Donato's Catholic Site - Index Canticum Prohibitorum

Index Canticum Prohibitorum

The following songs contain downright heretical lyrics or are just plain bad and unsuitable for worship. The USCCB should ban them.

Author Title Reason
Berthier, Jacques Eat This Bread "Come to me and never be hungry?" No, go to CHRIST, not me!
Chiusano, Gerard I Will Be Your God I will not be your God. He will be our God.
Conry, Tom Ashes We don't make ourselves anew. Christ does.
Ducote, Darryl Look Beyond "I am the bread..." No, Christ is.
Farjeon, Eleanor Morning Has Broken No mention of God.
Farrell, Bernadette Jubilee Song Trite. "We are young, we are old, in your world our lives unfold." God deserves better than a Care Bears tune...
Haas, David You Are Mine Comforting song about death outside of Mass, but in Mass, let's remember that I am not the voice of God.
Haas, David Song of the Body of Christ Although the traditional Hawaiian melody is great, we can see why Haas is so confused about what liturgical music should be. He thinks we come to share our story, not worship Christ.
Haugen, Marty Gather Us In Ugly tune. No focus on God.
Haugen, Marty Mass of Creation Lamb of God does not follow Mass text.
Haugen, Marty We Walk By Faith Not only are you implying my faith is blind, this song is not worshipping God. It's telling more of "my" story.
Huijbers, Bernard Hold Me In Life "Because you are just who you are." Cheesey.
Jabusch, Willard Whatsoever You Do They are God's people, not mine. "to the least of MY people."
Joncas, Michael I Have Loved You My love isn't everlasting. God's is.
Joncas, Michael On Eagle's Wings More cheese than a pizza.
Lafferty, Karen Seek Ye First No truer words have been spoken, but this is not what Mass is about.
Landry, Carey Peace is Flowing Like a River Song does not mention God.
Lowry, Robert How Can I Keep from Singing Nice song outside of Mass. Inside of Mass I ask: Where's the God?
Miller, Sy and Jill Jackson Let There Be Peace on Earth Song does not mention God.
Norbert, Gregory Hosea God never left us. He doesn't need to come to me but I am to him.
Schutte, Dan As I Have Done For You Very confused piece. Author thinks he is Jesus. "I, your Lord..."
Schutte, Dan City of God Everything about this song screams bad. What does it mean to be a son of morning?
Schutte, Dan Here I Am, Lord Schute must really think he is God. "I, the Lord..."
