Site Last Updated: October 28th,
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"Trust everyone, but always cut the cards" - Albert Einstein
October 28th, 2003 |
Team Holly has recently been on Hiatus due to it's webmaster not having much time to devote to Magic, but he is back and alive and well with actual updates, if nothing else at least to the front page here. The Mirrodin Prerelease came and went. Scuba Steve, Noc and Myself (Buddha) all went and had a blast. We played in a couple 32 person tournaments, but the first one was the most memorable. Scuba and I almost played in the finals. I went a perfect 5-0 and claimed first prize. Scuba finished 4-0-1 and got second place. The second tournament, Noc actually kicked some ass. He could have went on and did better, but I think frustration and fatigue from 9 plus hours of Magic will wear you out, but still his second Red/White deck was beyond brutal. Congrats to both you guys for your Mirrodin showing. States was on the October 25th. Scuba and myself were the only was able to make it. Steve started out weak then got strong and then bottomed out finishing 4-4. I can't say it was because he was playing like a scrub or anything. He had literally picked up a deck from the house, threw some Mirrodin in it and took it to the tournament without playing it much. I took my famous/infamous Zombie Bidding Deck and finished pretty well with it surprisingly. I don't go to states to win, I go to have fun. Regionals is more serious there I play to win. Anyway I finished 6-3 and ended up in 32nd place out of 330 people. It was great fun. I'll have the deck list up sometime later for those that are curious. I'm not sure when we will be making our next appearance or even when some new content will be up. Probably as soon as I get some free time. For now though this is all she wrote. Oh yeah there is a link to the full Mirrodin visual spoiler up at the top for anyone interested. Kevin
July 8th, 2003 |
Team Holly would like to welcome it's newest member Fire Dance Fiary. She plays a mean sliver deck right now and whooped on us some at Ocean City. Thanks for becoming a part of the team. I have added one new picture of an 8th Edition card. It is Fungusaur and it can be seen by clicking here. That is all for now Kevin
July 2nd, 2003 |
There is a new article up about 8th Edition and in the article are links to a checklist and pictures of 8th Edition cards. Team Holly's Forum has been moved, but the link above is accurate. members bookmark it now. In other news, there have been two invites to new members of the team. Their stats and personal info will be up as soon as they both accept the invite. For now though Team Holly welcomes Cupid to the team. That is all for now. Kevin
June 10,th 2003 |
The 8th Edition Spoiler is out. And we have it here. Thanks to for compiling it. You can view the spoiler by clicking here. Or follow the link at the top of the news column. Note that this is a picture spoiler and may take some time to view and that not all images are available. Final note that since 8th Edition is not officially being released that these are not the images that may be used in the final product, but these are the cards. Staff
May 20th, 2003 |
Haven't posted anything in a while because there hasn't been much news. The Scourge Pre-release was on the 17th and great times were all around in Columbus, OH. Only bad part of the day was that Noc couldn't go with us. Team Holly wishes to congratulate Scuba on his flawless victory at the Scourge Pre-release. Guy didn't even lose a game in his whole tournament. Also I (Buddha) finished 3-1-1 and got 6th place. Not too bad at all.
May 2nd, 2003 |
Regionals is coming up tomorrow. While normally there would be some event coverage or decklistings for the event, we here at Team Holly have just not had the time. So we will post and let you know how Scuba and Buddha do. But for the time being, just knock on wood and cross your fingers for us! - Team Holly Staff
March 28th, 2003 |
I have added a "forum" to our website. However the details on how that came to be are quite annoying. Basically it goes like this. I designed a really spiffy forum using CGI and Perl. However none of my current web page providers support either of those scripts. So I went looking for a free forum, but I didn't like the way most of them looked. So I cheesed out and made a group on Yahoo. It works pretty much the same, but without all the cool features. I can live with that however. It will do for now. The forum isn't viewable unless you get permission from the Moderator and that's me. However, if you're not a shitty person (aka I know you) and you want to apply, then by all means send a request. The "forum" can be viewed by clicking here and I'll post a link to it at the top of the page for easy access since I'm lazy and don't want to put another button on the side. There will also be a link in the links section. In other Team Holly news, Yours Truly has had a pretty good run of local drafts and sealed decks. My record for the past three events has been 8 wins 1 loss. I've won some packs and all that good jazz and that makes me pretty happy. Other than that, not much going on. That is all for now. Kevin
March 20th, 2003 |
The dates are posted at the top of the page for all upcoming events relevant to Team Holly news. May and June will be a very fun very exciting time for Team Holly. With two tournaments coming up in May and Origins coming up in June, we should have lots to keep us busy. On a side note, 3 out of the 5 members of Team Holly will be heading to Ocean City Maryland on June 13th for some fun and relaxation and probably some beer too. But we might have pictures from that trip which will be posted here or at The Realm of Dracomos. No new articles, but a couple decks will be posted sometime this week when someone gets around to it. Thanks. Kevin
February 22nd, 2003 |
New article is up concerning the change in appearance of Magic cards can be found in the articles section. If you feel passionately about this one way or the other feel free to submit your own article. We are still taking freelance stuff. Thanks Kevin
February 20th, 2003 |
One part of the Glossary is completed. It can be found under the Tools button on the side. A new article should be posted sometime tomorrow or the day after concerning the 8th Edition controversy. Stay tuned for that. Kevin
February 16th, 2003 |
Life in the Team Holly camp has been uneventful. The release of Legions has brought an exciting freshness to the Magic environment. Check out my full review of Legions here. And one more cool feature coming soon will be a glossary covering almost all terms used in Magic including an indepth section on Magic abilities. 8:51 PM EST - One new deck has been added based on morph. Kevin
January 21st, 2003 |
It would not be in fitting of we here at Team Holly if we did not inform the few people who do come here about a very very cool program available for download. It is called Magic Work Station. It makes Apprentice look like a bad dream. Magic Workstation combines elements of several different programs yet is unique in its own way. This new program allows players to keep track of their collection, up to date prices on cards, and play Magic over the internet similar to Apprentice, but one big difference... it has the capabilities to produce artwork for the cards and isn't as clunky as Apprentice. It's layout is very similar to Magic Online, but everything has to be done manually for the time being. This product could be a potential Magic players dream! Magic Workstation is still in the Beta testing stage so please by all means feel free to download it, check it out and tell the programmers what you think. Remember THIS IS NOT THE FINAL PRODUCT! The final product promises to be everything that Apprentice, Magic Interactive Encyclopedia and other programs should have been. Test it out and let the developers know what they can do to make the product better. Go to to check it out for yourself. The Team Holly Staff
January 20th, 2003 |
This tired excuse for a web programmer has been hacking away at the Relics virtual spoiler and as of right now the White section should be up and running. I will continue to work on it tonight until I get it up and running completely. Expect updated posts here as I finish with a section. 4:02 AM EST - The Blue section is completed
and is being uploaded now. Kevin
January 19th, 2003 |
We are adding a downloads section to the site as soon as me the web programmer decide to put it up. It will feature fonts, a program for playing Magic for free over the internet, the Magic set Editor that we've used to create our set Relics and other stuff Magic related that we find cool. On a side note to Relics, Relics is done. The cards have been created. While there is still more playtesting to do, the set is done. There isn't art on every card, but it's done. It was a lot of work and there are still other things to be done to it however we've worked our asses off and I shall give myself a pat on the back. So Noc, Scuba, Lothar and even Dia and a few others, thanks our set is done. Scuba and I have been playing with it using apprentice over our network. It's a ton of fun. There is a link to download apprentice on our site with all the cardsets and Relics including. Check out the Relics page to see what we've done. The virtual spoiler for our set will be up in a few days, but it's taking more time than I thought it would and frankly I'm lazy. Well enjoy what's up. Kevin
January 9th, 2003 |
Noc and I spent some time together on Monday playing Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance (hey everyone needs a break from Magic sometimes) which he still crushes me at for those curious. He and I did however make some real progress on the card set that had until recently been codenamed "Crackmonkey". Well ladies and gentlemen, the name of the set is now officially "Relics". Basically because Noc and I thought it sounded pretty cool, that and there are lots of artifacts in it. The actual spoiler pages haven't been updated with all the new cards that we came up with, but should be soon. The set has room for 336 cards. There are 226 cards done. Of course that doesn't mean they all have artwork. At this rate the set should be done by spring. All that we'll need to do then is some playtesting and art digging. We hope you enjoy what we've done so far. So check it out. Click the Relics button on the side and learn a little bit about the set! Kevin
January 4th, 2003 |
Happy New Year to everyone. It's not starting out to be a bad year thus far I suppose. I believe every member of Team Holly will be in attendance at the Legions Prerelease in Columbus, Ohio on January 25th. With that much experience and raw talent one of us is bound to do well. No new articles or decks, but trust me they'll be some fun stuff with rumors abound that the Slivers are returning to type 2. Legions is rumored to be a 145 card set with nothing but creature spells. There will be new morph stuff, an Alpha reprint, more cycling, three new keyword abilities (Amplify, Doublestrike and Provoke) plus tons of new monsters to demolish your opponent with. For all your Legions Previews check out, and We hope to see you at the tourney! The Staff
December 11th, 2002 |
The world of Team Holly is slow the past few weeks. Christmas is almost upon us and that usually means that the tournament scene all but dries up and dies for a while. The next tournament coming up won't be until January 25th. That is the Legions Pre-release! We're all stoked for the next set and honestly can't wait to crack open some new packs. Should be an all around good time. Stay tuned here and at for the latest and greatest word on the Legions set and for all your Team Holly news check it out here! Kevin
November 25th, 2002 |
Pro Tour Qualifier Chicago came and went and over all I'm very happy at how Noc and I did. I finished 21st for the curious. It was a lot of fun and played against several really good opponents. No complaints on the day. Not sure when our next tournament appearance will be, but I will post when we know. Thanks! Kevin
November 21st, 2002 |
Sorry for the long delay in between updates, but we have 2 new articles and 1 new deck for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy. Thanks go to Nicholas and Noc for submitting the new stuff. Kevin
November 2nd, 2002 |
Team Holly got back from States a little bit ago. It didn't go over exactly as we planned. Full coverage should be up in the articles section in roughly a couple days. Our next tournament appearance with the rookie Noc will be November 23rd for Pro Tour Qualifier Chicago. Also forgot to post an update about a new article written by Lothar about his first time in a magic tournament. Kevin
October 23rd, 2002 |
Only news of interest today is an article covering the top 3 decks being played for State Championships. Check it out. There will be no further updates until sometime after the weekend. The 24th is our first official night of play testing for states. Any ideas or comments would be appreciated. Thanks Kevin
October 22nd, 2002 |
I'm in the process of polling the other Team Holly Members and find out what their Top 5 Picks from Onslaught are. That should be up soon hopefully. Added a small, but simple script to countdown the days until State Championships. 11 Days and counting. A couple new decks should be up sometime by the end of the week. Well enjoy. Kevin
October 16th, 2002 |
The staff here at Team Holly will probably be rather busy in the coming weeks. We're hoping to continue to bring fun articles and other stuff to check out. We hope you've enjoyed what you've seen thus far. One feature that is coming shortly is either a guestbook or a forum so you the reader can leave your own thoughts about the stuff you see here. There might even be another deck posted in the deck section within a few hours. Feel free to check it out. With Ohio State Championships coming up on November 2nd, we don't have much time left to get our act together. This is the biggest reason that there may not be as many updates for a couple weeks. Well from all of us to all of you out there, thanks for checking us out and we hope to see you come back! -Kevin
October 14th, 2002 |
A rather large Two part article covering the eight tribes of Onslaught has been posted in the articles section. No other updates to report. The webmaster has been a little bit under the weather and hasn't been able to do much updating. The large article on the Tribes was supposed to be done and posted sometime yesterday, but illness sucks ass. I'm still feeling quite under the weather so apologies to anyone who has tried to get ahold of me in real life and through e-mail. Enjoy! -Kevin
October 12th, 2002 |
Two new decks for your viewing pleasure. "The Birds" and "Not all Clerics are Wussy" More articles and decks are on the way sometime after this weekend I hope. -Kevin
October 11th, 2002 |
Yet another article has been added to the Articles section. A very funny piece written by my sister about an outsiders view of the game of Magic. Check it out! -Kevin
October 10th, 2002 |
New article in the Articles section about Good Habits. Interesting read to a new player or someone wanting to check out the tournament scene or local comic shop for the first time. Added a link to Professional-Events Service. Awesome guys that run tournaments. Noc should be submitting an article and maybe a deck for your reading pleasure soon. I'll post when it's up. Later. Kevin
October 9th, 2002 |
We have added a new feature to the site. Any time you see a link with a card name in it, like one of our many articles coming soon, you can click the link and read what the card does if you're not familiar with it. Thanks goes to Wizards of the Coast for this simple yet effect tool and giving it to the web community! Check it out. Here is one of my all time favorite cards Sengir Vampire! All the buttons are now working and all have some content. Just posted a deck called Zombie Combat in the Decks section and an article listing the best and worst from Onslaught in the Articles section. Enjoy. (That afternoon) The colors have been changed. The red and blue were pretty, but kind of an eyesore. I went to more bold colors and hopefully they look better. Buddha
September 28th, 2002 |
We came, we saw, we conquered the Onslaught. Scuba scored first place and a box of cards and Buddha finished seventh and got some packs. Scuba and Buddha also dominated in two separate drafts winning additional packs for the team. All is happy in Team Holly land. That is all for now.
September 15th, 2002 |
Things have been a little hectic and busy in the lives of Team Holly. No new material has been added, but it's coming... I swear. Several things have come up and we've had to put the sight on the back burner. Amanda is working on her article last I heard. It should be up for your viewing pleasure as soon as she gets it in my hands. In other Team Holly news, our next tournament appearance will be at Franklin County Vets Memorial on September 28th for the Onslaught Prerelease. It's bound to be a blast. That is all for now. For the complete spoiler of the upcoming set Onslaught check out -Kevin
September 2nd, 2002 |
Decks are still being worked out. We're hoping to bring you all sorts of fun decks to experiment with and try out. The deck section might take a little bit of time to get up, but rest assured it's coming. Another section is still in the works. That is the articles section. It will feature all sorts of articles mostly related to magic, but might even be something completely off the wall. We're not sure yet. Not much in the way of updates today. I have fixed a few small grammatical errors that were brought to my attention. Other than that, not a whole lot going on in the world of Team Holly. Lothar is currently working on the Storyline and a rough draft of it should be available soon or at least a sneak peak. On a much much more serious subject, my personal thoughts and wishes go out to Dia and Lothar and the small crisis that they are dealing with. Special shout out Amanda for pointing out the grammatical errors and hopefully she will be one of our new columnists here. That's all for now. -Kevin
August 31st, 2002 |
Team Holly welcomes its newest member Noc. Check out his info in the members section. Links will be up in a few minutes and History will be up sometime tomorrow. That is all for now. Off for sleep to get ready for draft day tomorrow at Midgard. -Buddha
August 27th, 2002 |
Most of the links on the side menu aren't working. They shall be working within the next couple of days. I'm burning a little bit of the midnight oil to get as much of this site up and viewable as possible. Of course the format and layout of this site could change without notice. The following links work, Members and "Crackmonkey". The History and Links sections should be up sometime tomorrow. Decks should be up sometime by the end of the week and tournament reports won't be up until after the Onslaught Prerelease which is on September 28th. -Kevin
August 26th, 2002 |
Welcome to the official launch of the Team Holly web page. Allow me to be the first to welcome you to the world of Team Holly. Some may have already heard of us through The Realm of Dracomos. Our goal and mission with this website is basically to let you the readers find out more about this sometimes odd group of people with growing numbers. Heck even if you don't like Magic hopefully you can find something interesting here. For the time being this site will be under heavy construction until we get things under control. All questions, comments and hate mail can be sent to When Updates to the page happen, they will be posted on the main page here with the date that they changes or updates happened. Thanks for visiting and we hope you have as much fun here as we do bringing it to you. -Kevin |
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