

Movie Info


Sound Track



What if reality was false and your nightmares were true? Is the present the past and the future happening now? Thomas Anderson begins suspecting these questions. Anderson is a young man trying to live his life in the hustle and bustle of your typical modern-day metropolitan city. He has good friends, a loving family and ambitions to succeed in his job - working for the multi-national computer company 'Meta Cortechs'. But lately he has been plagued by a nightmare, a horrific dream of himself being physically wired against his will into a vast futuristic computer system - and every night he wakes up screaming at the point the electrodes pierce into his brain. As the dreams continue, his life suddenly begins taking a strange turn - most surrounding a leather clad woman whom seems to be determined to find something in the corporation. Anderson now begins having doubts about reality. Is he really here in a present day city, or is he wired up with millions of others into the massive 'Matrix' in the future - all blissfully unaware of where they really are?. If the later is true then how and why is he there? Who is he really? Is everyone else around him trapped like he is, or are they just computer projections? and most important of all - Who put him there and what will they do if they realise he suspects the truth?.


Designed and scripted by a2w051
Last updated 11 oct 99