[6.1]Good Grief

Good Grief                               Written by Christopher Lloyd
                                         Directed by Pamela Fryman
Production Code: 6.1
Episode Number in Production Order:
Episode Filmed on: 
Original Airdate on NBC: 24th September 1998
Transcript written on 1999
Transcript revised on 8th November 2002

Cast List [in order of appearance]

FRASIER CRANE..........................................KELSEY GRAMMER

DIRECTOR.............................................TIMOTHY OMUNDSON

MARTIN CRANE.............................................JOHN MAHONEY

DAPHNE MOON...............................................JANE LEEVES

NILES CRANE.........................................DAVID HYDE PIERCE

BOB "BULLDOG" BRISCOE......................................DAN BUTLER

ROZ DOYLE.................................................PERI GILPIN

GIL CHESTERTON.........................................EDWARD HIBBERT

TOOTY...................................................MARSHA KRAMER

KENNY.....................................................TOM McGOWAN

CATERER...................................................CRAIG GREEN

AARON......................................................FRAN KRANZ

DORIS.................................................KANDIS CHAPPELL

GEORGE....................................................ROBERT ARCE

WAITRESS................................................DAWN McMILLAN

Transcript {paul warner & nick hartley}

Act One.

Scene One - TV Station.
[N.B. Basically, you have to know a bit about the background of the 
airing of this season of "Frasier."  "Frasier" used to be shown at 
10:00pm in America, however when "Seinfeld" finally went off the air 
"Frasier" was used to fill the slot at 9:00pm.  Remember that 9:00pm 
is prime time television.  It is the time when most people watch the 
TV, and the people of "Frasier" were very concerned about their 
ratings.  It was a big move and this first scene reflects this with an 

So, the first picture we see is Frasier in front of the camera which 
at first could be interpreted as him talking about the new time slot:

Frasier: Before we begin, I'd like to say how honoured I am to be 
         taking over this slot.  Obviously, I have some rather big 
         shoes to fill - my predecessor here was much beloved.  But 
         I have never been one to shrink from a challenge and I'm 
         sure we'll enjoy many happy years here together in my new 
         home.  Now, today on "Medical Minute"...

The camera pulls back to show that actually Frasier is auditioning 
for a TV show after he got fired in "Sweet Dreams."

 Frasier: We're going to be tackling the sticky subject of...
Director: Dr. Crane, great audition.
 Frasier: Really?  That's all you need?
Director: I think we have a good idea what you're all about.
 Frasier: Excellent.
Director: Er, we'll be in touch.
 Frasier: I'm sure you will.
Director: Next, please!
 Frasier: Oh, formalities?  Yes, I understand.  You know, perhaps 
          I'll just take a walk around the station.  Check out the 
          dressing rooms, introduce myself to a few people.  Say, 
          you know, is there a sign-up list for the softball team? 
          I'm sure that Frasier "Slugger" Crane's gonna be an asset 
          to this station in more ways than one!

FADE OUT Scene Two - Frasier's Apartment. It is early in the morning and Frasier is playing the piano as Martin enters in his dressing gown. Martin: Morning, Frasier. Frasier: Oh, good morning, Dad. Martin: A little early for the piano, isn't it? Frasier: Yes, I'm sorry about that. You know I woke up this morning thinking about that operetta I've been writing. You know, the one about Robert and Elizabeth Browning. I think, well, I had to get right to it. Martin: Well, that's what you get living in a big city: If it's not the horns waking you up it's someone writing an operetta about the Brownings. Frasier: Well, you know, I'm pretty sure I've solved the problem. Martin: Good for you, Frasier. Frasier: But you know, I'd have to hear it to be sure. Martin: I'll bet that. Frasier obviously wants him to sing it with him but Martin doesn't want to. Eventually, he angles around him and they sit at the piano. Frasier: Oh come on, Dad, it'll only take a minute, I just want to do this one section. Martin: Oh, all right, but I'm not doing the accent! Frasier: Come on. All right, we'll take it right here. Martin: Fine. He strikes up the piano and begins singing: Frasier: What is it that you feel... Martin: Love? Frasier: That fear which you conceal... Martin: Love? Frasier: That powers that you heal... Martin: Love? Frasier: Reveeeall. Take me in your arms... Martin interrupts and Frasier stops the piano. Frasier: Well, I'll just have to sing it with Niles later. Martin: Oh, that'll cheer me up. [Walks to table and picks up sketches] Frasier: Dad, be careful with those sketches. Martin: Sketches? Frasier: Yes well, you know I've been telling you that I'm redecorating the apartment, I thought why not just design my own furniture? Martin: Boy, Frasier, you know you've been taking on a lot of big projects lately. Frasier: Yes well, any minute now that phone will ring with another job offer, and this blessed little hiatus will be over. I want to have achieved as many of my life's ambitions as possible. Gee, frankly Dad, you should take up a project or two. Martin: Me? What are you talking about? I'm doing stuff all the time. Why, just this weekend I taught Eddie a great new trick. Frasier: Really? Martin: Yeah, come on, I'll show you. [Walks over to Eddie by chair. Eddie jumps down, Martin kneels] Martin: It starts out that I point a gun at him. Frasier: I like it so far. Martin: Then I say "Freeze punk, it's all over." Martin waits for Eddie - no response. Martin looks at Frasier and tries again. Martin: It's all over! [no response] Oh come on Eddie, you're supposed to go like this. [Martin rolls over on back] Frasier: Now all we have to do is teach Eddie to say "It's all over." Daphne enters through the front door, struggling with a large, heavy box. Daphne: Can someone help me here? Martin: What is all that? Daphne: Some books Dr. Crane sent for me to get from storage. Frasier: Yes, it's research I'm doing for a novel I'm planning. Gee Daphne, I was beginning to wonder what was taking you so long. Daphne: Well, excuse me. But I did have to move 3 crates, a rowing machine and a cast-iron bath tub out of the way first. Frasier picks up a book from the shelf next to the phone. Frasier: Oh, look at that. The only book I really wanted was on the shelf already. You'll have to take these back down. [Bell rings from kitchen] Frasier: Oh my God, that's my duck! Thank you, Daphne. When you're done with that, I need you to run some errands for me. I need a very sturdy lemon-zester, some more music paper, some potting soil and an easel. Daphne: I'd be happy to. Niles appears, starting to enter behind Daphne. Daphne: [muttering] And then maybe after that I could draw a bath, strip you naked and scrub you with a loofah. Would that be all right, Dr. Crane? Niles: Yes. Daphne turns around, looks surprised and laughs. So does Niles. Daphne: I didn't even see you standing there. [Daphne exits] Martin: [Gets up from chair] Hey Niles, can I talk to you about something? Niles: Yeah, just one second, Dad. Niles shuts the door, holds onto the handle, waits for a moment and sighs. Then he turns to face Martin. Niles: OK. Martin: Well, it's about Frasier. Ever since he got fired, he's been so weird. All these projects he's got going... Niles: Yep, don't worry, it's normal. He's simply in a state of denial. [Sits on arm of chair and begins to tie shoelace.] Martin: Denial about what? Niles: About getting fired. People like Frasier's whole identities revolve around their job. The loss of the job is like a... is like a death. And they cope with it in the same way they would cope with a death, by going through a series of stages. First one's denial; usually that's followed by anger; then, er... Frasier: [Comes out from kitchen, and calls loudly] I've done it! [???] Pierre's most difficult dish done to tangy perfection! You know, sometimes I think I missed my calling by not becoming a gourmet chef. [Exits back to kitchen] Niles: See we're still in stage one. Frasier: [From kitchen] Hello, Niles. Niles: Hey Frasier, you ready for our squash date? [Frasier exits kitchen] Frasier: Oh gosh, I'm so sorry, I'm going to have to cancel - I've been cooking all morning. Niles: Oh, what for? Frasier: Well, actually I'm holding a little picnic for the KACL employees and their families. As you may recall I did get them all fired. [Frasier laughs] So I was just hoping to make amends by serving up a little duck a l'orange and an al fresco [???] ! Martin: You know, people like chips at a picnic too. The phone rings, Frasier says, "excuse me," and answers. Frasier: Hello? Ah, yes, Bebe. Yes, yes. Oh yes, the television job. Oh, what a relief. Thank you, bye-bye. [Hangs up] Martin: [excited] You got it? Frasier: No, thank goodness. That job starts tomorrow - I have got things to do. Niles: Oh, I'm sorry, Frasier. Frasier: Sorry? My God, you sound just like Dad. I am going to get another job. The people of this city need me. I am a beloved Seattle institution. He exits into the kitchen. Martin: [Sitting at breakfast table] A couple more days like this and he's going to be in a beloved Seattle institution. FADE TO:
Scene Three - Seattle Park. Roz, Bulldog and Frasier are in the park talking over a picnic table. People in background walking and talking. Bulldog: Wait till you hear this, I got a job today. [Roz and Frasier congratulate him] Bulldog: You've got to rub me for good luck. Roz: Where? Bulldog: Well, start at my knee and work your way up. Roz: Where's the job? Bulldog: Oh-oh-oh, all right. It's that new all-sports station. I got the breakfast slot. I even came up with a slogan, "Coffee, eggs and Bulldog." Frasier: Sounds like some sort of Malaysian Happy Meal. Gil enters between Frasier and Bulldog. Gil: A word of caution on the hummus. To be avoided - as a leper would avoid a magic tea-cup ride. Roz: Gil, Frasier made that. Gil: Oh, I'm so sorry. Frasier: That's quite all right. I understand you need to flex your critical muscles while you're between jobs. Gil: Oh good, then you might enjoy this one: "After sampling your [???], I was tempted to describe your entire Middle Eastern buffet as 'The Sorrow and the Pita.'" Oh, who's got a pencil, I've got to write that one down! Gil exits, Frasier is laughing. Tooty enters. Tooty: Hi everybody. [Others greet her] I just got the most exciting news today: they just picked up my story time theatre on public television. [Others congratulate] Talk about living happily ever after, eh? Chi-ching! CUT TO: Frasier and background. Kenny enters. Kenny: Hey, Dr. Crane Frasier: Oh, well hi, Kenny Kenny: Great party. Oh and by the way, I picked something up for you on my way to work today. Frasier: [Surprised and jealous] Work? Kenny: Yeah, yeah. They took me back at my old job. He whistles, then picks up a pita loaf and takes a bite. Kenny: I was passing the bus stop and... Excuse me a sec. He turns away, spits out the food, and hides it in his shirt pocket. Kenny: Anyway, they were about to paper over your poster, so I peeled it off for you. [he hands the rolled-up poster to Frasier] Frasier: Well, that is quite a keepsake. [Begins to unroll it]. Kenny: Don't mention it. Oh, and by the way, the poster under yours was an old radio guy. [Thinks.] Er, a Dr. Earl. Who was he again? Frasier: [Thinks] You know, I'm sorry, I don't recall. Kenny: Yeah, I'm the same way. Once they're off the air, who remembers them? [Laughs.] Frasier laughs also, but is struck by the comment. Kenny sees someone else, and leaves. Frasier rolls up the poster. Roz enters from left. Roz: Do you realize that we're just about the only people here without a job? Frasier: Roz... Roz: If we don't get this Top 100 spot, there may not be any left. Frasier: [Comforting] Roz, I've told you: We have nothing to worry about. Come on... CUT TO: wide view, Frasier calls to everyone. Frasier: Everyone, if I could have your attention, please? We have of course planned some activities for today's little get- together, and I'd like to start with one for the children. Frasier moves along with group of children to a piñata hanging from a tree. A large group watches from a short distance. Frasier: Now what we have here is an authentic Mexican piñata. [Hands pole to blindfolded child.] The object is to take the stick, and give it a little whack. [Gently hits piñata.] CUT TO: Gil on his mobile: Gil: Oh, good for me. I just got the Top 100 job. Frasier: [Incredibly annoyed] Oh well, good for you, Gil. [Holds stick with child] Yes, you're going to want to give this little fellow a good crack. Otherwise... He takes the stick, the child moves away. Frasier: You know, maybe I ought to get this started for you. Otherwise the candy will never come out. He starts hitting the piñata very hard. The group cowers and withdraws. Frasier: Everybody knows that keeping something locked up inside is never good for anyone, is it?! He thrashes the piñata very hard repeatedly, until the stick breaks. Roz and Bulldog look on. Then his mobile rings. He pauses, and takes out the phone from his trouser pocket to answer it. Frasier: Hello? Yes, Bebe. We did hear the news, and how thrilling for Gil. Could you hold, please? He looks at the phone, then drops it on the ground. He starts to stab at it with his broken stick. The phone breaks up into many pieces. End Of Act One. Act Two.
Scene One - Frasier's Apartment. Niles and Martin are in the lift, going up to Frasier's floor. Martin is sorting through mail and singing, and beginning to annoy Niles. Martin: What is this I feel, love. That fear that makes me conceal, love. Niles: Dad... Martin: Was I doing it again? Damn. Was I doing it before Mrs. Walsh got off? Niles: That's why Mrs. Walsh got off. [Martin acts annoyed.] So, what's Frasier doing? Martin: Ah, he's getting weirder. He beat up a piñata yesterday. Niles: Isn't that what you're supposed to do to a piñata? Martin: Not like this. They found a jawbreaker on the other side of the highway. Niles: [thinks, then] Oh, well, this is good! It means he's reached the anger stage. In due course he'll go through bargaining, depression, and finally acceptance. Martin: What's bargaining? Niles: Oh, well, it's like when a person makes a deal with God to spare their life. Martin: Oh, yeah, I know all about that. The lift reaches their floor, and they exit. Martin: I remember right after I got shot, I said, "God, if I promise never to drink another bottle of Ballantines, will you let me get through this?" Niles: You still drink Ballantines. Martin: Not in bottles, baby. Martin unlocks the door and enters the apartment, which is filled with all sorts of plants, and serving dishes full of fruit. A waiter is walking round with a serving tray. Frasier is stood by the breakfast table. Frasier: Oh, you're just in time, I'm throwing a party for my fan club. Martin: Here? Niles: Is there some problem with the bridge they normally meet under? Frasier: [Laughs] Very amusing, Niles. [Serious] You see, I've been doing a lot of soul-searching lately, and last night... I did something which I haven't done since I was a very little boy. I got down on my knees on the bedside, and I prayed for guidance. CUT briefly to Niles and Martin, looking concerned. Frasier: And I asked God, "What can I do to get my old life back?" And the answer came, "take better care of your fans." Martin: [Long pause] God told you that? Frasier: Yes. I have taken my public for granted. I take weeks before I answer my fan mail, if I answer it at all. I've been a bad celebrity. Well, no more! [Goes over to pour drink.] Martin: I didn't even know you had a fan club. Frasier: Well, they meet on the internet, and I visited their website yesterday for the first time. [Brings hand up to head, and shakes it] Bad celebrity! But I invited them all here, and you know what? They were so grateful that before long, I mean, my God, suddenly they were proposing that they hold a massive rally in my honor, demanding that I return to the airwaves. You know, I think that it's safe to say that someone is already working in mysterious ways. [Laughs.] Martin: Someone sure as hell is. [Walks over to kitchen.] Waiter: [To Frasier] Some crab puffs, Dr. Crane? Frasier: No, no, no, you just keep them away from me. It won't be long before I'm back in the public eye, and I've got to remain tight and trim. Daphne enters, struggling to hold a large cardboard box. Her hair is ruffled, and she is carrying a torch. Frasier: Oh, Daphne. [Walks over to collect box.] Martin: What you got there? Daphne: Oh, just a box of Dr. Crane's publicity photos from the storage cubby. Frasier: [o.s.] Thank you. Daphne: This flashlight sure came in handy. Helped me to find that box way up at the top of that old bookcase. [Shuts door.] And when that thing flew in my hair, I had something to beat it to death with. Martin gives Niles a look. Doorbell rings. Frasier: Oh, good Lord, our first arrivals. God, I've got to check the food. Daphne, will you run to the store for me? I need some felt-tip pens to sign these pictures with. Do you mind? [Runs into kitchen.] Daphne: Sure, what else have I got to do? Daphne answers the door to Aaron, a young teenager, and Doris, a middle-aged woman with glasses. Aaron: Hi, Daphne. [Turns to woman, excited,] It's Daphne! Daphne: Hello. Have we met? Doris: We know you from the magazine. Aaron: April '96, Seattle Monthly, "At home with Dr. Frasier Crane." You were wearing an orange flower dress. And your hair was different then. Daphne: Oh, how creepy. Do come in. They enter. Frasier walks up to greet them, Doris looks surprised. Frasier: Come in, come in. [Shakes Doris's hand,] I'm Dr. Frasier Crane. Doris: Wow! Hi, Doris Butley. Frasier: Doris... [Lets go, and shakes Aaron's hand.] Aaron: Aaron Fitch. Frasier: Aaron... Oh, it's such a pleasure to meet you. You know, perhaps I should introduce these people to you. [Turns to Niles and Martin. Guests both look surprised.] Doris: Oh, we know who they are. Martin: And now, where we live. CUT TO: Daphne standing by the door. George is waiting there. He is old, and shy, and carrying a camera. Frasier: Oh don't be shy, come in, come in. George runs up to Frasier, and points the camera in his face and takes a picture. George: This is great, this is great! Frasier: I'm Dr. Frasier Crane, it's a pleasure to meet you. George: This is great, this is great! George puts his head next to Frasier's, and takes a picture of the two of them. Frasier is stunned slightly. Cut to Aaron talking to Niles. Aaron: It's cool, isn't it? Your brother having his own club. Niles: Yeah, well, seeing all of you, I sort of wish I had a club myself. Frasier is holding up cards. All three fans are over by Eddie. Frasier: You know, perhaps you'd like to fill out these name tags while we are waiting for everyone else to come. Aaron: Who else is coming? Frasier: Well, the rest of the fan club. Dorris: This is the fan club - the three of us! Daphne: [By door, exiting and laughing,] Well, I'll be off to get those pens now! [Exits and closes door.] Frasier: You know, perhaps you should all help yourself to some food. Um, Niles, may I have a word with you, please? He walks to the kitchen. George is staring at Niles, who is unsure what to do. Frasier calls from kitchen:] Frasier: Niles! Niles slowly edges to kitchen. Frasier, Niles and three waiters are in the kitchen. Frasier: I can't let them do this rally. Three kooks marching round in a circle, you know what that'll do? Niles: Make them very dizzy very fast. Frasier: Make me a laughingstock - I'll never work in this town again. I mean, I've got to stop them. Waiter: Sorry to interrupt, but I need to carve the second turkey. Niles: No fighting over drumsticks at this party. Frasier: Stop it! [Knocks Niles on the arm They both exit into the living room. Frasier: How's everyone out here? Martin: [Sitting in his chair,] Oh, great. We were just talking about the rally. Frasier: Really, Dad? Oh, I'm glad you brought that up. Martin: They had it this afternoon. Aaron: Right in front of city hall. Doris: It couldn't have gone better. George even stopped traffic by lying across the road on a psychiatrist's couch. The cameramen sure loved that. Frasier: Cameramen? Doris: Oh, what are we doing? It's almost time for the 6 o'clock news! Aaron: You're going to love this, Dr. Crane! Doris turns on the TV. Music plays for news. Frasier: [To waiter standing behind him,] Excuse me, what have you got there? Waiter: Er, still the crab puffs. Shall I get you something else? Frasier: [Taking whole tray,] Yes please, bring me some spring rolls. Waiter exits. Frasier starts eating the food off the tray. Niles gives Frasier a look. TV: Now on the lighter side, did you ever ask yourself, "What if they held a rally and nobody came? George: This is great, this is great! [Takes picture of TV] Frasier and Niles look shocked. Frasier then calls to kitchen. Frasier: Forget the spring rolls, bring me the freakin' turkey! FADE TO:
Scene Two - Frasier's Apartment Frasier is in the kitchen, leaning into the fridge. He has obviously gained weight. Martin: Uh, Frasier... Frasier: Yeah, Dad? Martin: Do you think we could talk to you for a second in the living room? Frasier comes out of the fridge with a plate of food, and is eating it with his hands - not very Frasier! Frasier: Yeah, sure. Gee, sounds kind of serious. Martin: It is, kinda... Both exit to the living room, Frasier eating on the way. Niles and Daphne are sat on the couch, Roz on the table. Frasier: Yeah, what is it? Oh Roz, I didn't hear you come in. Martin: I think you had the blender going. [Both walk over to Martin's chair.] Er, Frasier, we're wondering, do you think you might be depressed? Frasier: Depressed? Roz: Well, we've all noticed that you've put on weight lately. [Cuts to Frasier, who has a large tummy,] we're worried that you might be eating excessively. Frasier: [Sits down in Martin's chair, continuing to eat.] Well, gee, maybe I've gained a pound or two, but it's nothing I can't handle. Niles: So you think you've got everything under control. Frasier: Absolutely. Martin: It's time, Roz. Roz gets up and puts a video in the machine. Roz: Remember when I had that babysitter that was stealing from me, so I had to put in that hidden camera? Frasier: Yes. Roz: And remember when you babysat for me? Frasier: What about it? Roz: Just watch this. She is standing behind Frasier, and starts video with the remote. CUT TO: shot of the TV, with video playing. It is in black and white, and of Frasier with baby Alice. Frasier: [v.o:] Well, baby Alice, I think it's meal time. Let's see what's on tonight's menu. [Gets up and moves around.] Ah yes, strained beef and lima beans. Frasier: Oh all right, point taken. So I've put on a pound or two- but the camera adds ten! On the TV: Frasier: [Tries to feed baby, but she won't take it.] Come on, yes, now, its very good. Here, I'll show you. [Eats spoonful of food.] Um, oh my. Alright, here, now it's your turn. CUT TO: real Frasier, feeling uneasy with food in his hands. Frasier: [on TV] No, still? You know, that's not even a proper spoonful. Let's get you a full one. [eats that spoonful.] CUT TO: Frasier, looking round at Niles. Niles looks at Frasier. Frasier: [on TV] That's a nice big one. You know what, let's try something else. Oh, some pureed chicken and yams. [Takes spoonful] Come on now, open up. Open up! Now well, if you're not hungry, you're not hungry. [eats spoonful.] My, well. They taste pretty good together. Let's try that. [Eats double spoonful.] Frasier, really uneasy, shuffles in chair. Frasier: [on TV:] Tell you what, what's that you have in your baby cup there? Is that apple juice? Frasier: Oh all right, enough! Turn it off. Roz turns off the video. Frasier: Well, I guess maybe you're right, I am depressed. What of it? Martin: Well, you know, we're just trying to help you get to, you know, the next stage. Frasier: Stage of what? Niles: Frasier, you know, I think you're dealing with the loss of your job as many people do with a death. Only you've got yourself stalled in depression, and I think you're going to stay there until you let yourself grieve. For everything you've lost. [Frasier looks annoyed,] Your job, your friends, the money, your reputation. [Frasier seems to grudgingly agree.] Roz: You've got to let it out, Frasier. Frasier: Well, I thank you all very much for your concern, but you know what, if I was repressing anything... Frasier tries to get up from out of the chair, but needs help from Niles and Martin. Frasier: I would certainly know it. The only thing that I need to let out is these so-called one-size-fits-all lounge pants. He exits into the kitchen. The others all rise and move about. Roz: Well, that went well. Martin: Yeah, well, we gave it a shot. Daphne: What do we do now? Niles: Well, we can't push him. If he's not ready, he's not ready. Frasier lets out a cry from the kitchen. Daphne: What was that? Roz: Was that Frasier? Frasier: [comes into living room,] If anyone's hungry, there's a freshly made Monte Cristo in the waffle press. Martin: Oh great, thanks, Fras. Frasier lets out a little cry, and stops. Daphne: Dr. Crane, are you all right? Frasier: Yes. Roz: Are you sure? Frasier: I am quite sure. Frasier rests against the wall, facing away from others, and pauses. Others look on, concerned. Niles: Frasier, you're not famous any more. Frasier lets out a big cry. Niles goes up to him and leads him down towards the couch. Martin: What did you do that for? Niles: No, no, dad, he needed a push. Martin: Yeah, but look at him, this can't be good. Niles: Oh, it is good. Let it out, Frasier, let it all out. Frasier flops onto the couch, still crying. Niles: That's good, that's good. Let it all out. Frasier continues to cry. Niles provides comfort for some time. Niles: OK, Frasier, that's probably enough now. Martin: How much more can be in there? Niles: OK, all right, Frasier. That's probably enough now, OK. [To Martin:] I don't think I can get him to stop. Martin: This is sickening. Daphne: What are we going to do? Martin: Somebody get that Monte Cristo in here. [Daphne runs to get it] Roz: Frasier, it's all in how you look at things. Look at my life... Frasier: [Wailing still] No career, no relationship, no hope. Roz: You can say the same thing about me. Frasier: I was talking about you! [Roz hits him gently.] Daphne: [Bringing over waffle] Dr. Crane, my Grammy Moon used to say... [Frasier yells loudly,] Martin: What are you trying to do, kill him? Daphne: [pointing at Roz] Don't blame this on me. She brought the bloody tape over! Roz: Oh, so now this is all my fault. You saw that tape. Daphne: I saw your baby, too. She could stand to miss a meal or two. Roz: She's a healthy baby! Frasier: Oh, stop it, stop it all of you. [Wailing still] There is no hope. It's over. Over. [Sobs] Eddie enters, who rolls on his back. Others watch him. Martin: Look at that! I'm so proud of you, boy. Frasier: Oh dad, you're just saying that! FADE TO:
Scene Three - Café Nervosa. Niles is sat at his table when Frasier walks in looking very trim and very smart. He sits with Niles. Frasier: Hello, Niles. Niles: Frasier, please join me. Frasier: Thank you very much. [to waitress:] I would love to have... Waitress: Wait! Mochaccino, extra whipped cream and a Linseed Torte, right? Frasier: [laughs] Not anymore! Can I have a non-fat latte please? Waitress: Hey, didn't you used... Frasier: Yes, yes. I used to be on the radio, with any luck I will be again. Thank you for remembering, it does help. Waitress: I was just gonna say, didn't you also used to get a bear claw? Frasier: Off you go! She goes to fetch the coffee. Niles: Frasier, I just have to say "Bravo!" You're slim, well- adjusted, you've really turned things around, haven't you? Frasier: Well, it's easy once you hit rock bottom... and bounce! [laughs] Thank you, Niles. I couldn't have done it without you. Niles: I did nothing you wouldn't have done. And you'll be happy to know my own life is on quite the upswing as well. I just got back from a meeting with Maris and her lawyers. Frasier: And? Niles: [grinning] I think this divorce is going to go very smoothly!
End of Act Two Credits: Frasier's Apartment. Frasier is having breakfast and Eddie is on his hind legs begging for food. Frasier does Martin's "It's all over" trick on him and it works. Eddie lays down. Frasier, pleased with himself, blows on his finger like a gun.

Legal Stuff

 This episode capsule is copyright 1999 by Nick Hartley. This episode
 summary remains property of Frasier, Copyright of Paramount
 Productions and NBC. Printed without permission.