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A Bit Of



This site is completly delicated to the young talented actress, Natalie Portman who plays beautiful Queen Amidala in the Star Wars Prequel.  

Her first role as an actress was a stunning debut.  It was the 1994 film, The Professional.  She was only twelve at the time.  She played a little girl, named Mathilde who seeks help from a professional hitman.  The breakthrough performance earned her "Best Actress in a Drama" for Hollywood Reporter Sponsored Young Star Award.  

In the Miramax film, Beautiful Girls, directed by Ted Demme, she appeared in only a couple of scenes, but somehow stole the show and she received critical acclaim for her incredible performance.  The comedy also starred Timothy Hutton, Uma Thurman, Rosie O'Donnell.  
Now she has established herself as one of the most promising young actresses. 

Recent Updates
11/2/1999     Add "A bit of" section
10/12/1999   Add some more pictures
8/22/1999     A new look of my site
7/22/1999     Add 3 Natalie picture from Vogue
7/16/1999     Add Queen's Pictures




This Ring Of Natalie site 
owned by DXerek
NP Movie Poll 
What is your favorite Natalie Portman movie? 
The Professional
Everyone Says I love you
Beautiful Girls
Mars Attacks
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
Current Results
Amidala, Queen of Naboo.  She is fourteen years old.  She did not get to be the queen by being intimidated.  She is gental and kind, but strong and vigorous.  Naboo is the world that she love.  She would die before she see her people hurt, her world destroyed . . .
Since July 9, 1999 
My Guestbook
If you have any comments or suggestions for this site, please feel free to e-mail me.
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This Electronic Natalie Portman Webring site is owned by DXerek.