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Colin's Place in Paradise

This is the place where you can come to check out all the lastest news and information on Colin. Be sure to tell your Colin-loving friends about this site because I'm sure they'll enjoy it, just like you. If you think you have what it takes to be named Colin's Fan of the Month, be sure to tell me and you just might be featured on this website. If you have any information about Colin, feel free to send it my way. And if you're one of the lucky ones to have met Colin, tell me about it, and if you want we can feature that under "Encounters." Most importantly, have fun with this website and thanks for checking it out.



January 5, 2003: Check out the Interviews page. I just added an interview with Colin from 2001. Be sure to check it out.

January 5, 2003: Colin will be taking part of the Real World/Road Rules Battle of the Sexes Challenge that premieres tomorrow on MTV at 10PM Eastern. Check out for more information. Be sure to check back here for more Colin updates as the season progresses.

February 3, 2001: For the first time ever 16 former cast members of "The Real World", including the entire New Orleans cast, will be appearing live on stage to share their experiences, talents and a lot of behind the scenes dirt.....with their biggest fans.. It will all be happening on February 17, 2001 at the Beacon Theater in Manhattan at 8PM. Heather B's gonna rap....Sharon's band is gonna play...and most importantly...the audience will get to ask questions to each cast member about anything and everything. All the dirt you never got to see. JUICY!!!! The New Orleans cast is gonna be there.... And from the past casts: Teck & Colin from Hawaii David from Seattle Dan from Miami Jon from Los Angeles & Puck....from San Francisco The tix are on sale now at Ticketmaster here.

February 3, 2001: Due to the lack of response for the Colin fan of the Month, I will not be able to continue to update it. If any one wants to be featured contact me, by filling out the form on the Colin fan of the Month page. As many of you know, not much is going on in the world of Colin, so there's not much to update on. If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to email me, by going to "Contact Me." I hope to hear from you soon.

November 24, 2000: Adrienne is named Colin's fan of the Month and Jess had an encounter with Colin she won't forget anytime soon. If you think you've got what it takes to be Colin's fan of the Month you've got until December 30, 2000 to enter.

November 3, 2000: New Sections: "Encounters", "Fan of the Month", "Colin Speaks on Friendship" and Real World Hawaii episode summaries. New Layout, more pictures including Colin 'naked' from his audition video from the Real World Hawaii. Also, be sure to check out and sign the new guestbook.

This site is not run by anyone affiliated with Colin Mortensen. Do not send questions for Colin to the site's webmaster. The HTML and graphics are Copyright©2000 Colin's Place in Paradise.