Remembers David Angell (1947-2001)

: 26th September '04

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Analyzing The Laughter

(end of series clipshow)

Frasier at the Emmys: 9 Nominations, 6 Wins!

• Outstanding Actor in a Comedy Series: Kelsey Grammer
• Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series: David Hyde Pierce
• Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series: Laura Linney
• Outstanding Art Direction for a Multi-Camera Series: "Freudian Sleep"
and "Caught In The Act"
• Outstanding Multi-Camera Picture Editing for a Series: "Goodnight Seattle"
• Outstanding Multi-Camera Sound Mixing for a Series or Special: "The Doctor Is Out"

Coming Soon

Seasons Four and Eleven on DVD!

A Grateful Farewell

With the end of the awards season for this last television year, now is as good a time as any to write a farewell note.

I happened across this site in 1999, and almost immediately asked Nick Hartley, the original webmaster, if I could contribute. Two years later, much to my surprise, he asked me to take over when he left for university. To carry this responsibility, and be allowed to make my own voice heard in the capturing of this sterling series, has been an unqualified pleasure. In doing so, I have also made a host of new friends, both in the United States and abroad, the best possible bonus to this absorbing work.

Frasier’s farewell sentiments expressed at his final show reflect mine as well: I would have done the site just for the sake of memorializing Frasier, but it was surprising, and overwhelming, to learn how many people all over the world love the show, and how many of those fans were reading our work. I have been endlessly gratified to receive the thanks and compliments of countless readers. I hope my work on the site has done justice to your enthusiasm.

Rest assured, the site will stay up for many more years, and that the transcripts will continue to be polished to perfection, as the series is gradually released on DVD. I still believe that Frasier will represent a gold standard for television for a long time to come, and look forward to seeing it mature with age.

I have a lot of people to thank for helping me to continue making the site a success, most prominently Nick, for giving me this wonderful opportunity, and my two fellow transcribers for the final seasons, David Langley and Kelly Dean Hansen. Their enthusiasm for their work has given me a tough standard to match. And to all of you who have sent in your compliments, and suggestions, you know who you are, and have my sincerest gratitude.

“Laughter. Tears. Curtain.” -Timothy Spall as Richard Temple, “Topsy-Turvy”

Simon Aw
Matthew Barr
Kathy Churay
Michelle Cushley
Andrea Day
Erin Evans
Abby Fletcher
Kelly Dean Hansen
Nick Hartley
David Langley
Michael Lee
John Masson
Iain McCallum
Allie Murray
Shawne Wang
Paul Warner
Brandon Westerheim

Come, my friends,
‘Tis not too late to seek a newer world.
Push off, and sitting well in order smite
The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds
To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
Of all the western stars, until I die
It may be that the gulfs will wash us down:
It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles,
And see the great Achilles, whom we knew.
Tho’ much is taken, much abides; and tho’
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are:
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
--“Ulysses” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson (quoted by Frasier in his farewell speech)

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Visit the German version of "The Frasier Files": - a growing collection of transcripts in German. Check out Stefan Stiller's site here.

Click an episode title below for a transcript.
Click on the season icon for a season guide.

1.01: The Good Son
1.02: Space Quest
1.03: Dinner At Eight
1.04: I Hate Frasier Crane
1.05: Here's Looking At You
1.06: The Crucible
1.07: Call Me Irresponsible
1.08: Beloved Infidel
1.09: Selling Out
1.10: Oops!
1.11: Death Becomes Him
1.12: Miracle On 3rd Or 4th Street
1.13: Guess Who's Coming To Breakfast?
1.14: Can't Buy Me Love
1.15: You Can't Tell A Crook By His Cover
1.16: The Show Where Lilith Comes Back
1.17: A Mid-Winter Night's Dream
1.18: And The Whimper Is...
1.19: Give Him The Chair!
1.20: Fortysomething
1.21: Travels With Martin
1.22: Author, Author
1.23: Frasier Crane's Day Off
1.24: My Coffee With Niles

2.01: Slow Tango In South Seattle
2.02: The Unkindest Cut Of All
2.03: The Matchmaker
2.04: Flour Child
2.05: Duke's We Hardly Knew Ye'
2.06: The Botched Langauge Of The Cranes
2.07: The Candidate
2.08: Adventures In Paradise [1]
2.09: Adventures In Paradise [2]
2.10: Burying A Grudge
2.11: Seat Of Power
2.12: Roz In The Doghouse
2.13: Retirement Is Murder
2.14: Fool Me Once, Shame On You...
2.15: You Scratch My Book...
2.16: The Show Where Sam Shows Up
2.17: Daphne's Room
2.18: The Club
2.19: Someone To Watch Over Me
2.20: Breaking The Ice
2.21: An Affair To Forget
2.22: Agents In America, Part III
2.23: The Innkeepers
2.24: Dark Victory

3.01: She's The Boss
3.02: Shrink Rap
3.03: Martin Does It His Way
3.04: Leapin' Lizards
3.05: Kisses Sweeter Than Wine
3.06: Sleeping With The Enemy
3.07: The Adventures Of Bad Boy And Dirty Girl
3.08: The Last Time I Saw Maris
3.09: Frasier Grinch
3.10: It's Hard To Say Goodbye If You Won't Leave
3.11: The Friend
3.12: Come Lie With Me
3.13: Moon Dance
3.14: The Show Where Diane Comes Back
3.15: A Word To The Wiseguy
3.16: Look Before You Leap
3.17: High Crane Drifter
3.18: Chess Pains
3.19: Crane Vs. Crane
3.20: Police Story
3.21: Where There's Smoke There's Fired
3.22: Frasier Loves Roz
3.23: The Focus Group
3.24: You Can Go Home Again

4.01: The Two Mrs. Cranes
4.02: Love Bites Dog
4.03: The Impossible Dream
4.04: A Crane's Critique
4.05: Head Game
4.06: Mixed Doubles
4.07: A Lilith Thanksgiving
4.08: Our Father Whose Art Ain't Heaven
4.09: Dad Loves Sherry, The Boys Just Whine
4.10: Liar! Liar!
4.11: Three Days Of The Condo
4.12: Death And The Dog
4.13: Four For The Seesaw
4.14: To Kill A Talking Bird
4.15: Roz's Krantz & Gouldenstein Are Dead
4.16: The Unnatural
4.17: Roz's Turn
4.18: Ham Radio
4.19: Three Dates And A Break Up [1]
4.20: Three Dates And A Break Up [2]
4.21: Daphne Hates Sherry
4.22: Are You Being Served?
4.23: Ask Me No Questions
4.24: Odd Man Out

5.01: Frasier's Imaginary Friend
5.02: The Gift Horse
5.03: Halloween
5.04: The Kid
5.05: The 1000th Show
5.06: Voyage Of The Damned
5.07: My Fair Frasier
5.08: Desperately Seeking Closure
5.09: Perspectives On Christmas
5.10: Where Every Bloke Knows Your Name
5.11: Ain't Nobody's Business If "I Do"
5.12: The Zoo Story
5.13: The Maris Counselor
5.14: The Ski Lodge
5.15: Room Service
5.16: Beware Of Greeks
5.17: The Perfect Guy
5.18: Bad Dog
5.19: Frasier Gotta Have It
5.20: First Date
5.21: Roz And The Schnoz
5.22: The Life Of The Party
5.23: Party, Party
5.24: Sweet Dreams

6.01: Good Grief
6.02: Frasier's Curse
6.03: Dial M For Martin
6.04: Hot Tickets
6.05: First Do No Harm
6.06: Secret Admirer
6.07: How To Bury A Millionaire
6.08: The Seal Who Came To Dinner
6.09: Roz, A Loan
6.10: Merry Christmas, Mrs. Moskowitz
6.11: Good Samaritan
6.12: Our Parents, Ourselves
6.13: The Show Where Woody Shows Up
6.14: Three Valentines - The One Where Niles Sets His Pants On Fire!
6.15: To Tell The Truth
6.16: Decoys
6.17: Dinner Party
6.18: Taps At The Montana
6.19: IQ
6.20: Dr. Nora
6.21: When A Man Loves Two Women
6.22: Visions Of Daphne
6.23: Shut Out In Seattle [1]
6.24: Shut Out In Seattle [2]

7.01: Momma Mia
7.02: Father Of The Bride
7.03: Radio Wars
7.04: Everyone's A Critic
7.05: The Dog That Rocks The Cradle
7.06: Rivals
7.07: A Tsar Is Born
7.08: The Late Dr. Crane
7.09: The Apparent Trap
7.10: Back Talk [1]
7.11: The Fight Before Christmas [2]
7.12: RDWRER
7.13: They're Playing Our Song
7.14: Big Crane On Campus
7.15: Out With Dad
7.16: Something About Dr. Mary
7.17: Whine Club
7.18: Hot Pursuit
7.19: Morning Becomes Entertainment
7.20: To Thine Old Self Be True
7.21: The Three Faces Of Frasier
7.22: Dark Side Of The Moon
7.23: Something Borrowed, Someone Blue [1]
7.24: Something Borrowed, Someone Blue [2]

8.01: And The Dish Ran Away With The Spoon [1]
8.02: And The Dish Ran Away With The Spoon [2]
8.03: The Bad Son
8.04: The Great Crane Robbery
8.05: Taking Liberties
8.06: Legal Tender Love and Care
8.07: The New Friend
8.08: Mary Christmas
8.09: Frasier's Edge
8.10: Cranes Unplugged
8.11: Motor Skills
8.12: The Show Must Go Off
8.13: Sliding Frasiers
8.14: Hungry Heart
8.15: Hooping Cranes
8.16: Docu.Drama
8.17: It Takes Two To Tangle
8.18: Forgotten But Not Gone
8.19: Daphne Returns
8.20: The Wizard and Roz
8.21: Semi-Decent Proposal [1]
8.22: A Passing Fancy [2]
8.23: A Day in May
8.24: Cranes Go Caribbean

9.01: Don Juan in Hell [1]
9.02: Don Juan in Hell [2]
9.03: The First Temptation of Daphne
9.04: The Return of Martin Crane
9.05: Love Stinks
9.06: Room Full of Heroes
9.07: Bla-Z-Boy
9.08: The Two Hundredth
____200th Anniversary Clip Show
9.09: Sharing Kirby
9.10: Junior Agent
9.11: Bully for Martin
9.12: Mother Load [1]
9.13: Mother Load [2]
9.14: Juvenilia
9.15: The Proposal
9.16: Wheels of Fortune
9.17: Three Blind Dates
9.18: War of the Words
9.19: Deathtrap
9.20: The Love You Fake
9.21: Cheerful Goodbyes
9.22: Frasier Has Spokane
9.23: The Guilt Trippers
9.24: Moons Over Seattle

10.01: The Ring Cycle
10.02: Enemy At The Gate
10.03: Proxy Prexy
10.04: Kissing Cousin
10.05: Tales From The Crypt
10.06: Star Mitzvah
10.07: Bristle While You Work [1]
10.08: Rooms With a View [2]
10.09: Don't Go Breaking My Heart [3]
10.10: We Two Kings
10.11: Door Jam
10.12: The Harassed
10.13: Lilith Needs A Favor
10.14: Daphne Does Dinner
10.15: Trophy Girlfriend
10.16: Fraternal Schwinns
10.17: Kenny On The Couch
10.18: Roe To Perdition
10.19: Some Assembly Required
10.20: Farewell, Nervosa
10.21: The Devil and Dr. Phil
10.22: Fathers And Sons
10.23: Analyzed Kiss
10.24: A New Position For Roz

11.01: No Sex Please, We're Skittish
11.02: A Man, A Plan, and A Gal: Julia
11.03: The Doctor Is Out
11.04: The Babysitter
11.05: The Placeholder
11.06: I'm Listening
11.07: Maris Returns [1]
11.08: Murder Most Maris [2]
11.09: Guns N' Neuroses
11.10: Sea Bee Jeebies
11.11: High Holidays
11.12: Frasier-Lite
11.13: The Ann Who Came To Dinner
11.14: Freudian Sleep
11.15: Caught In The Act
11.16: Boo! (a.k.a. I'm With Her)
11.17: Coots and Ladders
11.18: Match Game
11.19: Miss Right Now
11.20: And Frasier Makes Three
11.21: Detour
11.22: Crock Tales
____Analyzing The Laughter
11.23: Goodnight, Seattle [1]
11.24: Goodnight, Seattle [2]

Site History

17-07-04: The Frasier Files is complete.

24-01-04: The Frasier Files has been online for five years.

24-01-03: The Frasier Files has been online for four years.

01-08-02: The Frasier Files is under the new ownership of Mike Lee.

14-06-00: The Frasier Files passes the "100 Transcripts" milestone.

27-06-99: The Frasier Files moves to new address.

24-01-99: The Frasier Files is online.