My name is Carl. I am a Horror junkie of all sorts. I thrive on the written word, the visual variety, plus the audio kind. The love of the Horror Novel started years ago. I was 12 years old and I walked into a book store wanting to find something to read, I still don't know what made me want to read a book at that time. But something did. I had grown up on Horror films thanks to my Mom. The first movie experience I had was at the age of 6 my Mom took me to

tto see the remake of "King Kong" sure the critics hated it, but to a 6 year old monster fan, this was a visual Mecca. So that day walking into the book store I knew I wanted to read something scarry. I walked in, looked to my right and saw an area that said "Horror"! Could it be, some people wrote nothing but this stuff! I walked right over there and knew this is where I would find the book I would read. I started scanning through the "A's", then I got to the "B's" and there was the book I would grab, buy, and then read: Robert Bloch's "Psycho II"! I was familiar with the story of Psycho, though at that point I had yet to see the movie (I had seen "Dawn of the Dead", but not "Psycho"!), but I wanted the book. I read it and loved it. Then I ran out and tracked down "Psycho". Then the reading died. I put all of my time into music. I became an expert in the world of Glam. The true Glam movement. Not Poison, but rather Hanoi Rocks, The Lords of the New Church, New York Dolls, T.Rex and so many more. I then found my way to the Punk scene. I put together band after band after band. Then one day I decided I wanted to read a book. Into a book store I walked. There before me was an omen: Robert Bloch's "Psycho House". I read it. I liked it.
Now through all that time I never gave up the Horror movie. I read Fangoria religiously. I kept noticing the name H.P. Lovecraft on movies. So I decided to read something of his. Two months later I had read all of his stories. Plus there was the other omen, Robert Bloch was connected to Lovecraft.
Then I read Dan Simmon's "Carrion Comfort". After that I wanted to write. That book was so amazing.
I found Joseph A. Citro a few years later when I noticed his book "Deus-X" was getting the most amazing reviews I had ever read. So, my Mom, the person who started it all, bought me the signed edition for Christmas at a time when she really shouldn't have. Now the book is one of my most prized items, and it thrills me to know that now I am doing something in return for one of those people who have given to me in a way.
So here is this page. I have not really slaved over it, and it shows. But I have tried to give some info to those who might not know anything of the man Joseph A. Citro. If there remain any question I do encourage email on any topic have to do with Horror or just question about Joseph Citro.
I am also an aspiring author (as I believe all hard-core readers are), so this page will also have a few updates about me spread through-out.
Please, Enjoy!

GET ME HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

I thought I would never shut-up!