A man decides he need's a change of life so he takes up residence on Friars Island, Vermont, so that he can write his book on the Lake Champlain monster. When he gets there he finds himself an outsider. Soon he meet's a lady who is also somewhat new to the island and they fall in love. But then things take a turn for the bizaar in his research for the monster.
The tough thing about reviewing tis book is the fact that is really hard to mention anything about the book without giving away surprises. The book makes such a massive change in direction that it kind of threw mw for a huge loop. The book is not about what you think it is about.

With this book we see the bridge between all that Mr. Citro had written before and what was to come with "Deus-X". This book has elements from both style's and world's. It has legend in it, plus it has supernatural tendencies.
This book is as of now out of print, but if you go to bibliofind.com you might be able to track one down until this gets a re-print as most of the others are receiving.


I will be reviewing this book later, I am going to re-read it first since this is a very complex novel. But trust me, if all memory serves correct, buy it!


This is a book of "strange-but-true" tales from the past in New England. The tales range from the supernatural to the downright strange. Some of the tale's are hard to believe, but that is why the word "Skeptic" was made. Some though are hard to deny with the proof that is at hand. As a whole this is a very interesting book. The amazing thing to me is the fact that Mr. Citro has released two other books of this nature and has a new one coming out soon (which by the way may all be bought from his publisher, which you can get to by clicking here)! If he is trying to keep timid people away from his neck of the woods, he will succeed if he keeps these books coming out. Buy this book if you enjoy the real stories of the odd, if you aren't sure, buy it anyway! It can't hurt to try it out.


This is another one of Mr. Citro's books that deals with the "Strange but True" stories. The difference between this one and "Passing Strange" in that this one centers on Mr. Citro's beloved home state of Vermont. The book is full of stories that really do make you question the authenticity of them. What makes you really stop and wonder though is that there are plenty of people to back these stories up. These books are capable of making you start to think that there just might be ghost's. Order this from Mr. Citro himself at the below email address below.


Yet another true spook story book from Mr. Citro. This time he also centers on Vermont. The main difference here seems to be that he has really settled into how these stories are to be told. He give more back ground this time and you really get the feeling he is talking directly to you. I still have yet to finish this one, but so far it is my favorite of these books. Great stuff. Buy it by using his address (the best method in my opinion. Or by clicking on the book title and going to the publisher.


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