to her.

Frasier: Excuse me, ah.  I suppose you noticed I was staring at your 
         table and I was just wondering if that gentleman you're 
         with - is he your husband?
    Mia: No.
Frasier: Boyfriend?
    Mia: No.
Frasier: Oh, wonderful.
    Mia: Would you like me to introduce you, he just broke up with 
Frasier: No... I was staring at you.
    Mia: You were?
Frasier: Yes.  Gosh, I know this may seem awfully bold of me, I'm not
         the sort of man who hits on every woman he sees.

Then Francesca, whom Roz accidentally mistook for the woman of 
Frasier's fancies, approaches Frasier.

Francesca: Excuse me, hi, your friend said you wanted to know if I 
           was single. [Frasier is worried] It's okay, you don't 
           have to be embarrassed.
      Mia: Yes, he does.
  Frasier: There's been a little mistake. [to woman] You see, I asked 
           my friend to approach this [points to Mia] lovely woman 
           and she obviously mistook you for the woman I meant.  Well, 
           that's certainly understandable, seeing as you're lovely as 
           well.  Well, it's just that at this moment, well... 
           [Francesca walks away] Many apologies. [to Mia] Gosh, I'm 
           sorry, let me start again.  I'm Frasier Crane.

Then, Jessica, the woman who he was set up with arrives and hears this.

Jessica: Oh, you're Frasier.  Hi, I'm Jessica - Roz's friend.
Frasier: Jessica.
Jessica: Roz thought we might hit it off.
Frasier: Indeed we might have, you see, if not for the fact I just met 
         this woman, to whom I'd be to glad to introduce you, except 
         I don't know what her name is.  You know, Roz can explain 
         all this.  She's sitting over there next to that scowling 

At Hank and Francesca's table, Roz puts her face into her hand.
Jessica goes over to meet her.

Frasier: Gosh, you know, you must think I'm some sort of a smooth 
    Mia: No, not really.
Frasier: I really am terribly sorry.  Ah...
    Mia: I'm Mia.  Mia Preston.
Frasier: Mia.  Mia Preston?  The children's book author?
    Mia: Yes.
Frasier: Oh my goodness. "Panda in the Parlor."  Oh, wow!  I love 
         that book, I've read it a hundred times. 
    Mia: I'm impressed.  Most of my readers can't even count that high.
Frasier: No, I used to read it to my son.  You know, many is the quart 
         of milk we've poured in the back yard waiting for the Oreo 
         Tree to grow.  Gosh, you know I'd love to take you to lunch, 
    Mia: Lunch?  Em... I...
Frasier: Well, all right, coffee?  Anything.  I'd just like a chance 
         to get you know you better.
    Mia: Well, okay.  You're certainly persistent.
Frasier: Well, as a wise woman once wrote, "No cookie jar is up too 
         high for a panda who will try and try."
    Mia: Now you're scaring me.


Scene Two - Frasier's Apartment. Daphne is sat reading a book as Martin enters. He is dressed in some over-sized green rubber waders which stop under his armpits. Martin: Hey, Daph. Daphne: I see you're wearing your buffet pants. Martin: They're hip-waders. I'm breaking them in for the weekend. Where's Fras? Daphne: He's probably off somewhere with that Mia. Martin: Oh yeah, it seems to be getting serious, huh? You know, it's funny, you can always tell. He starts using French words for no reason. Daphne: Yeah, and that laugh, the giddy one. Daphne and Martin copy the giddy laugh. Then Niles and Frasier enter. Niles is carrying a hold-all. Niles: Hello, all. [notices Martin] Well, there's a faux-pas averted. I almost wore my big rubber pants today! Martin: They're for the trip. I'm nearly done packing. I just gotta get my fly mast and my tackle box and there's one more thing... Frasier: Yes, well, we're taking off in a few hours so depeché-toi! Martin: Oh yeah, earplugs for the car ride up. Thanks. Niles: Oh but Dad, don't forgot to pack some sturdy knee socks. Martin exits to his room. Niles: I should get some for myself. You remember the insect situation at the cabin. Frasier: Good Lord, Niles, not this bug phobia of yours. Niles: It's not a phobia. The mosquitoes up there are huge. My first summer I was chased off the end of the dock by one the size of a pelican! Daphne: [to Frasier] So, Dr. Crane, when do we finally get to meet this new girlfriend of yours? Frasier: Oh, Mia, she's on her way over right now, actually. She's going to take me out to buy some new trousers. You see, with this new diet she's got me on, I've lost my love handles. Just when I needed them most. Frasier gives that giddy laugh and Daphne reacts. Frasier: Niles, Niles, you got those movies? Niles: Shush, here they are. Niles gives Frasier some movie tape. Niles covers him while Frasier stores them in the wardrobe. Daphne: Movies? Niles: Shush. Yes, for Dad's birthday we had some old home movies transferred to video tape. Frasier: Gosh, you know, I haven't seen these in years. You know, Daphne, it's going to be quite a hoot this weekend. Are you sure you don't want to join us? Daphne: Gutting fish, watching home movies and hosing down your father's pants. It does sound tempting! The doorbell sounds. Frasier answers it to Mia who is carrying a bag of something. Niles is taken aback. Mia: Hi, honey. Frasier: Hi, Mia. [kisses] Come on in. This is Daphne Moon. [hellos] And my brother Niles. Mia: It's great to finally meet you two. Daphne: Likewise. Frasier: So, what you got there? Mia: Oh, I baked some fat-free goodies for your trip. Oh, where's the kitchen? Frasier: Right this way. Mia: And there's a ton of muffins if anybody wants one. Niles: Oh, not for me, I have some problems with allergies. Mia: Really? Well these are just wheat germ, oat bran and carob. Niles: Oh well, throw in a sea scallop, you can phone the paramedics right now. Mia and Frasier exit to the kitchen. Daphne: She seems nice, doesn't she? [silence] You all right, Dr. Crane? Niles: I'm sorry, Daphne, it's just that Mia looks exactly like our mother. Daphne: Mrs. Crane? I've only seen photos, mind, but now that you mention it, there is a resemblance. Niles: It's not just a resemblance. She's the spitting image, I'm shocked Frasier didn't mention it. Frasier: [enters] So, what do you think of her? Niles: Well she's wonderful, but Frasier... Frasier is confused. Niles: Does she remind you of anyone? Frasier: Oh, you noticed that too. Niles: Are you kidding? The minute I laid eyes on her. Daphne: Even I can see it. Frasier: Really? Well, she does look a bit like Roz, but she's a totally different person. You know, in fact our relationship is unlike any I've ever had before. Mia: [enters taking him by the hands mother-like] Come on, handsome. Let's go buy you some pants! Frasier: [boyish excitement] Oh, okay! Mia leads Frasier out the door as Niles and Daphne give each other a look. End Of Act One. Act Two. Scene One - The Cabin. It's an old rustic cabin with a stone fireplace and a wooden floorboard. Martin enters with his cases, mesmerized. Martin: [cheerfully sent back] Oh, wow! Look at that. I don't believe it. Nothing's changed. [calls] Niles! Then Niles enters, glumly putting his cases down. Niles: [disappointed] Wow! I don't believe it! Look at this! Nothing's changed! Martin: It's character, Niles. Look at this fireplace. [sits by it] Your mom and I used to sit in front of the fire here holding hands. I wonder if that... [pulls up rug] Oh, yeah! It's still here. That graffiti that you scratched into the floor. Niles: That's not graffiti, Dad, that's a Latin pun. "Semper Ubi Sub Ubi" - "Always Where Under Where" [N.B. In literal translation they are the correct forms of where - i.e., not wear.] Car horns are heard. Niles: Oh, that'll be Frasier and Mia. Martin: Yeah, I was really surprised he brought her here for the weekend. What's she like, anyway? Niles: Uh, well, she made quite an impression on me. I'm curious to see what you'll think. Niles swats a bug above his head. Niles: Dad, would you hand me that valise, I want to put on some bug repellent. Martin: Oh, sure [hands it over] Ooh, it's kind of heavy. What you got in there? Niles: Bug repellent! Niles opens the valise revealing cans and cans of the stuff all lined up. Martin exits with his cases to the bedrooms. Niles sprays his arms and legs. Then, as Frasier walks in, Niles sprays a puff into the air, shuts his eyes and pushes his face into it. Frasier rolls his eyes. Frasier: Hello, Niles. Niles: Hey, Frasier. Frasier: [calls outside] Honey, you stay out there as long as you like. [to Niles] She can't take her eyes off that sunset. Is everything all set here? Niles: Yes, I just want to make sure this VCR works for our little home movies, later. [presses button twice] Check. Frasier: Splendid. Niles, you know what, we're going to need some more logs from the wood pile. Come give me a hand. Niles: [reluctant] All right. Martin: [enters] Fras, isn't it great to be back here? You know, I want to thank you guys, this is some gift. Frasier: You're welcome, Dad. Listen, if you're enjoying this little trip down memory lane, wait until you see the other blast from the past we brought up here. Niles quiets him and he and Frasier exit to the kitchen. Then Mia enters through the door behind Martin’s back. Mia: Martin? Hi. Martin turns around and cannot believe his eyes - it's as if Hester has come back from the dead. Mia: It's Mia. Oh my gosh, Frasier did tell you I was coming, didn't he? Martin: Oh, yeah. [laughs] Of course he did. Yeah, well, nice meeting you. Mia: It's very nice to meet you. Well, it's so beautiful here. Martin: I'm glad you like it. Mia: Are you kidding? I feel like I'm in heaven. Martin: I'm starting to feel that way myself. Then Frasier and Niles enter, carrying some logs. Frasier is obviously distraught. Frasier: Well, nice going, Niles! Mia: What happened? Frasier: Niles dropped a huge log right onto my hand when he was startled by a moth. Niles: It was not a moth, it was a bat. I could tell from that eerie high-pitched scream. Frasier: That was you! Look, frankly, I wish you'd start seeing someone about this bug phobia of yours. Niles: It is not a phobia. I have a healthy fear of our natural predators. It's us versus them, and frankly I'm starting to wonder just whose side you're on. Frasier: It just amazes me that a good psychiatrist can be so blind of something so obvious. Mia: [motherly] Oh honey, your poor thumb, we should put something on that. Frasier: [like a son] You know, okay. Mia leads Frasier to the kitchen. Martin gives Niles a look. Martin: God, she looks just like your mother. Niles: I know, and Frasier doesn't see it. Martin: You're kidding? Niles: No, and he has the gall to tell me I'm blind. He's clearly the one dealing with repressed material, not to mention the obvious Oedipal issues. Martin: Argle, gargle, gooble, goop. Niles: What? Martin: Now you know how it feels, what are you talking about?! Niles: I'm talking about Freud's theory of the "Oedipus Complex." He believed that every man subconsciously wants to sleep with his mother and kill his father. It's modeled on the Greek tragedy of Oedipus, who actually did sleep with his mother and kill his father, and when he realized what he'd done he gouged out both his eyes. Martin: Probably not too tough to pick that guy out of a line-up. Niles: [notices open door] Oh, why don't we just send out engraved invitations for all the bugs of the forest? [shuts door] The question is: how do we bring it to Frasier's attention? Martin: We don't! Niles: Dad, denial of this magnitude is not healthy, it's for his own good. Martin: No, Niles. Niles: Okay, it's for my own good. Come on, after the way he wagged his finger at me, you can't expect I'm just going to keep quiet about this. Martin: Look, the last thing I want on my birthday weekend is some big long drawn-out argument between you two, all right? Now let's just chill this beer that we brought, all right, and just put all these weird thoughts out of our minds. Niles: Fine. Then Frasier and Mia enter hand in hand. They bump into Martin. Frasier: Oh, sorry, Dad. Come on, hon. Let's go see if our room still has that big creaky old pine bed that Mom and Dad used to sleep in. [exits with Mia to the bedroom, o.s.] A-ha! Yeah, there she is! Martin: Well, a guess a warm one wouldn't kill us. Martin passes a beer to Niles and takes one for himself. FADE TO:
Scene Two - The Cabin The four are sat around the dinner table with a meal in front of them. Martin: Boy, being in this place really takes me back. Remember that summer I tried to teach you boys how to fish? You just didn't have the knack, so I went out and I bought these two big trout and snuck 'em on the boat. Mia: Oh, Marty, you're terrible! Martin: Yeah, and then I put the trout on their hooks and I dropped them over the side while you two were still arguing about the last Dramamine. I felt bad about fooling ya', but hell, what's the harm of a little fantasy if it makes you feel good? Mia: More wine? Martin: Oh thanks, hon. Mia pours Martin the wine turning into an almost husband and wife duo. Niles reacts. Mia: Frasier, you've hardly touched your chicken. Is something wrong? Frasier: Oh, no, no, it's just that, well, I'm having a little trouble holding the knife because someone dropped a log on my thumb. Niles: Oh, it didn't hurt you that badly, you are such a baby. Frasier: No, you are a baby, running and screaming because of a little moth. Niles: I told you it was a bat! Frasier and Niles begin arguing. Martin: All right boys, that's enough. Not at the table. Mia: Your father's right. Niles reacts. Mia: Now Frasier, if your hands hurting, I'll cut your meat for you. Frasier: Well, all right. Mia begins cutting the meat in a motherly style. Frasier: You know Niles, not to dwell on this, but you know, I could give you the number of a man who specializes in bug phobias. Niles: Oh is that so... Frasier: And while you're at it, I think you should talk to him about your constant chair dusting, I believe that is related. Martin: Frasier! Frasier: Well, I'm sorry, Dad, I think a good psychiatrist should be self-aware. Mia: [giving Frasier a piece of meat] Open wide! Niles: So you're saying I lack self-awareness? Martin: Why don't we change the subject, all right? This is a great meal, Mia. Niles: It certainly was. Frasier, when it comes to girlfriends, you've certainly struck the MOTHERload. Martin: Niles! Frasier: You haven't even read her books yet, Dad, it's a delightful series about an adventurous little panda. Niles: It sounds worthy of MOTHER Goose! Martin: [changing subject] So, what's coming up next week, Mia? Mia: Well, I'll have to swear you to secrecy. Martin: All right. Mia: It looks like that Panda might just find its way into the attic. [they all laugh] Niles: Yes, MUM's the word. Martin "accidentally" knocks his wine over Niles. Martin: Oh, sorry, Niles. Would you maybe come into the kitchen and I'll just help you get dried off in there, all right? Niles: Yes, oh dear, it looks like these pants may have to be REPRESSED! Martin knocks Niles into the kitchen and he follows him. Martin: What the hell's the matter with you? Niles: Oh, I'm sorry Dad, you can't expect me to let him sit there in his booster seat and tell me I lack self-awareness. Martin: He'll pick up on what you're saying. Do you want the whole thing to blow up? Niles: Dad, this level of denial is unhealthy. Martin: [shouting] We're not in denial! Everything's perfect! This is the best birthday I've ever had! Then Mia and Frasier enter. Mia bumps into Martin as she enters. Mia: I know it's early, but I'm exhausted. Martin: Oh Mia, you go, you hit the sack, thanks for dinner. They all ad-lib compliments. Frasier: I'll be along in a minute. Mia exits. Niles: Frasier, before you turn in, there's a little something we need to deal with. Martin: Oh, Jeez. Frasier: Oh right, Dad, your birthday gift. Martin: Oh yes, my gift, my gift, I want to open my gift. It's my birthday this weekend, right? Martin exits. Frasier: Come on Niles. [Niles stands miffed] It'll be fun, come on. Niles: Oh yes, fine! [throws down a cloth] Frasier: Oh come on, seeing you and me, Dad and Mom? Niles: [realizes] You know, I'm getting more excited by the second. Frasier and Niles enter the room where they find Martin. Frasier: Okay, Dad, now listen, you sit right here. Martin moves to a seat in front of the television. Martin: Oh right, okay, what is this? Some kind of movie? Frasier: That's right. Here we go. Niles puts the video on. We then see lots of pictures on the television. They show a young Niles and Frasier messing about at the cabin. Then it shows them playing "Peter Pan," fighting with toy swords. Martin: Oh, my old home movies. I haven't seen these for twenty years. Frasier: Well, happy birthday, Dad, now you can watch them whenever you like. [to Niles] Isn't it just the reaction you were hoping for? Niles: One of them. Then Hester Crane appears on the television, playing Wendy with the boys. Frasier straight away notices her resemblance to Mia and gasps. Martin and Niles turns to look at him. Frasier: Oh, dear God! Do you two see what I see? My God, they could be twins. Martin: Now Frasier, take it easy... Frasier: You do see it?! How could you miss it? How could I miss it? Martin: Niles, just calm him down and I'll get him a drink of water. Martin exits to the kitchen. Frasier begins to hyperventilate. Niles: Frasier, Frasier, the important thing is not to blow this out of proportion. After all... Niles is interrupted when he feels the presence of something above his head. He whacks the air. Niles: Dear God, what was that, a hummingbird?! Frasier: What is the matter with me?! Niles: [running for his bug spray] Now Frasier, you didn't do anything wrong, your feelings for Mia stem from perfectly natural Oedipal desires. Frasier: Yes, but Oedipal desires are supposed to resolve themselves by the age of six! Niles starts with the bug spray. Frasier: Oh for God's sake, give me that, you idiot! Frasier takes the spray and "blinds" himself with it accidentally. Frasier: [screams] I've blinded myself! Martin enters with water and sees the commotion. Martin: I leave you alone with him for two seconds... Niles: Frasier, are you all right? Frasier: [gasping] Let me just try to calm down a little bit. She's not my mother. We then see Hester on the video, at the bedroom door, beckoning to Martin to come to bed. Then in present times, Mia comes to the bedroom door and with exactly the same gestures as Hester gave: Mia: Frasier, come to bed. Mia exits back to the bedroom and Frasier looks away in fright. FADE TO: Scene Three - The Cabin's Bedroom. Mia is sat on the bed wearing only a silk dressing gown. Frasier enters cautiously. Frasier: [scared] Hello? You wanted to see me? Mia: [sexy] I hope I wasn't rushing you. Frasier: No, no, it is bedtime. Mia: Are you okay sweetie? You seem a little tense. Frasier: No, no, no, I just need to calm down a little bit. [sits rigidly on bed] Yeah, you see, that's better. Mia: It seems like you're in pain. Oh, it's your hand. Frasier: [covering] Yes, yes, that's it. Mia: Well, I know what the problem is there. I never kissed your little boo-boo. Mia kisses his thumb. Frasier screams nervously. Mia: We don't want these other fingers to be jealous, do we? Mia kisses his second finger. Frasier nervously pulls his hand away. Mia: Frasier, honey, please. Mia cradles his head in her lap like a mother does to her son. Mia: Tell me what's wrong. What's bothering you? Frasier: I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me, I'm just having a little trouble getting comfortable. Mia: Well, was it something I did, something I said at dinner, what? Frasier sits up. Frasier: Okay, okay. Gosh, this is awkward. I just realized that you bear a striking resemblance to my mother. Mia: But you just noticed it now? Frasier: Yes. Mia: Well, it can't be that strong of a resemblance then, can it? [Frasier looks at her] That strong, huh? Well listen, I hope you can get over it, because I think we have a pretty great thing going here. Don't you? Frasier: Yes. Mia: We have loads in common, we get along great and don't you want to stick around long enough to see how that naughty Panda gets out of the attic? Frasier: Oh, I do, yes. You're right, just talking about this makes me feel much better. Oh, God, you're not my mother, this is ridiculous. Mia: So, you're okay. Frasier: I'm okay. They kiss passionately. Frasier: I'm better than okay. Mia: Okay, then. Mia stands up, opens her robe and lets it drop to the floor. Frasier however isn't okay and looks away in angst. Scene Four - The Cabin. The same night a taxi horn sounds. Frasier is sat with Mia. Mia has her luggage ready to go. Frasier: Oh well, there's your cab. Mia: Take care of yourself. Frasier: Yeah. I'm sorry, this is so awkward. Mia: No really, it's fine. Frasier lets Mia out to her cab and shouts "sorry" after her before closing the door. Frasier thinks to himself for a while before Martin and Niles enter in their dressing gowns from the other bedrooms. Martin: I take it that cab was for Mia. Frasier: Yeah. You know, I tried to get past it but I just couldn't. Martin: I'm sorry, son. Niles: Yeah, me too, Frasier. Frasier: I won't be getting much sleep tonight. Martin: Well, I'm up too. Niles: I won't be getting a wink of sleep either the way those crickets are raging. Martin: Niles, why don't you get us all a nice big brandy? [Niles does] Now, don't make too much of this, Frasier. So you picked a woman who looked like your mother, so what? Frasier: "Like her" would have been fine, Dad. We're not talking about a similar hairdo or the same crooked smile. I was dating a replicant. Martin: Now Frasier, I know you're going to go crazy convincing yourself that you've got some big complex, but couldn't it be simpler than that? Maybe you just miss your mother. I know I do. Frasier: I do think about her a lot. Niles: We all do. Niles hands Frasier his brandy and then Martin, they ad-lib thanks. Martin: Hey, I think we've talked about all this enough for one night. So, it's still my birthday. I want to watch the rest of my movies. Frasier: That's a great idea, Dad. Niles puts the video on. Niles: Check. They all sit and watch. The first scene is of Niles and Frasier fighting. Niles: Well, there certainly are a lot of us fighting. Frasier: You know, Dad, I wish there were more shots with you in it. Martin: No, no, no, I liked being the cameraman. On the video, we see a sneaky shot of Hester's legs. Martin: I got to focus on the things I liked. On the TV, Hester catches Martin taping her and waves him away, scandalized. The Crane Boys laugh. Then, Hester leans forward into the camera and says, "I love you." Martin sinks his head down onto the handle of his cane. On the screen, Hester blows a kiss to her husband and sons and says, "I love you" again. Martin looks at it thoughtfully along with his sons. Credits: The Cabin. We see a clip from Martin's home video. Young Niles is on the couch revealing all his problems to Young Frasier who is acting as a psychiatrist. Frasier looks at the camera and whirls his finger around his head, calling Niles "crazy."




Frasier and Roz are at the window table next to the front door,
Frasier fidgeting anxiously and fuming to Roz that the blind date 
she's set him up with is obviously planning to stand him up.  To
distract him, Roz asks him to tell her about the cabin.  Frasier 
begins to explain that he and Niles are taking Martin on a birthday 
trip to the same cabin where the family used to vacation years ago, 
but Frasier can't keep his mind on the conversation.  His ego is 
wounded and he keeps complaining that he's been stood up -- at least 
until a very attractive woman walks into the cafe with a male 
companion and they sit at the table near the end of the coffee bar.  

Frasier abruptly forgets all about his blind date -- and everything 
else, including Roz -- as he stares at the mystery woman in 
fascination.  Roz finally gets his attention and he hastily enlists 
her help to find out whether the mystery woman is attached to her 
male companion.  Roz reluctantly departs on a fact-finding mission, 
but arrives at the wrong table.  She is ecstatic to find out that the 
woman she's questioning is just friends with her attractive male 
companion, and Roz makes herself comfortable at the wrong table.  

Frasier looks on in exasperation and finally decides to approach the
mystery woman, who has stepped up to the coffee bar and is waiting 
for her order.   He introduces himself and is shyly explaining that 
he doesn't ordinarily hit on every woman he sees, when the woman from 
Roz's table comes over and offers to get acquainted with Frasier 
based on Roz's flattering description.  Frasier explains the 
situation and has just sent her back over to Roz and resumed his 
conversation when Frasier's blind date shows up and comes over to 
introduce herself.   He stumbles through an explanation and the blind 
date also goes off to talk with an increasingy embarrassed Roz.

After a belated introduction Frasier realizes that his mystery woman 
is well-known children's author Mia Preston, whose books are a 
favorite of his son Frederick's.  Mia is flattered and after some 
hesitation finally accepts Frasier's charmingly awkward lunch 


Daphne is reading on the couch as Martin enters from the bedroom, 
wearing a pair of oversized rubber waders that he's breaking in for 
his trip to the cabin.  He asks after Fraiser and Daphne makes a 
guess that he's off with his new girlfriend Mia again.  They compare 
notes on Frasier's state of giddy infatuation as Frasier and Niles 
come in.  Niles is carrying a gym bag.  Martin goes off to finish 
packing as Niles begins to complain about the terrible insect 
situation at the cabin and Frasier reproves him for his out-of-
control bug phobia.  

Daphne asks when they will have a chance to meet Mia, and Frasier 
replies that she is on her way over to take him clothing shopping 
before they leave for the cabin.   As soon as Martin is gone, Niles 
darts over to his gym bag and removes several videotapes which 
Frasier quickly hides, telling Daphne that they have had some old 
home movies transferred to videotape for their father's birthday.  He 
coaxes Daphne to come with them, but she shudders at the thought of 
the fish- and home-movie-filled weekend, and declines the invitation.

Just then Mia arrives and Frasier greets her affectionately.  Daphne 
and Niles are friendly, but Niles is obviously very bothered by 
something. Frasier and Mia exit for the kitchen, and Niles tells 
Daphne that Mia looks exactly like their mother.  When Frasier 
returns, Niles tries to ask him about the resemblance, but doesn't 
get far before he learns that Frasier thinks Mia looks like Roz.  Mia 
returns and leads Frasier out the door in a distinctly maternal way:  
"Come on, handsome, let's go buy you some pants!"  Niles and Daphne 
look on in dismay.

SCENE THREE - The Cabin - Sunset

Niles and Martin arrive at the cabin as Martin rhapsodizes over all 
the fond memories that the family shared there, especially he and 
Hester.  He asks about Mia, who has followed them up to the cabin in 
a separate car with Frasier.  Niles replies diplomatically that she 
made quite an impression on him, but he is interrupted by a dive-
bombing mosquito.  He heads over to his suitcase and opens it to 
reveal a truly impressive array of insect repellents of every 
description.  Frasier arrives without Mia, who has stayed outside the 
cabin to watch the sunset, and Frasier drags Niles off to the 
woodpile to get firewood, prompting Niles to douse himself with even 
more repellent.

Martin is alone in the living room as Mia comes in and introduces
herself.  Martin is stunned to meet her and doesn't quite know what 
to say.  Mia has no idea why he's hesitant and apologizes for barging 
in on their family weekend, but Martin recovers himself and welcomes 
her with all his charm.  It rapidly becomes clear that Martin is 
growing fonder of Mia by the moment.  

Frasier returns with Niles and an armful of firewood, complaining 
loudly. Niles apparently dropped a log onto Frasier's thumb after 
being scared by a moth.  Mia coos over the injury and leads Frasier 
off to the kitchen for first aid as Frasier scolds Niles about his 
bug phobia and urges him to get psychiatric help.  

Alone with Niles, Martin can't get over Mia's resemblance to Hester. 
Niles informs him that Frasier doesn't have any idea about the
resemblance, and ends up explaining Freud's theory of the Oedipus 
complex to an incredulous Martin.  Niles is fuming over Frasier's 
judgmental attitude toward his bug phobia and is eager to force 
Frasier to recognize Mia's resemblance to Hester.  Martin sees it as 
harmless and advises against meddling, but changes his mind after 
Frasier and Mia pass through, laughing slyly on their way to the 
bedroom to check out the bed Martin and Hester used to sleep in.  
Martin and Niles reach for the beer as they contemplate the awkward 
weekend ahead.



The four are gathered around the dinner table as Martin tells a story
about the boys' childhood.  He is clearly in the middle of a pleasant
fantasy with Mia in Hester's place as family matriarch.  Mia and 
Frasier are blissfully unaware as Mia listens fondly to Martin's 
stories and offers him more wine.  Niles tries to hold his tongue, 
but grows more and more uneasy with the Oedipal undercurrents as 
Martin slips and calls Mia "hon", then Mia fusses maternally over 
Frasier's injured thumb, cuts his meat for him at the table and feeds 
him bites of food.   

Niles grows increasingly angry over Frasier's insistence that Niles 
see a psychiatrist for his insect phobia.  It's clearly all he can do 
not to confront Frasier, and Martin anxiouly tries to change the 
subject to prevent Niles blowing up and ruining the peaceful weekend.  
In desperation he spills a glass of wine on Niles and rushes him out 
to the kitchen to clean up.

In the kitchen Niles and Martin argue furiously.  Martin is having a
great time and wants to keep the secret, while Niles insists that
Frasier's denial is extremely unhealthy.  Mia and Frasier come in 
bearing dirty dishes from the table, and Mia decides she is exhausted 
and heads off to bed.  Niles begins to confront Frasier, but Martin 
interrupts and insists on opening his birthday gift, so the three 
head back to the living room.


Frasier settles Martin in front of the television and pops a tape 
into the VCR.  Martin is excited and happy to see the old film of 
Frasier and Niles playing, having a mock swordfight, and reading at 
the cabin.  Then Hester appears on the tape, and Frasier is 
profoundly shocked at her resemblance to Mia.   He begins to have a 
panic attack, which Niles attempts to forestall by reminding him that 
Oedipal feelings are a normal part of development.  But Niles himself 
begins to panic when he is mattacked by a mosquito that has invaded 
the cabin.  He leaps for the insect repellent and begins spraying 
madly.  Frasier grabs the can in frustration, but ends up temporarily 
blinding himself with the spray in unconscious imitation of the 
Oedipal myth.    

Frasier tries to calm down by reminding himself that Mia is not his
mother.  With typical bad timing, the videotape next shows Hester 
looking appealing in a bathrobe, followed seconds later by Mia 
entering the cabin living room in her own bathrobe, suggestively 
summoning Frasier to bed. He is panic-stricken.


Frasier inches his way into the room where Mia is waiting for him in 
bed. She notices his discomfort and coaxes him to tell her what the 
problem is.  After much hesitation he finally tells her.  She 
patiently reminds him that she is not his mother and that they have a 
really good relationship, which she would hate to lose.  Frasier 
agrees and starts to relax.  Mia is reassured and begins to take off 
her bathrobe.  Frasier panics.


Mia is fully dressed and standing at the door as a car horn sounds 
from outside.  She and Frasier hug and Mia goes out to the cab with 
her suitcase.   

Niles pours three brandies, and Martin reminds Frasier that he need 
not torture himself by looking for the deep psychological meaning 
about his relationship with Mia.  Perhaps it's simpler, Martin 
suggests -- maybe Frasier just misses his mother.  Martin and Niles 
agree that all three of them miss her, and they settle down a bit 
more cheerfully to watch the rest of the videotape.

The three laugh as once again the tape shows Niles and Frasier 
fighting. Frasier remarks that it's a shame Martin wasn't in more of 
the tape, but Martin says that he didn't mind being the cameraman.  
As the camera follows the curvaceous Hester in a pair of form-fitting 
slacks, Martin says fondly that taking the pictures gave him the 
chance to focus on the things he liked.  

On the tape Hester finally notices she's being filmed; she laughs and
motions us away, but finally smiles and mouths "I love you" at the
camera.   The Crane men are very still as they watch her, each lost 
in his own memories.


Thanks To...

Transcript written by NICHOLAS HARTLEY
Transcript revised first by NICHOLAS HARTLEY
Transcript revised second by MIKE LEE
Synopsis written by KATHY CHURAY
Additional Materials by NICHOLAS HARTLEY

Legal Stuff

 This episode capsule is copyright 2000 by "The Frasier Files".
 This episode summary remains property of Frasier, Copyright 
 of Paramount Productions and NBC. Printed without permission.